The Death Knell

Chapter 3087 A kind person passing by

Professor Xu turned into a balloon-shaped cloud when the old days came, and was still tied to Daisy's arm. He still didn't say a word when he returned to 40K Earth, and naturally he went to attend the girls' night.

She seems to like Daisy quite a bit, maybe because Daisy is carefree and seems to have a big mouth.

But the Divine Spear Bureau is one of our own in the true sense. Xu Xian deliberately lowered his sense of existence. Was he trying to get information? Or is it adhering to the tradition of speaking less and listening more?

Anyway, seeing her being dragged away by Daisy like a white cat-headed balloon, Deathstroke didn't want to care.

After handing the two machine heads to his adjutant and making arrangements to take over the cancerous universe, Su Ming flew to New Jersey and arrived in a blink of an eye.

Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters is still the same as before, a huge sinkhole with a damp bottom. When Charles moved, Su Ming packed up the building and took away the entire lawn and trees outside. But there are always some things that cannot be taken away.

The surface buildings are classrooms and dormitories, while the underground is the original base of the X-Men.

Including the spherical room where the brainwave amplifier was stored, Jean Gray's biochemical laboratory, weapons depot and hangar, those were naturally taken away because they were buried relatively shallowly.

But there is no need to bring the 'danger room' in the deepest part of the ground. It is originally a large cavity dug out fifty meters underground. The surrounding walls are reinforced with metal plates and some projection equipment is arranged. It is complete. .

Move an underground cave to a Pacific island? Might as well dig a new one over there. So the entrance to this underground space is still on the side of the bottom of the pit, and it looks like a den of some kind of beast.

When the mutants moved, they obviously took their AI host 'Danger' with them. The current Danger Room is at best a space that can provide a virtual venue through several projectors, and cannot automatically generate virtual enemies. , there is no way to simulate the destruction effect.

But the little spiders are sparring anyway, so they don't need any virtual monsters.

Passing through the originally cut-off entrance, Deathstroke hiding in the darkness looked at Peter. In the battlefield environment set up as a virtual city by the children, the lights were not too dazzling.

After just watching for a while, Su Ming felt that Peter seemed to have awakened some serious preference. Being thrown on his back and pinned by the girls made him feel pain and happiness.

We have known for a long time that he is a weak-minded otaku, but fortunately he did not find a strong man like Hulk or Thor to wrestle, otherwise he would really be out of sight.




As the girls took turns beating him, he made all kinds of suspicious sounds. If you didn't look at the picture, you might be tempted to turn away.

"This still doesn't work."

Although the underground space is spacious and secluded, it is a bit depressing. Gwen Spider, who was resting and wiping her sweat, was not very happy at this moment. She held her face with her little hands and squatted on the edge of the field to watch the spider throw Peter with its back:

"We are not very good at fighting. We all learned our moves from movies and TV series. Even if we use Peter as an imaginary enemy, he cannot seriously attack us. At the end of the day, there is no training effect at all."

MJ had already seen through everything. With a half-smiling expression on her face, she whispered to Gwen: "Actually, look at him, he seems to be enjoying it, hehe."

Especially Spider Silk. When she and Peter were sparring, both of them had different expressions, as if they were in a state of confusion and infatuation, but they still tried their best to restrain themselves, which was very interesting.

Gwen rolled her eyes cutely and grabbed the ends of her golden hair with her hands: "I'm talking about serious things, what are you thinking about? Don't look at them, help me think of a solution, we need some more Professional training.”

Although the adults in the Avengers will always take the lead when encountering big dangers, the Spider Girl Alliance cannot be without fighting power and must be prepared for danger in times of peace.

"Gwen, isn't your father the police chief? Can you find an instructor from the police force to train us?" Mary Jane panted and rubbed her wrists. She recently broke up with Harry Osborn and vented her depression on During training, I overdid it a bit.

After Harry's father disappeared, his whole personality changed drastically, becoming mysterious and neurotic.

Mary, Peter, and Harry grew up together. Her boyfriend Harry was originally gentle and elegant, and he was a wealthy and handsome man. But now his sudden change has made Mary afraid. She feels that she doesn't actually understand him, so maybe she should retreat. The level of friends is better.

"He's just the deputy chief, and it's not okay to ask the police coach to train him." Gwen rubbed his head, lay down on the floor, and stretched his limbs: "Although we are rookies, we still have super powers. Moreover, everyone can generally jump to a height of more than four meters and do ten backflips in three seconds, which makes ordinary people’s fighting routines useless to us.”

After hearing what her friends said, the black girl Liz sighed, hugged her legs and buried her head in her knees.

She has also been a little worried recently because her father suddenly became rich recently, but it seems that the money was not earned by his engineering team.

She asked her father, but the man just smiled and told her to go and play with her friends and not to worry about adult matters. It was his job to support the family.

But thinking of the adults, she suddenly had an idea, and immediately happily told the girls: "We can use the spider web to find Spider-Man from the parallel world to train us. If you think about it, it is equivalent to us finding our future selves."

As people recognized by the Spider Totem, of course they also have permission to enter the spider web, but they need to register with Sepurk. In the past, they were a little afraid of parallel worlds, so they had not been there yet, and they had only learned bits and pieces from the Weaver Master. I got some news.

"It's useless to look for it. What can you learn from learning to play chess with a bad chess basket?"

Deathstroke suddenly emerged from the darkness and joined the girls in their conversation.

The red one-eyed goggles suddenly lit up in the darkness, which startled them, but the girls quickly reacted and greeted politely, feeling a little guilty.

Because this cave is strictly Professor X's personal property, they were caught stealing.

Su Ming saw through their thoughts and just waved his hands to signal everyone to relax: "It's okay, Charles and the others have moved away. This is just a hole in the ground. It's empty. You can just use it. I'll just say hello to him later." He actually likes you enthusiastic kids."

"Really? Then I'm relieved." MJ patted his flat chest, smiled and exhaled, and then asked after rolling his eyes: "I heard from a mutant friend that the X-Men originally had a AI can control everything in the danger room and simulate a real battlefield. Can you help us ask Professor X to make a copy of it?"

"Don't push yourself too far." Su Ming knocked her on the head and shook her head speechlessly. Michelle Jones was the liveliest and most daring girl among the girls: "Those who know about the existence of 'danger' should be members of the X-Men. If you make this request to Charles, you are betraying your friend."

It seemed like it was her idea to sneak into other people's homes.

"But don't you know that too?" Michelle muttered, covering her head.

"Because I am Deathstroke. When Charles was young, I often lurked under his bed at night, so he has no secrets from me." Su Ming took off his mask, and the armor on his body squirmed into casual clothes, smiling He winked at her.

"Hey, I don't believe it. He's so old and you're so young, and vice versa." The Latin girl didn't believe in the urban legend of Deathstroke at all, especially after actually seeing him, she didn't think he was a devil.

It was Gwen who interrupted the chat between the two. She was still thinking about business: "Mr. Deathstroke, you just said that we can't get effective teachings from Spider-Man in the parallel world. Is that true?"

"It's true. Among the many Spider-Man, only Yamashiro Takuya and a few others have received professional fighting training, but all they know are killing skills. Do you want to kill people?" Su Ming took out some drinks from his pocket and gave him a rest. The girls each had a bottle.

The girls took the drinks, but they all shook their heads at the same time. They just wanted to be superheroes, but they didn't want to kill people.

Su Ming nodded and continued: "Then do you have money? If you do, I can introduce you to a good teacher. But it's best to make a decision quickly and stop Peter. He and the spider silk are going to eat together."

Several girls turned around and saw that it was just as Deathstroke said. The two people wrestling in the field had turned into caressing each other. If they didn't stop, something inappropriate for children might happen.

"Stop! Xiao Bichi!" X4

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