The Death Knell

Chapter 3102 Hatred of Mandarin Ducks

When time returns to the present, it is still in that operating room, with Tony's hands handcuffed on the operating table, covered with his coat, curled up like a fallen flower, tilting his head as if silently crying?

Cassandra stood aside with a cigarette in her mouth, smiling crookedly while wearing her belt, and then pinched Tony's cheek and said:

"It's almost four minutes this time. You seem to have made some progress."

This is the deepest nightmare in Tony's heart. Whenever she talks about timing, the mustachioed man only feels ashamed to death.

He obviously behaved very well when he was with other women, and even if there were one against many, it was no problem, but when he met Cassandra, nothing seemed to have changed. He was still the fast boy he was before.

Three minutes and one second, it was nearly four minutes when it came out of Cassian's mouth, but this statement made Tony even more angry, because he, who had always been proud and confident, only felt deeply insulted.

He didn't want to be pitied by anyone, especially by the enemy who killed his parents.

Especially the special situation when getting along with her also hints at the possibility that his heart still loves her, and Tony cannot accept this possibility.

"Kill me! You Hydra witch, kill me just like you killed my parents!" Tony struggled on the operating table, and his beauty suddenly leaked out, revealing his beer belly and a slap to protect his heart hair. .

"I have told you so many times that our family did not kill your parents because my parents also died at that time. Moreover, I am not Hydra. My Shadow Industries is just following the path of Stark Industries to make a fortune. Sell ​​arms to those who need them, although some branches of Hydra do appear on the customer list."

Perhaps because she was used to the topic of hatred, Cassandra was not angry. She smacked her lips a few times and touched her eyes that were blinded by Tony with some unfulfilled feelings:

"I won't kill you, but I will take you away to a place where none of your superhero friends can find you. After all, it is too cheap for you to die happily, you scumbag, I will let you Life is worse than death, come here!"

She pressed the special-frequency walkie-talkie on her ear and used it to call the guards outside. On this trip to New York, she came from Madripoor on a copycat version of the Quinjet. She didn’t bring many people with her, only about a dozen. indivual.

But against an Iron Man without a suit? More than enough.

Tie him to the rooftop and fly away. As long as he doesn't make any big noise, no one will notice.

However, after she called a few times, the guards who had imagined pushing the door open did not appear. Instead, a strange moaning sound came from the earphones.

Kassandra's face turned dark and she took a deep breath: "Damn it, I can rest in the room for a while because I am the boss, but I never thought that my guards would take the opportunity to fight with each other."

"Oh, it seems they don't listen to you very much. After all, you are the evil and chaotic Hydra." Tony was fixed on the operating table, but he could still move his mouth.

"Shut up. First of all, I am not Hydra. Secondly, Hydra is not chaotic. What they pursue is a perverted order." Cassandra picked up the whip next to the operating table and prepared to go out and teach someone a lesson. some people.

"Ha, to this day, you still say that you are not Hydra."

Tony sneered. If he wasn't still naked and just looked at his face, it would be called a righteous and awe-inspiring one:

"You know them so well! This means that you have something to do with Hydra. Admit it, it's your secretive attitude that makes me hate the most. You also hate your elective biology."

"Stop being funny, Tony Stark, do you think I am still the girl who humbly begged you not to leave? You may hate me or hate me, but I have plenty of ways to make you never forget me! "

Cassandra whipped Tony with her backhand. When she heard her ex-boyfriend scream, she nodded with satisfaction and walked towards the door while talking:

"Although I won't kill you, you'd better not make me angry, otherwise I might cut off your balls and make you lose all your beard."

"Hey, don't be impulsive, Cass, I think we still have something to talk about."

As a superhero, Tony is not afraid at all when it comes to dying generously.

But he also has weaknesses. After he quit drinking and taking drugs, he is left with the last hobby of messing around with men and women. If he becomes a eunuch, he may lose the meaning of life and truly live a life worse than death.

Also, he loves his mustache, and without them, he doesn't even know what he looks like to others.

After giving him a meaningful look, Kashan rolled up her whip and opened the door to the operating room.

The surgical area is usually a suite. There is also a storage area outside, which is used to relieve the anesthesia for the surgeon or temporarily park the corpse. There are many hospital beds piled here, all of which are empty.

The cubicle next to this area is a place for washing hands and changing clothes, where Kashan's guards are stationed.

She pushed open the pneumatic door and looked at the sink that was still dripping. Then her attention fell on the dressing room nearby. In the lighted room, comfortable moans were coming from

"Fake! Who let you"

Kashan imagined a scene of her guards fencing, and angrily rushed through the door, raising the whip in her hand and preparing to hit someone.

But she swallowed her words only halfway, because he saw a guard wearing a body armor, feasting on the belly of another follower who fell to the ground.

The intestines and stomach, in short, those things in the human belly, were all thrown on the floor at this time, and the blood was more like a fountain pouring out of the deceased's body, which showed that he had just died.

Hearing her voice, the eating zombie turned his head. In a short period of time, the virus completely rotted and molted his face, revealing his yellow gums."

"Boss, boss, I'm so hungry, help me, let me take a bite of you, just one bite!"


Kassandra fired decisively. Although she was not an American, she had an American ex-boyfriend Tony. When the two eloped, they often watched Wilson Entertainment's zombie movies.

Seeing the image of the monster in front of her, she immediately understood what it was.

But the team she brought all wore steel helmets. In the past, the woman treated her subordinates well and gave them the best equipment. Fortunately, now, the small pistol she carried did not penetrate the opponent's steel helmet.

Perhaps it was Cassian's resistance that inspired the other party's ferocity. The zombie guard screamed and rushed towards her quickly.

Fortunately, she has made a lot of progress over the years. After all, she is in the arms business or a project such as biological and chemical weapons. She often encounters situations where the gangsters take advantage of the gangsters. Without two brushes, she would not be able to survive now.

So after seeing that the pistol bullets could not penetrate the helmet, she immediately calmed down, aimed at the zombie's neck and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

The neck has no defense. As long as the connections between the trachea, esophagus, aorta, and cervical vertebrae are interrupted, the head will naturally fall off.

The zombie was knocked down by Kassan, but the head on the ground was still not dead. Instead, it dragged its head on the ground with its tongue, like a snail, just to bite her.

And she bypassed the sluggish head, picked up the assault rifle from the zombie corpse, pulled the bolt and loaded it, and fired a bunch of bullets at the dead man's head.

The head and helmet were riddled with holes. Now, the zombies stopped moving.

But the gunshots had obviously spread, and messy howls and footsteps soon came from the hospital corridor outside the dressing area.

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