The Death Knell

Chapter 3094 Back Alley Gourmet

The man squatting in the corner had indeed been eating, and Su Ming could hear his slurping sound from a distance.

However, after bypassing the fortress made of these cardboard boxes, it became more intuitive to see this strong man in a yellow tights lying on a homeless man who was still staring at death, eating the 'goodies' in his belly.

There was a large pool of blood on the ground. The tramp's skull was completely shattered and his brain was missing. He had obviously been eaten.

But leaving all the bones ungnawed and choosing to eat the offal as the second step is quite a bit like a beast.

Many beasts on the African savannah will eat their offal first after hunting, because the warm blood is rich in nutrients, and the liver and heart can also replenish trace elements. The principle is similar to that of goats licking stones to absorb salt.

Hearing the words of the death knell, the man who was still chewing the intestines of the deceased turned his face.

Under the moonlight, he showed a rotten and cruel smile. The gap between his teeth was full of flesh and brain. He was a black man, but his facial features had rotted away and his gums were exposed. The smile was more like the sequelae of muscle atrophy.

I have to say that he was dressed in a rather retro style, wearing a yellow tights and a green headband on his head. Although he looked a bit like some kind of vigilante or villain, he looked more like the TV show in the past. A muscular man doing aerobics in a TV show.

"Fresh brains! Don't leave! Give me a taste of your brains!"

Seeing the two of them, the strong man who was addicted to large intestine sashimi immediately became happy. He obviously liked eating other people's brains more than offal, but he probably wanted to make up for what he was missing. He was obviously a bit stupid.

Zombies who can talk can't even say the word "please"?

Deathstroke doesn't like rude people, especially black people.

However, he still raised a hand to stop Natasha from shooting. He calmly watched the black man in tights get up from the ground with difficulty and staggered towards the two of them.

Halfway through, this man even broke a leg, and a lot of white maggots fell out of the broken leg. It was obvious that his body had rotted away.

"Hey, you just came back from the cancerous universe, and you are going to start a biohazard for me? I said that I have been wandering around for a long time, and the hints were so obvious. Mr. President didn't come to me. It turns out that the fun is not over yet."

Deathstroke sighed. He put his hand into his pocket and fumbled around. He took out a titanium phone and took a picture of the swaying zombie:

"But buddy, your eating habits are really not that good. Look, your uniform is all wet and wet."

As soon as the flash came on, the zombie turned his head to avoid it.

He probably didn't understand what "Shui Pi Bar Soup" meant. The word was in Chinese, but the living dead understood that the death knell was talking about his uniform, and he really wiped it on his chest uniform with his hands full of blood, like It was intended to erase those traces, as if it was a habitual action before an interview.

He seems to take good care of his clothes.

But he just wiped the pool of blood bigger, and the chest of the yellow tights was covered with dense bloody handprints, as if someone had tried to resist his bite, but ultimately failed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so dirty, but I'm so hungry. Please, let me bite you, just one bite."

After cleaning up the blood on his chest, the black zombie jumped towards the death knell. He continued to drool along it, and the black Adam's apple rolled obviously.

"Principal? This is a zombie." Natasha raised her gun and asked Su Ming for his opinion.

"Ah, I know, but just because they are zombies, there is nothing to be afraid of." Su Ming patted his gauntlets, and the promethium metal formed by strangulation jingled: "I have never told you about the classification of zombies before. Learn?"

"I've been in SHIELD for so long, I've seen a few zombie incidents, but they were all on the magic side, like the "Grasp of Darkness" codex." Natasha shrugged, saying that she was also a knowledgeable person. Although I don’t understand magic, I probably still know it.

Comrade Principal was very happy. He nodded and said that we would elaborate on it later. Then he looked at the figure hopping on one leg:

"Friend, your legs and feet are inconvenient now. If the two of us try to run away, you will definitely not be able to catch up. How about this? I'll ask you a few questions, and if you answer them well, I'll give you meat to eat. How about that?"

"I want to eat brains, but meat is fine too, thank you."

The zombie was a little happy. He wanted to show a kind smile, but all he could do was have his upper and lower jaws clashing together.

He really stopped, and the golden rooster swayed independently and stood still. He was still swallowing hard, and his eyes were still shining with red light.

"First question, what is your name? Where do you come from?"

Death Knell, who took a few steps back and treated himself like a carrot on a stick, asked two questions first, but when he said it was one, it was one.

"My name is Luke Cage, and people call me Wonder Man. I come from another Earth in the parallel universe, but our world has no food. Mr. Fantastic Reed thought of a good way to give us a chance to go Looking for a way to survive in the multiverse."

While answering the questions, the black zombie was licking the blood on his palms, speaking intermittently, as if there was phlegm stuck in his throat, and his voice was uncomfortable.

Su Ming sighed, turned to Black Widow and said, "If I had known earlier, I should have killed all the bitches Reed in the multiverse. It's good now that Reed in the parallel world can still continue to cause trouble for me."

"There are too many parallel worlds. My dear boss, you can't kill them all." Natasha has already seen that the principal is playing with zombies. The other party has sanity and thinking, but it is not as irrational as a beast. Zombies are a big threat.

She simply put down her gun. Anyway, the principal was blocking the way, so he must have a plan.

"Well, Mr. Cage, it's nice to meet you, and I hope you like the taste of the homeless people on this earth. I wonder if bedbugs and fleas affect the taste?" Deathstroke turned his head and continued the previous topic with a smile.

This is a position and a very vague question. It is used to paralyze the zombies' thinking. It is also a kind of temptation.

"It's very good, very fragrant, as long as it's meat." Zombie Cage swallowed again, and even stopped talking for a few seconds before he continued with his maggot tongue licking between his teeth: "Anyway, bed bugs and fleas It’s all meat, and if other people stay on our earth, they won’t have to eat it.”

Well, this kind of zombie has no sense of smell, never changes clothes in his life, and the homeless man who showers depends on the weather says it smells good, which shows that he doesn't rely on his sense of smell to hunt.

When I was photographed just now, I turned my head to dodge. Did I rely on my eyesight?

At the same time, he obviously has companions, and he also mentioned a parallel earth that was eaten away, including bed bugs and fleas.

"Is that so? Do you know what your earth number is? Each parallel world in the multiverse has a number. It is the classification method of the gods." Deathstroke removed his mask and revealed his face with a sincere smile. .

"I don't know. That's what scientists only care about. Can I eat you?" Luke couldn't bear it any longer. He even shed two tears of blood: "I'm sorry, I really don't want to be so arrogant. But I’m really hungry, please, let me bite you first, I’ll tell you anything.”

"Don't worry, the last question is, how did you come to this earth? You should remember this, right?"

Deathstroke nodded in understanding, raised his hands and slowly lowered them, signaling Wonder Man to calm down.

"A door. Reed made many doors and launched them into the multiverse. When someone picks up the door on the other side and tries to activate it, we can pass through that door." After saying that, the one-legged zombie started to jump. As he moved forward, he stretched out his rotten hands and his stained nails towards Deathstroke, trying to scratch his shoulders.

But Su Ming took a step back: "One more question, how many doors have you activated? How many people have entered these cross-border doors?"

"More than three thousand doors, I don't know exactly how many people there are. Please, don't leave, let me eat some of your meat, you smell so good." He tripped under his feet in anxiety, and Luke fell. , but he crawled towards the death knell on his hands and knees, like a bereaved dog.

But he didn't eat the delicious meat in the end. He only heard the death knell pronounce an unfamiliar word.


Where is the figure in front of him? only darkness remains

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