The Death Knell

Chapter 3086 Returning Home

After returning to his own earth, Su Ming played the video of "the whole process of Wade's madness" recorded by Daisy on his mobile phone to the amnesiac Deadpool.

After reading it, Wade looked at his cousin and others with despairing eyes for a while, and then ran away, wiping his tears as he ran.

"I hate my cousin the most. He actually let so many big men enter my body when I was crazy. Hey, hey, hey! I don't want to see you! Unless you come to me waving banknotes!"

He wiped the 'tears' from the corner of his mouth and quickly got under the nearest sewer manhole cover.

In fact, he got new inspiration. It turns out that tentacles can still be played like this? He couldn't wait to find Xia Kaila and try out his new knowledge.

"Looks like he's back to normal."

Looking at the manhole cover that was still vibrating after being lifted off, Daisy breathed a sigh of relief. The location where they were now was New York, in an alley in a bustling neighborhood, blocked by trash cans and cardboard boxes collected by homeless people. In the eyes of the outside world, it was time for her to call it a day and go home. The time now happened to be dinner time:

"Captain, Inspector, how about having a meal together at my house? We can also have a girls' night and watch a zombie movie to calm down the mood?"

Carol thought for a while. Anyway, she would watch her mother train Xiao Qiao when she got home. Zombie movies were better than that, so she agreed:

"Well, then I will also go and see Hela. Waiter Gwen is also with you, right?"

"She doesn't want to live on campus, so she comes to my place almost every night." Daisy let go of the Meow Hammer, and the armor on her body faded away in a burst of brilliance, turning into her daily attire of jeans and a T-shirt: "Inspector And you?"

Black girl Monica smiled and nodded. She wanted to have more contact with other superheroes, let alone a big circle like New York.

"Thank you for the invitation, Miss Louise, then I won't bother you."

Seeing that both women agreed, Daisy smiled and patted her chest: "Then go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks first. Slade, tonight is a girls' night, so I won't invite you."

Having said that, she still rushed over and hugged Deathstroke before blinking and running away with a smile.

The speechless Carol rolled her eyes, stretched out her arms to hug Deathstroke, and patted his back: "Next time, come to my house for pie. Mary has been waiting for you to be a guest."

"Definitely next time." Su Ming responded with a smile: "If I'm not busy."

Satisfied, Captain Marvel took out a brown bomber jacket from his small waist bag, put it on outside his uniform, and set off to chase the escaped Daisy.

The black girl hesitated for a moment, and then stiffly hugged Deathstroke. Maybe this is the farewell etiquette of female superheroes?

She had to learn anyway.

"Goodbye, Mr. Deathstroke."

The hug of the Supreme Mage is just a touch, showing the perfect gentleman's demeanor:

"Haha, goodbye, Miss Lambeau. If you are not satisfied with your position in the port patrol, you can tell Carol and ask her to transfer you to the Sky Sword Bureau that is being formed."

Monica didn't know what Skyward Sword Bureau was, but it sounded like a more prestigious name than Port Patrol, so she relaxed and opened her flaming red lips:

"I'll remember it, thank you."

The girls all went shopping in a group, and there were only a few men left.

"It's time for Doom to leave." Doctor Doom watched the women leave, then looked down at Franklin in his arms, and cast a spell with one hand to open the portal: "Deathstroke, Doom is waiting for news from you."

"I remember your mother's affairs, and I have arranged for an adjutant to inform you that she will meet you soon." Su Ming shook hands with Doom and said goodbye, patting each other's arm seriously: "But I think it's better to keep this It would be better for the child to stay in New York and be taken care of by Susan."

"Similar to Doom's thoughts, Doom didn't have time to take care of him when he went to hell." With that, Doctor Doom nodded and stepped into the portal, presumably to secretly find Susan in the Baxter Building.

Franklin, who was lying in his arms, also raised his head and nodded to the death knell to say goodbye.

Tony was left in the end. He was still dazed and unknowingly stayed until the end.

Now that it was suddenly quiet, he felt so embarrassed being stared at by Deathstroke, so he pretended to be in pain and covered the back of his head with his hands, turned around quickly, and loudly gave orders to the AI ​​butler.

"Jarvis, help me make an appointment with the best neurosurgery expert on the planet. I want to go for a physical examination."

"Sir, the best neurosurgery expert is Dr. Strange, who is now a wizard and affiliated with Karma Taj."

"Well, then find me the second best one. Anyway, don't mention anything about magic to me now. I have a headache!" Tony waved his hand towards the death knell and flew away quickly, very slowly and awkwardly.

Su Ming, who was standing alone in the alley, narrowed his eyes and looked at Iron Man flying away with his hands tied in a girlish pose:

"This kid is still so rude, Lieutenant, where is Cassandra now?"

"Ms. Cassandra is currently in the Port of Madrid and is selling a batch of counterfeit steel suits to buyers in the Middle East. Do you need me to send someone to stop her?"

The adjutant's voice sounded in her ears again, her tone full of joy. After installing the pain module, she became more and more human.

"No need, the monkey version of the mecha is not even a neighborhood-level threat, so there is no need to pay attention. You handed her the news that Tony was going to see a doctor through a broiler on the dark web. This woman must also miss her ex-boyfriend. Alright?"

"What a dark plan, Sheriff." The adjutant praised with a smile, and immediately began to execute the order, and then asked: "Then what are your plans next? Do you need me to inform Gin to return to the mountain villa from Vanaheim?"

Gin is not on earth on weekdays. Wilson Enterprises was managed by professional managers decades ago. She only does remote control and accounting work.

Otherwise, business involves all aspects of human life, with tens of thousands of factories and branches spread all over the world. Even if she doesn't hire people, she, as a Valkyrie, will be too busy.

"No, today I want to inspect my own earth, a private visit incognito." Deathstroke raised his head and looked at the sunset in the sky from the gap between the tall buildings: "Deadpool and Peter made an appointment to play games, but look It seems that my cousin is going to miss the appointment, where are those little spiders now?"

"They are at the junction of New York and New Jersey, at the former site of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters. It seems they sneaked in. Maybe they were training, maybe they were flirting." The adjutant projected a video of her hacking into the underground of the academy. Monitor the training room and take pictures of the current situation there.

It was said to be training, but Su Ming only saw Peter with a blushing face being thrown around by the girls like a sandbag. Every time there was physical contact, he bent over in embarrassment to cover something up, but there was a hint of expectation on his face. .

"Did you steal the X-Men's danger room? You actually let them sneak in through the defense facilities. It's quite clever, but the training effect is indeed not very serious."

Su Ming sighed and took out two robot heads from his pocket:

"Forget it, I'll go find them right now. These two heads are the information of this parallel world. Take them and prepare to take over the cancerous universe. Seal them and preserve them."

"Thank you for the gift, Sheriff, it's being transmitted." The deputy was obviously even happier, with a smile on the doll's delicate face.

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