The Death Knell

Chapter 3095 A Warehouse

Deathstroke sighed, threw away the dead rat on his waist, turned to look at Black Widow, and explained:

"Actually, I really plan to feed him this mouse. I can feed him the brains and meat, but I hate it the most when people beg me. It's a kind of kidnapping. Do you understand? He can't take away what I give him. If I don’t give it to him, he can’t steal it.”

"Yeah, yeah, it's a kidnapping. He deserves to die anyway. He was meant to be dead."

Natasha walked to the headless zombie body, turned it over with her boots, and then put on gloves to check.

But as soon as she put her hand on the corpse's chest, before she could exert any force, fragments of flesh and blood, brown body fluids, and lumps of maggots spurted out from the esophagus and trachea of ​​the neck.

"Ugh! It's really disgusting."

The female agent who was born in the Red House also curled her lips in disgust, but her willpower was much stronger than Tony's. She still insisted on searching the body carefully before standing up and shaking her head at Su Ming:

"I don't have a mobile phone or ID. I'm afraid the clues are broken."

If you have a mobile phone, you will have a signal to locate him. Even if his number is not from this earth, the mobile phone is set to automatically try to contact nearby base stations, so you can determine his past route through triangulation.

If you have documents, you can verify whether what he told you before is true. What if he lied? Although he looks very polite, he is a zombie after all.

Natasha's thinking is very clear, at least better than Tony's.

"This is my earth. No one can pass by without leaving traces." Deathstroke pointed to the top of his head and pressed his ears with a smile: "Adjutant, call up the satellite surveillance in this area and let us take a look at this person. My gourmet friend’s route of action during his lifetime, well, not even during his lifetime, anyway, when he was able to move, you know.”

The Adjutant does understand.

She projected a map of the city, then enlarged part of it, marked a red dot on it, and started to turn back time. The red dot quickly drew a zigzag red line.

In addition, two other lines extend from the place where the red dot arrives. It is obvious that this person brought two companions with him when he arrived at Earth 40K.

Sure enough, he wasn't completely telling the truth.

"Very good. I just tasted his head. He has no memory and his brain is completely rotten. But the virus on his body is contagious. I sent my android army to secretly blockade all the blocks where the red line passes and check Are all people in the area infected? Inform the resident master of the New York Temple to activate the magic circle, and then hand the body to several archliches in the Sky Council for study."

"Yes, Sheriff, transmission in progress."

The corpse disappeared in a burst of blue light, and was replaced by several identical men in black suits. After they arrived, they used the flamethrowers they carried to clean up the scene and worked efficiently without saying a word.

First, everything was burned. Cardboard boxes, broken furniture, and the bodies of homeless people were all turned into coke in the almost white high-temperature flames.

Then they changed their equipment, carried equipment that looked like pesticide cans, and started washing the floor with chemical reagents. They obviously had experience in dealing with biochemical crises.

"Okay, let me think about it, they first appeared in this place." Deathstroke matched the route map with the map in his mind, and immediately had an idea: "Isn't this a warehouse?"

"Isn't this a warehouse?"

Howard the Duck got out of the car and looked at the building lying on the roadside like a giant beast in the dark, and his stiff duck mouth curled up.

He had originally thought very well. Would the property listed under the name of the United Nations be a villa and manor like Professor X's hometown?

The old manor is good to use as a base, but it would be nice to be more modernized. I'm afraid it will cost money to renovate it. It's so annoying. I don't know if the start-up capital of 30 million is enough? Should we build a swimming pool? As a white-haired duck, it’s normal to like taking a bath, right?

It's fine now, all the worries are gone.

In front of me is a barbed wire fence surrounding a huge three-storey warehouse, which is worse than an airport hangar, even though the hangar is still an old item from the Cold War era.

What the hell is this place? There are weeds growing on the curb stones on the roadside! And the human-shaped hole in the barbed wire fence? Are you serious? What is the difference between this and no defense?

As if he felt the duck's disgusted gaze, Nick Fury's expression did not change at all. His face may have been lost in the battlefield of World War II. At this time, the corner of his mouth crooked and he opened his mouth:

"It's remote enough here. For our line of work, a secluded and safe location is the first choice."

It's a pity that Duck is not an ordinary person. He doesn't believe it at all. He just looks at Fury like a monkey and sees how he continues to make it up.

However, Fury has acted his whole life, so why should he explain it to others?

He just picked up the tablet in his hand and shook it towards Howard the Duck, signaling the other party not to forget that he still had the handle.

Sure enough, the strange duck immediately became sluggish and lowered his head as if resigned to his fate.

In this way, Lu Dan even felt that the black fur coat on his body became more vivid. He got through the human-shaped hole in the barbed wire fence and motioned to Eagle Eye who had parked the car to follow him:

"Come on, Mr. Dark, I will first take you to visit this secret base hidden under the warehouse, and then introduce to you the twelve team members I carefully selected. Although there are a few thorns among them, I believe You will have a way of leading them.”

Are all those $30 million for ducks? No, that's just a prize pool. Fury has already made arrangements.

Duck is an outsider and doesn't have much force. He can only rely on spending money and chicken soup to control his subordinates. The duck is eloquent and brings its own chicken soup. Fury only needs to add another board, and the ship can sail across the multiverse!

When he heard that there was an underground base, Wei Ya's face looked much better. He comforted himself, maybe it was because the buildings on the ground were in tatters and the underground was very high-tech?

fair enough.

So with shaky steps, he jumped over the human-shaped hole and followed Fury, letting Hawkeye follow behind.

Clint was more cautious when crossing the fence. He looked at the gaps in the barbed wire because he remembered that these holes did not exist when he last came here.

However, it is nothing to lead the king of agents, so what does a sixth-level agent like me have to say? Just keep up.

The two of them walked under the moonlight. The moonlight was like water, especially gentle. It made their shadows look as ferocious as monsters, and just like that, they disappeared into deeper darkness.

"The hidden elevator is good." He opened the small door next to the large rolling shutter door of the warehouse, passed through the shelves filled with miscellaneous items, turned left and right and came to an ordinary toilet, watching Fury open the secret passage, Duck praised.

But Fury, who was praised, did not show any joy. He just turned to look at Hawkeye, made a tactical gesture, took out his pistol and turned on the safety:

"It smells like blood."

"Let me be in front, Director, be careful."

Hawkeye took out the bow and arrow from his back, drew the bow and pointed it at the elevator door. At this time, the car was slowly rising, and the smell of blood was getting stronger.

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