The Death Knell

Chapter 3092 Private Meeting

While Fury was driving the duck around New York City, Su Ming was eating in the manager's office of a street fast food restaurant.

The Wilson fast food chain was not only a place to collect street intelligence, but also a safe house and a meeting place. The person dining with him at this time was the black widow wearing a black jacket and a brown sweatshirt hood.

"Fury has been very mysterious recently." Natasha licked her fingers. There was so much butter in the beef burger that it melted into her hands: "Although he was elusive in the past, he has become more mysterious recently, even going out. With only eagle eyes, I was wondering, is he starting to doubt me?"

Su Ming took out the paper towel on the table, wiped the corners of the girl's mouth, and said with a smile: "No, other girls may be suspected, but you are trusted by him, don't forget who your guarantor is. .”

"Aww! It's Steve." Black Widow took the opportunity to smile and bit his finger, rubbing it gently with her teeth like a kitten, and said in a vague voice: "Speaking of which, Fury knows your true identity. , won’t you tell the captain?”

"No, because Fury understands that he can't prove his statement."

Su Ming was used to being teased by these girls from the red house in various ways. He hit her on the head with his backhand, took back his hand and continued eating his instant noodles.

There's no way to prove it. There was no DNA technology in the era when Deathstroke faked his death. A homeless man was buried in the coffin, and Mr. Slade never left any biological data during his lifetime.

Even if Fury digs Mr. Wilson's grave, it won't prove that Deathstroke is Steve's godfather, and it will only make Captain America fall out with him.

Steve already felt guilty towards his godfather for pulling out his arm at the funeral. If Fury dared to dig up the grave of the deceased, the captain would probably beat him up like a red skull, and Bucky wouldn't even stop him.

Except for Tony, most of the Avengers respect Steve and are willing to obey the captain's orders.

Fury naturally understands that in order to prove the identity of a dead person, even if it is for Steve's benefit, it will only cause misunderstandings, and the input and output are not commensurate at all.

"Well, the premise is that Fury is still sane, but I feel that something is wrong with him recently, just intuitively. He must have some big plan to hide from me." Natasha's eyes narrowed, Put the burger into your mouth and slowly lick your lips with your little tongue.

"If you are interested, go and investigate. How are Coulson and the others lately?"

Su Ming rolled the noodles with a plastic fork. He hadn't eaten instant noodles for a long time, but he still missed it occasionally.

"I heard that Coulson died once, but he seemed to be resurrected by some secret project." Natasha picked up the French fries on the side wordlessly and stirred up the ketchup: "You made me pay attention to Skye. , She is indeed very powerful, she seems to be a natural agent, maybe people with a background as a hacker have stronger logical thinking ability?"

"She is an alien. This is a gift. Her mother Jia Ying has always been in Shangri-La, Nepal. Their faction of aliens has always been under my nose. They can also be used to check Attilan."

As Deathstroke spoke, he picked up the noodle bowl and took a sip of the soup, which was full of flavor.

"Well, speaking of which, do you remember Fury's wife?" Natasha bit the fries into her mouth bit by bit with her front teeth like a squirrel, and talked about other things: "And Sitwell, that bald guy ?”

"What's wrong with them?" Deathstroke nodded, raised his eyebrows with interest, and stretched the corners of his mouth: "Valentina Ellenrager di Fontaine, code name Baroness, of course I remember, yes, and that one A bald guy with four eyes and gold-rimmed glasses."

"Fury knew that they were once Hydra, but he whitewashed them and set up a separate team for them. It seemed that he was very sure that he could control these surrendered Hydra agents. I was thinking, our gangsters Did the bald director have some brainwashing drugs?"

After hearing Natasha's doubts, Su Ming thought for a second: "No, it's because these two people are not actually fanatical Hydra lunatics. Not only do they not believe in the 'Nine-Headed True God', they also want what they want. It’s also very realistic, and that’s what Fury can give them.”

Valentina was born into a British aristocratic family. Her father was also a teammate of the first generation of superheroes, the Union Jack. Her specialty was dealing with vampires and unnatural creatures. She was also a family friend of the famous Van Helsing family.

She has been well-dressed and well-fed since she was a child, and has been locked up in the family castle to live the happy life of a British noble. This makes the eldest lady yearn for an exciting life in her heart.

For example, becoming a spy is very exciting, but becoming a double agent is even more exciting.

Rather than saying that she is a pure Hydra, it is better to say that she has joined two opposing spy agencies at the same time, enjoying the fun of dancing on the tip of the knife.

Now, Fury generously pardoned her after imprisoning her for many years. He may have selfish motives, but after this news comes out, Hydra will only suspect that the Baroness has rebelled, and they will regard her as a thorn in their side.

Traitors are often the most hateful.

In this way, Valentina's image in the eyes of others is that she betrayed both SHIELD and HYDRA.

Almost everyone in the world is her enemy. Unless she seeks refuge with Leviathan or the Spear of God, the only person she can rely on is Fury, which is simply irritating to the heavens.

The possibility of taking refuge in Leviathan is almost non-existent. Those furry bears are keen on sterilizing women, and many women cannot accept this.

As for the Divine Spear Bureau, Zheng Xian is a standard Chinese man. He is only more wary of foreign girls with blond hair and blue eyes. Moreover, he does not accept traitors from other organizations. China is vast, rich in resources, and full of talents, so there is no need to make him embarrassed.

But Su Ming thinks that Valentina should be quite happy now.

As for the little bald Sitwell, he only wanted to make money when he joined Hydra. As long as he gave him enough money and frightened him a few times, he would never be able to return to Hydra because of the leak of the news. Went to the edge.

This is a typical divorce tactic by Fury. It seems that Braised Egg has not been idle these years, and he is really interested in the art of war?

I explained these things to Natasha, and she nodded repeatedly, as if she had "learned", but she still let out a small sigh:

"Sure enough, Fury still can't compare to you in terms of darkness. The principal is so awesome, hee hee."

"This is nothing to brag about, it's just intelligence analysis, but you should pay attention to Fury's recent secret plan. I have a hunch that he may be planning to play tricks." The death knell revealed the black light ring on his hand and slowly turned it holding it.

"I will tell the sisters, are you leaving?"

Black Widow seemed a little reluctant to leave. In fact, she hadn't seen the principal for a long time, but this was the fate of a spy.

"Originally I planned to wander around and watch the customs and customs of New York at night." Su Ming stood up and touched Natasha's head: "But something seems to have changed. Let's go to the back alley of the fast food restaurant to have a look. "

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