The Death Knell

Chapter 3108 A dozen ducks

When the elevator door opened, Deathstroke had already seen all the zombies in the hall. They were not transformed by superpowers, they were all ordinary people.

Well, the superpowers of the God Helm Bureau are actually just like that. The strongest ones are at the block level. The difference from ordinary citizens is probably that they have names and codenames?

This underground facility has not yet been completely completed, and is still undergoing final decoration work. Not far away, the large-letter light box with the abbreviation of the Divine Helmet Bureau is only half filled with letters, but it is also splattered with blood at this time.

Fortunately, there was still electricity and the ventilation system was functioning normally. Otherwise, with so many rotting corpses crowded in the underground room, the smell would have been so sour.

Tony's skills are all in the suit. Although he hired a coach to practice a little fighting, he can basically ignore it.

However, there is no problem with thermal weapons against zombies. After a few rounds of palm cannons and micro-missiles on the shoulders, there was only a piece of flesh and blood left in front of everyone.

"Hey, I won't eat meatloaf in the recent period, and I don't even want to eat ravioli." Tony lifted his mask in amusement and blew on his palms: "How are you guys, have you found any traces of the director and the others? ?”

The elevator door opened to reveal a large group of zombies, so where were Fury and the others? There are no traces of their passage here to kill zombies.

"Why did you immediately think of eating after killing the zombies?! Also, why did you say it even after you thought about it?! This makes it impossible for me to look directly at the food!"

Waiter Gwen's little mouth was full of complaints. She even put on some pink lipstick before going out today, which made her complaints even more clear.

As the saying goes, the more pink you dress, the harsher your words will be. This is the truth.

The girl knew that it would be easy to die if she was not popular, and her fighting ability was really inferior compared to Carol and the others, so she had to find another way and give full play to her talent of talking.

Iron Man tilted his head and revealed a sultry smile: "A genius like me often has uncontrollable thinking. I'm afraid an ordinary little girl like you will never understand my troubles."

It's hard, Gwen's fist is hard.

Although I had read comics before and knew how arrogant Iron Man was, but it was actually happening before my eyes, and I was still dizzy by the show.

But she remembered the fact that she was a waste, so she could only whimper and slowly lean into Daisy's arms for comfort.

"Director, did they leave from the elevator?" Coulson walked out of the elevator and looked at the traces at the door. There were no entry footprints left by military boots, so he concluded that Fury and others did not get out of the elevator.

Since he didn't get out of the elevator and didn't go back the way he came, he should have gotten out from the ceiling of the elevator car.

Deathstroke actually discovered that just above everyone's heads, although the ceiling of the elevator car looked complete, there was a white feather sandwiched in a gap somewhere. When the air conditioner blew it, the feather still seemed to be waving. Swinging around.

My mind automatically restored the scene when the first few people came down.

Fury and the other two descended in the elevator. After entering the underground, the elevator door opened. The worker zombies that were originally scattered everywhere rushed towards them, but the flying 'generator' was relatively fast. Before rushing into the elevator, it hit their head. He was shot with three arrows by Hawkeye.

Although Hawkeye is a shooter, he is also very capable in close combat. He should have been blocking the elevator door and constantly fighting off zombies, while Luodan opened the ceiling of the car to escape.

Then the black man pulled the strange duck up, and finally Hawkeye climbed up after the elevator door closed. The duck, for some unknown reason, restored the ceiling, but left a duck feather as a mark.

That should be it, almost inseparable.

Another discovery is that after the transformation of a weak human corpse, the intelligence of the zombies formed is very limited. These living zombies will obey the swarm effect and wander around the room. They are not like the three superheroes from the parallel universe who know how to go out to hunt. Food.

Anyway, as soon as the words were spoken, Carol flew up and lifted up the ceiling of the car, stuck her head out to take a look, lowered her head and said to everyone:

"It's really like this. After you come out of the elevator and enter the elevator shaft, go up a few meters and there will be a vent for a ventilation fan."

The elevator shaft also needs to be ventilated. Although this design must have some defensive facilities inside, such as laser tunnels and automatic machine gun towers hidden in the pipes, Fury should have a security code in his hand. , so he can take Duck and Hawkeye unimpeded.

If you think about it further, Lu Dan will most likely look for that door, because he is not a fool. When encountering such a change, he should also realize that there is something wrong with the portal.


"Cloak, sense the energy reaction and lead us the way."

There is no need for Deathstroke and his team to drill through the ventilation ducts, they can just start from the lobby and kill them directly.

The 'Generator' should be one of the members of the team prepared by Lu Dan for the ducks, so there is a high probability that that team is the special tactics team 'DukyDozen' of the Divine Helmet Bureau. Even if they become zombies, their threat level is limited. Wen Shi can do them all by himself.

One dozen ducks, or the "12 ducks" team, the strongest one is an LMD that plays Dugan, which is a bionic robot. You can imagine what kind of team this is.

Everyone entered the hall. Jessica searched among the piles of zombie flesh and blood and found the access card used by the construction party. Skye also obtained the structural diagram of the underground building on the computer terminal at the front desk.

"It's quite big here." She printed out the drawings while talking to Deathstroke, because she felt that everyone seemed to be following his orders: "The underground structure is divided into three floors, including a basketball hall, swimming pool, and horse racing. Stadium, World War II Museum”

"Wait, you mean the polo field?" Tony blinked and leaned over to look at the design. When he found out that it was real, he also curled his lips: "What a Nick Fury, he is spending public funds to build it for himself. It’s a place of enjoyment, but it has nothing to do with me. Jarvis, please remember to reduce SHIELD’s sponsorship fee by 5 billion next year.”

"Okay, sir." The AI ​​butler is very dedicated.

"Don't be impulsive, Tony. I believe the director has his own ideas." Colson smiled and took the drawing and quickly memorized it in his mind: "Maybe he thinks being able to ride a horse is important for the employees here, Mr. Wilson, you What do you say?"

He saw the name plates in the hall and the target-like coat of arms, and probably guessed something. This was probably the base of a secret team.

"You're right, let's go this way." Deathstroke turned his cloak into an arrow shape to guide the way, and he followed behind with his lightsaber. As he walked, he said: "Fury is most likely going to let this team go to the parallel For space exploration, in some worlds it may still be the Middle Ages, so horseback riding is the most effective mode of transportation.”

Coulson nodded and followed with weapons in hand: "Can you tell me more about these things? I have always been interested in parallel universes. On another earth, there will really be another me. ?"

He was indeed interested, but this was obviously not a personal interest, but rather seeking information.

The time was almost here, and it was really time to let SHIELD know something, so Su Ming didn't refuse. He just took off his mask, touched a cigarette and lit it:

"We'll wait until we find Nick Fury. I won't retell the story several times."

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