The Death Knell

Chapter 3101 Reliving old dreams

"It's really a black panther." Deathstroke floated into the window and came to the headless body. After looking at it, he stretched out his hand to rub Gwen's head: "You learned well. That shot in the head was very good. Although If this kind of zombie is infected by someone with self-healing ability, it may not be possible to kill it, but at least you don’t have to listen to nonsense.”

"What the hell is a zombie hero? It's so annoying." Waiter Gwen tilted her mouth, raised her hand and said with her fingers: "The weakness of zombies is that they are afraid of being shot in the head, afraid of being burned, afraid of steps and gates, you This setting that you can’t kill even with a headshot is unreasonable!”

"The multiverse is full of strange things, and any kind of zombies may exist. I know you have read the "Zombie Heroes" series, but who told you that these zombies came from Earth 2149?"

Holding Gwen in her arms, Death Knell whispered in her ear:

"Don't make preconceived assumptions. That won't make you a good detective. There's something wrong with these zombies. It's not that simple."

Waiter Gwen suddenly got goosebumps when she was hugged by the shoulders. She immediately started to squirm crazily, bent down and lowered her head to break free from Deathstroke's arms, and shivered:

"I understand, I understand, don't get so close suddenly. I'm still a freshman in college, but I'm not old enough to accept unspoken rules."

"Where did you learn those little words?" Su Ming knocked her head wordlessly and made a safe gesture toward the window: "Don't worry, even if there are unspoken rules, it won't be your turn."

"It sounds like I'm bad, but she's also a beautiful girl." Miss Poole rolled her eyes and watched the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents over there beginning to sweep the street. She then looked at everyone in the room and asked in a low voice, "Then Where do you think they come from? Earth-91126? Or Earth-615?"

"Probably not. There is a special energy in the virus carried by these zombies, but it does not come from the magic in the "Book of Darkness". In other words, the origin of these zombies is not from "The Evil Dead". I still have this energy. There’s no clue these zombie heroes are real, but they’re not the ones you used to know.”

Deathstroke nodded to the other girls, saying that it didn't matter if he didn't understand. After all, Waiter Gwen was not a normal person.

"Ah! All the information in my head is useless, how sad!"

Miss Poole was indeed mad. She let out a cute cry of grief and indignation with an exaggerated expression, turned her head around to look for something in the room, and then ran to the sofa and banged her head against the cushions.

"Why did she go crazy after saying a few earth numbers?" Daisy walked to Deathstroke, a little curious.

"Adolescent girls are like this, with changeable emotions." Su Ming smiled, asked Hangsha to check the Black Panther's body, and asked at the same time: "How did you watch the movie tonight?"

Professor Xu floated over, her face was full of helplessness, and her beard was drooping: "New York is such a weird place. We haven't even finished watching half of the zombie movie, and real zombies appeared upstairs. Americans Have you lived like this in the past?"

"New York is like this. Don't you think other people are very calm?" Deathstroke paused, then motioned everyone to look at the door: "These guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. are here, let me introduce them to you."

Everyone gathered in this room that looked like an adult products supermarket, exchanged a few words, and then Coulson motioned to fully armed Gemma and Simmons to check the corpse and take samples, and then find a way to destroy the source of infection.

"The zombie has been found, where is my money?" Jessica leaned against the door frame. The little girl seemed to have no energy to do anything. Even the movements of rubbing her fingers were dejected.

Colson still had that warm smile: "Tell me your account number and I'll have the finance department transfer the money to you."

"Can't I give you cash directly? I don't want to pay taxes, and I don't want to issue invoices to you. It's so troublesome."

The girl looked at the agent with dead eyes, dissatisfied.

"We are an agency of the United Nations, and all financial transactions need to be open and transparent. Sorry, kid, this is the rule."

The hair loss agent explained very sincerely, not saying that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get access to the account so that he could monitor Jessica's income in the future.

"Tsk, trouble, okay, who calls me a good person?" She rubbed her nostrils and waved her hands towards a room full of superheroes: "I will send the account number to your mobile phone later. Remember you still owe me an ice cream. I Let’s go now and go back to buy some drinks.”

"Don't you want to be involved in this incident?" Waiter Gwen, who was banging her head on the cushion, arrived at the door at some point, blocking Jessica's way. She explained with a triumphant expression: "Follow the SHIELD How much money can you make just by working in the bureau? Have you seen the death knell? Do you want a car? Do you want a house? Just show some sex!"

Deathstroke grabbed her ears from the air. This was a modified version of the Force Choke, using the Force to grab her ears!

But when it came to money, Jessica was no longer sleepy. She retracted her steps and leaned against the door again, waiting for something.

Skye and Barbara ‘Poppy’ Morse quickly started communicating with the other ladies. After all, they were all young girls, so they all had a lot in common.

Watching his men's work of examining the body proceeding in an orderly manner, and other team members outside also starting to clean up the debris that fell out of the window, Coulson looked at Deathstroke:

"It's done here, should we go to the next zombie?"

"Over there, it should be fine. After all, the last lost zombie went to the hospital, and there happened to be a superhero there." Su Ming signaled to be calm, New York is under his control.

Go back in time a little bit.

"Hey, it hurts so much, doctor, is my brain damaged?"

Tony lay on the operating table, like a dead fish, letting the doctor sew stitches on the back of his head, with a look of pain on his face.

The doctor was speechless. He started to work carefully and said softly: "Mr. Stark, it's just a scratch on the scalp that requires three stitches. It doesn't involve the brain at all. In fact, local anesthesia can be used, and what's more, those t's and t's of yours" Examinations such as MRI are not necessary.”

Tony smiled evilly, holding a mobile phone in his hand to play with, and texting Xiaochong at the same time:

"I have money, so I want to receive the best medical services. Also, thank you for your kindness, but I quit. I am very clean now and do not touch any narcotics. Do you know that I was poisoned by palladium?" ?At that time, I only drank vegetable juice that was the same color as nuclear wastewater for treatment."

He was talking in a lively manner, with his mustache curled up and bragging, but in fact he was extremely scared at that time.

At this moment, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him. Just as Tony was about to turn around, a hard object hit the back of his head.

Accompanied by the familiar yet unfamiliar scent of perfume, the woman came close to his ear, and the voice that had appeared countless times in the dream sounded again:

"Okay, my great scientist doesn't seem to be wearing a turtle shell all the time, hehehehe."

"Kassan, are you here to kill me?"

Tony took a deep breath, hid the hand holding the phone, and sent a distress message to Xiao Chong through blind typing.

This woman is just an ordinary person. Even if she has many subordinates, she will not be Spider-Man's opponent.

"Don't be so smart, Tony. I activated the signal jammer. The whole hospital has been taken over by my men. Your little tricks can't save you." The one-eyed woman took out two pairs of handcuffs and patted down her ex-boyfriend's cell phone: "Hand yourself on the operating table, don't do any tricks, and take off your pants!"


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