The Death Knell

Chapter 3109 Cleanup work

Walking in this huge underground headquarters, although the project has not yet been completed, the framework is complete, and you can see how ambitious Nick Fury once was.

But that ambition has probably evaporated with this accident. If it is correct, Luodan should have wanted to travel multiple ways through the portal studied by Reed in another world, but now he knows that food will pour out of the door. Human zombies would basically kill this plan.

Just thinking about the black question mark on Fury's face made Su Ming want to laugh. There was no way, the life of capable ordinary people was so simple and boring.

However, this metal corridor is quite smooth and spacious and bright. When the blood on the wall is illuminated with a lamp, it looks particularly gorgeous.

In Deathstroke's memory, I am afraid that only killing people in a hospital can have such a perfect visual effect.


The whimpers of zombies came from the corner ahead, and Su Ming silently raised the weapon in his hand.

A zombie with teeth marks on its neck appeared. He stretched out his hands to hug the living person in front of him, and described his hunger in vague English.

Deathstroke, who was smoking a cigarette, just smiled slightly. Looking at the zombie wearing a World War II airborne jacket, he also recognized the other person's identity.

Kurt Patton, codenamed 'Breeze', was an American airborne soldier during World War II. However, during Operation Market Garden, he jumped into the 'Mirage' dimension and fought the indigenous people there. When he came out, he was a new person. century.

He carries a small rocket booster on his back and can launch himself. Well, no more. This is his ability.

After all, he was a paratrooper in the past, and he was used to the never-returning fighting style, so it seemed faster to use rockets to send himself into the enemy group.

It's just that he is just an ordinary person. If he is thrown into a pile of zombies, even his two fists can't beat four hands. If he takes a bite, he will definitely be spoiled.

Feeling deeply at the tragic fate of this 18th-line hero, Deathstroke cut him down with a swipe of his lightsaber and chopped the stuffing into pieces. Seeing that the green jacket on the corpse was also chopped into pieces, I felt a little regretful.

An authentic World War II airborne jacket is probably worth fifty dollars, which is a bit of a waste.

"keep going."

Deathstroke put down the hand holding the weapon, and the twisting light retracted from his palm. He turned his head and calmly gave instructions to the people behind him.

There were not many zombies along the way, only construction workers here and there. The girls followed Deathstroke and had nothing to do, so they started chatting.

"I heard that Deathstroke said that the three zombies are Falcon, Black Panther, and Wonder Man from a parallel world. I knew what the plot was." Waiter Gwen put her hands behind her head and walked carelessly as she said: " I wonder if you have seen enough horror movies? In those horror movies, black people are always the first unlucky ones to die."

"What Miss Poole said is true." Monica, as a black person, has the right to speak, but she is not very angry: "But it is much better than before. I heard my great-grandpa said that when they were young, , black people have to give up their seats to white people when they get on the bus, let alone appear in any movies, they are not qualified at all."

What's this? This is progress. Society has progressed. From the beginning, black people could only enter factories, but now they can also enter the White House. This is no problem.

The characters in the movie should die if they deserve it. Anyway, Monica feels that if it is mandatory that the first person to die in a horror movie cannot be a black person, it would be discriminatory.

Gwen, who was wearing pink clothes, shook her head repeatedly. She stood on tiptoes and covered the black girl's mouth: "Don't discuss racial issues. This is not Marvel's style. Only the DC next door is so dark and serious. We just have to happily fight zombies." ”

"I can not understand what you say."

The policewoman picked up Waiter Gwen with one hand, put her aside and pulled her away, like playing with a rag doll.

"You don't need to know too much, I'll just say it casually, cough cough." Miss Poole rubbed her wrist. She thought she was useless. She immediately checked whether there were any fractures after being pinched: "In short, we just need to change the plot to the old-fashioned way." It's just like something out of a horror movie, except that we are now on the 'horror' side, and these zombies are the escapees."

"They are dead, there is no need to escape."

Hela smiled and rubbed Gwen's head. She actually liked this young girl.

The underworld is always accompanied by loneliness and silence. A chatty girl is exactly what the underworld god needs to relieve his boredom.

Carol listened. She watched the death knell leisurely clearing the way in front of her, while she and Daisy checked whether there were survivors in the rooms on both sides.

She said: "So it means that according to the plot of the old movie, it is difficult to kill all the zombies? Because no matter how terrifying the monster is, the protagonist team can always escape with one or two people in the end, right?"

"Yes, this is my plan! Sisters, help me."

Gwen smiled, took out a jar of chewing gum, poured a few gum into her mouth, and gave some to the girls to bribe:

"So I'll leave the zombie army to you to deal with. I only need to kill the last survivor who tried to escape. Hehe, it's like in a horror movie. The protagonist seems to be about to escape, but suddenly a monster appears. Come out and kill people, come up with an unexpected Bad End, and everyone will be deeply impressed by this monster, so I will become popular, meow hahahaha..."

Looking at the girl who was laughing so hard that her tongue popped out of her mouth, Daisy closed a door of the checked room, took the chewing gum given to her by Gwen and put it into her mouth, saying:

"You are really a clever little guy, but it's useless for you to tell us this. You have to tell Deathstroke that he kills enemies too fast. If you are not careful, no enemy will leave you."

"That's a problem..." Gwen looked down at her gum jar, and then rolled her eyes: "Then I have no choice but to use a honey trap. Oh, who told me to be so cute?"


Daisy just smiled and puffed up her chest, glanced at the little girl's chest with disdain, and sank the Gwen without saying anything.

"Has this girl always had so much drama?"

Skye, who was eavesdropping, was walking at the end of the team, along with several other S.H.I.E.L.D. employees. As a hacker, she loved to inquire about gossip. She immediately asked Natasha in a low voice, who was walking aside as if she were shopping. .

Black Widow shook her head indifferently and replied as if she was serious: "She is Deathstroke. I have never seen her before. You should ask your team leader."

"You have higher authority than me, Black Widow." Coulson walked among a group of women, feeling very uncomfortable and smiled awkwardly: "You are an eighth-level agent, and I am only a seventh-level agent. According to the rules, you should be Know more information."

"But only the director himself knows the information about Deathstroke." Black Widow acted ignorant and replied in a low voice: "So I didn't even know that he had a good relationship with so many female superheroes."

Detective Jessica was also a member of the eavesdroppers. She looked at the back of Deathstroke and nodded repeatedly. She suddenly became energetic for some reason, and her eyes were bright, as if she understood something.

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