The Death Knell

Chapter 3105 Terrorist Attack

The wings of the black zombie's uniform were a bit tattered, and they staggered during flight, looking like they might crash at any time, but at least it was flying.

He hovers in the sky like an eagle preparing to hunt, and it is for this reason that the night provides him with cover.

Maybe he lowered his flight altitude because he felt the stealth Quinjet approaching? Or take off from some hiding place?

"Is that Falcon? He seems to be infected?"

Iron Man squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. It was overcast in New York tonight, and the faint moonlight leaking through the gaps in the clouds did not provide much help, but those wings were so recognizable.

The red folding steel flying wings are completely different from the 'vulture' that has been stealing things from the Stark Group recently.

He felt the pain. Falcon was also a good friend, and he spoke very interestingly. He was from the Air Force, had a simple personality, and was impeccable in moral aspects.

"Do you want to fight him down?" Natasha didn't have so many worries. She knew that this was a zombie hero from a parallel world, but she just didn't say anything. Instead, she found the complicated and tangled expression on Tony's face at this time quite interesting.

"Why is this happening? What bastard researched the zombie virus, don't let me catch it!" Tony clenched his fists, and his crude exoskeleton armor also made corresponding movements, making a squeaking sound of metal friction.

Kassandra immediately shook her head: "It's not me anyway. My shadow industry only makes controllable biological and chemical weapons, such as anthrax, sarin gas, and zombie viruses. We don't have that level of technology yet."

"I think so, but those weapons are not good and violate international conventions." Iron Man gritted his teeth and was confused. He didn't want to discuss international law with Cassian now, and his mind was on the figure in the sky: "I remember that this kind of zombies can You're talking, right? Then Black Widow, beat him down, I want to ask what's going on."

But at this moment, the back cabin of the Quinjet opened, and a black and yellow light shot out, directly hitting the falcon flying like flies in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Falcon was stepped on the rooftop of the hospital, with a lightsaber stuck in his head. The smell of hair and rotten brain evaporated by the energy beam was very pungent.

"Pa!" Tony slapped his face with the palm of his hand, looking even more painful: "It's Deathstroke again, and it's Slade who's still lingering. Why did he come with the SHIELD people?"

The one-eyed woman next to her tilted her head. She always felt like she had seen the death knell somewhere, but she didn't remember it. It was like there were many pieces missing.

Not only did Deathstroke come, but the heroines who had separated from Tony not long ago also flew out of the cabin one by one and landed on the rooftop. Only Waiter Gwen was tied with a rope and slid down, which was obviously different from the others.

"Call me uncle, little Tony." After the dust settled, Su Ming used the lightsaber to stir up Falcon's head a few times, then chopped him into pieces: "You are so unlucky that you encountered a biohazardous crisis when you went to the doctor. .”

"I have begun to suspect that you did it. It's too coincidental. It can't be such a coincidence."

Tony had a look of despair on his face, his head swiveling around to find the location of the signal jammer.

"Sometimes things just happen by coincidence. Maybe someone is manipulating it, but that person is obviously not me." Su Ming put away the lightsaber and stirred the Falcon's meat paste a few times: "Also, you should also be more mature. Now, if you suspect someone, don’t say anything.”

"I'm not you, I don't have any shady secrets." Tony rolled his eyes, found the helicopter prepared by Kashan in the corner of the rooftop, looked at the several zombie corpses inside, and sighed.

Deathstroke suddenly crossed tens of meters to his back, put his head on his shoulder, and whispered: "Really not? Three minutes."

"No!!! Don't say it!" Tony suddenly had cold sweat streaming down his head. He suddenly realized that he also had a secret, and that Deathstroke had already held it in his hands. He immediately gave in and said, "You are my biological uncle. Don’t tell this, please.”

"Just be obedient, uncle will not treat you badly." Deathstroke let out a sinister laugh, and patted the shoulders of the inferior exoskeleton a few times with his palms to show encouragement.

The next thing is simple. Coulson has already mobilized manpower to seal off the hospital building. Although SHIELD does not have as many manpower as Spear Bureau, it still has the power after cleaning up Alexander Pierce's Hydra undercovers. No small amount of power.

Seeing the heroines gathering together and chatting, and then looking at the Falcon Zombie chopped up by Deathstroke, the smile on Coulson's face faded a lot. He walked over to Deathstroke, who was teasing Tony, and whispered :

"The last time the zombies only infected a few people visiting the supermarket, the news could be suppressed. But if all the people in this hospital are infected, the United Nations will definitely be notified of this matter."

"What infection? No one has ever been infected. There was a terrorist attack here, and the building exploded and caught fire. Everyone was unfortunately killed." After all, Colson was an old acquaintance, so Su Ming generously gave him an idea. .

Anyway, after the disinfection work was completed, the building was burned directly. It was not only clean and sanitary, but also prevented some Americans who were obsessed with death from developing hysteria.

Let alone a real biochemical crisis, there are always lunatics wandering around New York holding big signs, preaching that the end is approaching. America has never been short of lunatics, and they are the kind of lunatics who want to drag others to death.

Besides, just say it was a terrorist attack, and then point to a bearded man in the Middle East to take the blame. With Americans’ IQ, they don’t believe what the news says. Deathstroke has the Daily Bugle and Wilson TV. Isn't brainwashing these people just like playing?

"Isn't this bad?" Colson was a little hesitant, because this plan sounded too dark. The families of the victims didn't even know the truth. It was just one of them. I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to receive the ashes.

"Do you know what the difference is between you and Fury? Coulson, the only difference is that you don't have the evil heart as he does."

Deathstroke dropped Tony, who called Jarvis to send him the suit, and his arm fell on the neck of the hairless agent. She led him to a deserted place and said sincerely:

"Smart agents have already followed my method. Only fools will give politicians a chance to speak. As long as SHIELD insists that they are terrorists, even the U.S. military will be on your side, because they are short of As an excuse to increase military spending, terrorist attacks on the United States are a good excuse. And if the military is happy, it will not delve into the details of this matter. Do you think those lunatics will not reach out if they know the existence of biochemical viruses? The U.S. military is playing Viruses are self-destruction. Don’t drag the entire earth into danger just for the sake of a moment of benevolence.”

After all these words were said, they all made sense. Coulson knew very well what the virtues of the military were.

Just a weapons plan has been ruined by them. If there are such terrifying biological and chemical weapons, a world war is just around the corner.

For the sake of mankind on earth, we have no choice but to give in to the victims here.

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