The Death Knell

Chapter 3107 Warehouse Underground

Daisy didn't know why Deathstroke wanted to listen to the thunder, but she simply did it. When she entered the messy warehouse, she raised Mjolnir. On the spot, a bolt of lightning emerged from the hammer head and struck the ground.

The roar was even more astonishing in the room. Except for Hela, almost everyone rubbed their ears in discomfort. Deathstroke tilted his head and listened for a few seconds, then pointed to a path:

"Here, there is a secret elevator that leads underground."

"Wow, how did you know this?" Waiter Gwen came back again, but this time she hugged Jessica, completely familiar.

Deathstroke did not answer her, but just walked at the front to lead the way, but Professor Xu understood. She floated over and hung on Gwen's arm like a balloon:

"This is probably an alternative version of listening to thunder cave exploration. It is similar to the principle of geological prospecting. It uses the different speeds of sound waves in different media to determine where there are underground cavities or different materials."

"So it's the same as sonar, except that one is on land and the other is in the sea." Daisy is a doctor after all, so she understood.

Only Hela shook her head speechlessly. Her ability allowed her to sense the existence of a large number of undead creatures underground. The location and depth were clear. She could just penetrate the ground directly. Why bother?

But then she thought that Deathstroke was probably helping her hide some of her abilities, and even her own clumsiness.

It seemed that SHIELD was not considered one of his own, so she didn't plan to say anything more.

Actually, Su Ming was just dawdling on purpose, wanting Fred to enjoy more of the exciting adventures brought by the zombies.

Ever since Lu Dan became the director of SHIELD and got rid of Pierce, he spent most of his time sitting in the office, neither exercising nor losing weight, which was not good for his health.

Now, it's a rare opportunity for him to exercise. When being chased by zombies, people should run very fast, right?

All in all, the elevator was found. When the door of the car was opened, a zombie dressed like a World War I pilot was seen. There were several arrows stuck in his head. His jacket was in tatters and a large piece of his neck was missing. He was lying on his back. In the elevator.

These arrows did not kill him, maybe it was because he was recovering. Hearing the sound of the death knell and others, he tried to sit up slowly.

"Hawkeye should be feeling distressed now. He didn't dare to retract the arrows used to shoot zombies." Natasha raised her hand and used the silenced weapon on the Widow's Sting. A series of bullets silently beat the man's head to pieces. Rotten Watermelon: "I've told him a long time ago that it's better to bring a gun when you go out, but he never listens."

With just a brief glance, Coulson saw the zombie's face clearly. He shook his head and asked the team members for their opinions: "I don't know this person. He doesn't seem to be an employee of SHIELD. What about you?"

"I haven't seen it." Tony spread his hands. He dragged the zombie out of the car and threw it far away. Then he launched a small missile and blew it to pieces: "But if Fury wants to form some secret boy group to replace Revenge, The Alliance will not let me know."

"I haven't seen it either. This person does not exist in SHIELD's internal database." Skye shook her head. She moved her wrists, checked her weapons, and walked into the car as she spoke.

"You hacked into our database again." Mockingbird Bobby scratched Skye's waist a few times: "I don't care anyway, you are not allowed to look at my information."

Shockwave Girl flipped up her hair. She crossed her arms and kept a distance from the blood-stained inner wall of the elevator: "It's not black. It's just a normal query with permissions. Your level is higher than mine. How can I see your information?" Woolen cloth?"

Barbara graduated from S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy and could be said to be a well-established agent, while Skye was a hacker recruited from Anlai. Of course, her level could not be as high as Barbara's.

But it's just the level of the starting point. If Su Ming remembers it correctly and uses the information from Earth 616 as a reference, Barbara will only be a seventh-level agent in the future, while Skye is a ninth-level agent and has also become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. .

Su Ming also knew this dead man, codenamed Dynaman, and his name was Lagaro. He was a survivor of the ancient kingdom of Korog (k). This island country was located thousands of years ago off the east coast of Africa. It was rich in shamans and liked to use elements. strength.

But then the shamans got out of hand and triggered the terrifying wrath of the elements. The island country sank directly into the sea in the angry tsunami.

Only Bomberman survives because his ability is to fly.

He is an immortal, and later participated in World War I and World War II. His specialty is that he can fly all kinds of biplanes or triplanes. Jets cannot fly because they fly too fast for him to react.

How should I put it, he is a standard cannon fodder that "no one cares about even if he dies", an 18th-tier minor character.

He knew the information, but Su Ming didn't say anything. He just smiled and watched the girls playing around.


Mockingbird narrowed his eyes, nudged Skye's little nose with his nose, and held her in his arms, trying to get her to tell the truth.

Barbara Bobby Morse is a typical American girl who likes to be close to people, especially other cute girls.

"It's true, if you always touch me like this, everyone will misunderstand you." Skye pushed Mockingbird away and raised her hands speechlessly: "Everyone, please let me explain, I am not a lesbian. , I like men.”

"Tsk, your team is really a mess."

Daisy looked at Colson with a complicated face, she didn't believe it anyway.

Judging from her countless experiences selling small cakes, Skye looked orange no matter how she looked at her.

The group of people all entered the elevator, closed the door, and descended.

Agent Coulson still smiled and said to Daisy: "I have the final say on my team. Even agents will not be forced to do this. However, it cannot be compared with the Avengers in all aspects."

The hairless agent only spoke half of his words, because in his opinion, the Avengers were the team of his idol Captain America, so of course they were the best.

"Yes, Colson is still an honest man. It's this truth-telling style that I appreciate the most." Tony raised his hand and pulled off his mask, smiling slightly: "Although Fitz is a good scientific researcher, there is a gap between him and me. It’s still big, after all, I am the most talented scientist on earth, but it makes me lonely without challengers.”

"Dr. Doom thinks so too." The cat-headed balloon hidden behind Gwen's attendant made a sound.

"Who? Who said Doom?" Tony stuttered, and then his golden and blue head turned around: "Didn't you see that Doom didn't even dare to say anything when he saw me? This shows that he is ashamed. "

"Stop making trouble, Iron Man, prepare to fight, you fight in the front line."

Deathstroke silently gave the order, Tony could not be allowed to continue boasting.

He is arrogant enough, and he always thinks that his technological level is the best in the world. He keeps saying it to brainwash himself, which is really poisonous.

"Girls can play and joke, but I can't. I want to protest." Tony was ready for battle, charging the palm cannons in both hands and pointing them at the elevator door: "You are sexist. I also like to chat, Ko. Erson, do you want to continue chatting with me?"

"Haha, it still doesn't work, business is more important."

The hairless agent did not intend to join any protest team. He just smiled and took out two Uzi submachine guns from his black suit.

The elevator door opened. Many zombies wearing construction workers' orange vests and hard hats were just wandering around blindly. When they heard the 'ding' sound of the door opening, they all looked over with blood-red eyes.

After seeing the living people, they all showed stiff smiles and shouted in unison:

"So hungry! Meat!!!"

"Sorry, gentlemen, I can only accept the beauty's little mouth wandering around my body. You are not my type."

Tony was the first to shake his head and tell a joke, and then the palm cannon and chest cannon were in full force!

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