The Death Knell

Chapter 3093 Where bad things happen

It was already the beginning of the lights, the lights in New York City were brightly lit, and the skyscrapers in the distance were filled with poor people who could not go home because of overtime work.

However, this is also one of the best times for fast food restaurants. Customers and takeaways come and go in the store, the poor glass door is pushed open and squeaks, and the aroma of grease permeates the store.

Natasha wore a mask, only revealing a pair of big eyes to look at the road.

Ever since she heard from Deathstroke that "wearing sunglasses at night is abnormal," she always wore a mask when she wanted to hide her identity. She paired it with the hood of her leather jacket and lowered her head slightly when walking, so she didn't have to worry. Expose yourself.

The two walked out of the fast food restaurant. Deathstroke looked at the glowing black light ring on his hand and followed its guidance to the alley aside.

The location of Wilson fast food chain is very particular. It will not be in a place with too many people or in an area with too few people. The security in the nearby blocks will not be very good. Facilities such as street lights are sometimes not available, and light bulbs are not available. Often knocked out periodically, leaving room for darkness to exist.

In European and American literature and film and television works, something always happens in the back alleys at night, some bad things happen.

Some people will die here, some people will live a life worse than death here, and some people will conduct evil transactions here. In short, ordinary people living in a city like New York should just not go into the alleys after dark.

Deathstroke is also an ordinary person, but he is the kind of person who likes to use darkness as a protective color. He found it interesting to see a lot of frightened cockroaches crawling out of the trash can in the alley when someone approached.

The black light ring has been sending a cold signal, reminding him that there are undead creatures deep in the alley hundreds of meters ahead. This is worth taking a look.

Earth 40K now has four holy sanctuaries. The protective arrays are operating normally. The technological protection A-net obtained from the Men in Black universe has also been put online. This time, even the reality hub in the swamp has been sent to watch. Undead How did creatures come to the real dimension?

A vampire? Or is it a joke on Hela?

Well, Leonid should still be camping in the swamp. Just let him stay for a few more days and live a life of peace and quiet. Just don't tell him that he is back.

Thinking about these walks, Su Ming also chatted with Black Widow: "The motorcycle you chose is good."

When she passed by the store just now, she was still running to lock her car. It was a very stylish antique Wilson motorcycle.

Well, if it were placed in other parallel universes, people would definitely recognize the familiar shape of the vehicle as the classic Halley's Comet, but who calls this Earth 40K? Here, it's called the Wilson Comet Motorcycle.

Plagiarism, copycat, homage, you name it, no one knows the truth except Gwen.

Natasha, who was praised, used her little finger to hook the red hair that covered her eyes, and accepted the compliment with a smile: "I asked the captain to borrow it. The money he earned from drawing comics has basically turned into various motorcycle collections. "

"That's right. After people have lived for so many years, they have to have some hobbies, as long as they don't develop to the extreme level of the Universe Presbyterian Church." After going deep into the darkness, the suit on Deathstroke squirmed and turned into black and yellow armor, with red diamond-shaped eyepieces. It lit up, and his voice became like a demon whispering.

"That shouldn't happen. His favorite thing is Bucky. By the way, talking about this, I think of a funny thing."

The little villain Natasha made a suppressed laugh behind her mask. She took one of Deathstroke's arms and whispered some gossip:

"Not long ago, when I was working at Sanfei Decoration, I suddenly wanted to go up to the rooftop to enjoy the breeze. I accidentally saw the negotiation between Carter's aunt and nephew break down. Peggy and Sharon were so quarreling that they almost got into a fight, just to compete for history. Tiff, I guess that’s not the first time we’ve had an argument, шикарно.”

She herself has liked to climb high and look far since she was a child, but she used to climb the buildings on Red Square, but later switched to climbing the Empire State Building, sitting on the edge of the rooftop and dangling her legs, which can be considered a personal hobby.

"It's indeed quite fashionable, just like a soap opera." Su Ming also revealed a malicious smile behind his mask: "However, we still have to find a way to make them all jealous of the Winter Soldier."

"And Falcon, he has been playing very well with Captain and Bucky recently. When the three grown men are together, the atmosphere is a bit pink, so disgusting, including him." Natasha shook the death knell. Arm, made a new suggestion.

"Sam, after all, his surname is Wilson, so I can't bear to tease him."

Deathstroke picked up a dead rat in front of him with some emotion, held it by its tail and pinned it to his belt, and suddenly changed his subject:

"But he is a black man, so let's add him. First let Sharon and Paige think that Steve is going to become a bender, and then we can expand this misunderstanding and see if we can see any good show."

"Hehe, it sounds interesting, but what's the specific plan?" Natasha found it interesting just thinking about that scene. Is it a Shura field for both men and women? And Steve was kept in the dark.

Deathstroke had already planned it, so adding a Falcon temporarily wouldn’t make much difference:

"Hiri opened a bar in New York, right in Hell's Kitchen, two streets away from Margaret's Sisters Bar. It's called Big Bird. It's filled with people of all genders and orientations. You know? Just trick Steve there and I will arrange the manpower."

"Well, it's settled." Natasha held Deathstroke's arm and kicked it upwards. She raised her hand and pulled out a small pistol from her boot. She gestured with her chin to the dead end of the alley in front of her: "Principal, this is Is it what you’re looking for?”

At the end of the alley, only the faint moonlight shines through the gaps between the tall buildings, making it almost pitch black.

The surrounding walls were covered with graffiti of various colors, and the smell of feces and urine permeated the airless alley.

The cul-de-sac is filled with cardboard boxes and all kinds of old furniture. It is obviously the home of some homeless people. Like beavers building dams, they collect cardboard boxes and tattered clothes to build their own 'houses of cards'. To survive the cold nights.

Normal people may not feel cold in summer nights, but homeless people have almost no fat in their bodies due to malnutrition. When people are hungry, they will feel that there is no heat in their bodies.

This is why many homeless people like to squat next to waste gasoline barrels all day long to warm themselves up, because their weakness makes their lives like candles in the wind, and they need external fire to make up for it.

I just wonder if they will be like the little match girl, seeing their relatives and roast goose in the light of the fire?

Thinking about what was there and what was not, Su Ming still did not delay the matter. He nodded to Natasha as a warning, and walked up to ask the figure crouching in the corner with his back to the two of them:

"Brother, are you eating?"

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