The Death Knell

Chapter 3106 No happy reunion

A few minutes later, Deathstroke and his team were on a building a thousand meters away, watching a passenger plane hit the hospital. An explosion occurred immediately, followed by a raging fire.

Su Ming had plenty of things like airplanes, so he just asked his adjutant to control them and hit the building remotely.

Because they were worried that the burning would not be thorough enough, hundreds of tons of white phosphorus and thermite were added and sent directly to the hospital to set off a big fireworks.

"Okay, Carol, Daisy, just fly over and pretend to put out the fire." Deathstroke gave the order to the women, and the blazing flames illuminated his armor: "Colson, let your people We’ll go there later, surround the burned-out remains of the building, and continue the trick.”

Colson looked at the burning building with a complicated face, like a torch burning in the dark, and his smile was a little stiff:

"I don't know if this is right or not, Mr. Deathstroke, is this really the best way?"

Of course not, the best way is to use the time stone to resurrect everyone. Not long ago, I helped Thanos and Death. In this matter, the woman should be able to sell her face and release her soul. Deathstroke then used the Tesseract to completely repair the hospital, allowing everyone to continue living in ignorance as if nothing had happened.

It was a happy ending, but why did Deathstroke do that?

"Yes, Colson, this is the best way." Although Deathstroke was still wearing a mask and his voice was like a ghost, his tone was also much heavier: "They may not have died honorably, such as in They lost control of their urination and defecation and were torn alive by zombies, but they sacrificed their lives for the earth and humanity as a whole.”

"May God bless their souls." Colson shrugged. The deal was done anyway, and he was more concerned about the future: "After doing this, the virus won't spread, right?"

"No, no one may know your name, but your achievements will last forever." Deathstroke patted the hairless man on the back and said with some emotion: "But, I can't watch the hero bleed and cry, so I I personally sponsor you a one-bedroom apartment, and you will have your own home in the future, and you will no longer have to rent an apartment, congratulations."

Well, buy a second-hand house in Hell's Kitchen and let Coulson become neighbors with Jessica.

The little girl was so sad. The building was on fire and half the sky was red. You could smell the smell of barbecue here, but she folded her arms and tilted her neck to look bored.

This is not good. She has to ask Colson, who is always smiling, to help her calm down. At least she must face life positively and optimistically.

As if he felt that his work was understood, Coulson nodded emotionally:

"thank you."

"You're welcome. After all, I'm an old New Yorker." Deathstroke slowly shook his head and didn't take any credit. He just continued talking about business and projected a map: "Now we should go find Director Fury."

There are three red lines on the map, extending from a certain location like a trident, but now these three lines have been marked with red crosses, leaving only their source still flickering.

"Mr. Deathstroke, do you mean that these zombies actually slipped out of this light spot?" Skye's hand was held by Natasha. She seemed to be used to such closeness. It seemed that the two of them usually It's a good relationship.

She asked the question, and became acutely aware that this was a map of New York's neighborhood.

Maybe it's because as a hacker, she often likes to peek at cameras all over the city, but she understands it quite well.

"That's right, there are three zombies that escaped, and they were all taken care of by us, and our three corresponding superheroes are still alive and well, so they should come from a parallel world. If we don't close that channel, it will only There are more zombies swarming into our earth. If we want to control the situation, we may not be able to solve it by blowing up a building. The military will definitely drop nuclear bombs on New York."

Deathstroke stood beside Coulson with his arms folded, his black cloak fluttering in the wind behind him, and in the distance was the scene of the burning explosion.

"Tony, what do you think we should do?" The hairless agent asked SHIELD's technical advisor for his opinion.

At this time, Tony was planning to secretly send Cassandra away when no one was paying attention. He was hiding at the back of the crowd, but when his name was called, he felt everyone's eyes falling on him, and his limbs were all Stiffened slightly.

But he is the thickest-skinned of all superheroes and quickly adjusted.

As if nothing happened, he stuffed his ex-girlfriend into the steel suit he summoned and launched her out.

As for where she went and whether she was hiding in a golden house, only he knew.

Then he turned around and touched his mustache with a calm expression:

"Deathstroke just said he was going to find Fury. So, that location is a SHIELD base?"

"I don't know, don't ask me, I'm not from SHIELD."

Su Ming just shook his head. Fury was there anyway, and others could think whatever they wanted.

"That's 80% correct. Fury has been mysterious and has no idea what he's doing recently. I've suspected him for a long time." Tony had already put on the yellow and blue 'Anti-Deathstroke' uniform at this time, which gave him a lot of He had the confidence to express his opinion boldly: "I told him a long time ago not to play with things that I don't understand. Now it seems that something went wrong as expected. I still hate biologists."

"Then you were flirting with the biologist just now?" Natasha blinked her eyes narrowly and made trouble, deliberately not opening the pot.

"This, can this be the same? Not all biologists are hopeless, and there are many branches of biology." Tony, who was disgraced, hesitated, walking around with his hands on his hips: "Anyway, what are we doing now? I don’t even know, but I still need to ask Fury clearly, if he hasn’t been eaten yet. By the way, there was a doctor in my operating room just now. He was not infected. You won’t burn him too. Bar?"

He changed the subject.

"No, he has been rescued." Deathstroke asked Strangler to drag an unconscious man from the edge of the rooftop. The man was wearing a white coat and looked a little embarrassed with a bloody head. Fortunately, he was still breathing: "On the rooftop of the hospital When I went up, I asked Strangler to search all the survivors, and he was the only one who was clean. Although killing people is not a problem for me, there is no need to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"I'm afraid this one can't leave yet. We have to take him for a little 'therapy.'" Coulson said with a smile.

What kind of treatment is actually brainwashing, tampering with memory, tying the person to an iron chair, and then showing him rotating black and white patterns and the like.

"Okay, Colson, allocate the manpower, and then let's set off. The building is almost burned out." Su Ming didn't plan to show any strangulation and brainwashing methods here, so naturally he wouldn't be tempted by the agent's words. , he just urged everyone to get on the road

They're all in Queens, New York. It's actually not that far from here to the remote warehouse. If you take a Quinjet, you'll be there before your seats are warm.

The Iron Cavalry is responsible for flying the plane, and the scientific duo stays on the plane to provide remote support. Others in the S.H.I.E.L.D. team also want to follow them to the warehouse, but Deathstroke said that he does not need too many useless people, as long as Shockwave Girl and Simulator Soundbird, just add Coulson who is in charge.

It was quiet around the warehouse. There were no such things as street lights here. However, Fury's black SUV was parked on the side of the road. The car was not turned off and the engine was still running.

Monica touched the hood and looked at the door handle on the driver's side: "They left for about half an hour. Obviously if they are not dead, they are trapped in the warehouse."

Waiter Gwen carried her gun and imitated Spectrum's behavior out of curiosity, but she didn't find anything.

The black girl was quite nice. She explained to her that it was her ability. The reason why temperature can be sensed by people is often because heat is conducted in the form of thermal radiation in the air. She was able to pass the frequency and attenuation of the radiation wave. to determine how long the engine had been idling, but others could not.

"I'm really a waste, I don't have any cool abilities, eh!" Gwen cried as she moved closer to Deathstroke, who was leading the way to the warehouse, and rolled her eyes: "Why don't you give me a shot of your serum? Right? I also want to be a super soldier."

"I'll find you a spider to bite you later. Shut up now. There seems to be a sound underground." Deathstroke pushed her head away and hooked his finger at Daisy: "Come on and I'll listen."

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