The Death Knell

Chapter 3113 Zombie Encyclopedia

Entering the polo ground, the situation here was pretty much what Deathstroke had expected. There were no zombies, and even the horses were still alive and well.

That's right, because good horses are valuable. The construction team does not have a key card for this venue, and the zombies cannot enter here through the solid gate.

Su Ming walked to the stable and originally planned to touch these poor animals, but the horses may have sensed the terrifying aura of strangulation. As soon as the death knell approached, they knelt down and could not pull up, and they were so frightened that they urinated and urinated.

"It seems that I have to bid farewell to horse riding as a form of entertainment in this life." Deathstroke was a little regretful. There was no other way. This was the price.

"Hey." Strangler said that this is not a problem. It can turn into a horse for its host to ride. It can do anything from Arabian horses to Mongolian horses.

"Forget it, it's enough for my mount to have Barry and the magic floating cloak." Deathstroke touched the little bean sprout's head, and the smooth touch made him feel a little warm: "Let's go, let's spread a piece of cloth on the lawn and get some snacks Eat, I’ll tell you about zombies.”


Zombies, zombies, living dead, and walking dead are basically the same thing.

Like vampires and werewolves, there are many types of zombies in the Marvel multiverse, with different causes. Su Ming divided them into four major categories.

First, there are zombies created by divine power or magic.

Many gods use the resurrected corpses of the dead as servants. For example, Hela resurrected many undead servants to serve her with water and wine, and to serve as attendants in the Hades.

Hell lords like Mephisto also created undead legions. Although his control over souls was in a different direction, and the zombies he created were extremely weak, it did not prevent him from using them as chess pieces and cannon fodder.

In addition, magicians can also use the power of the Dimension Demon to create the living dead. Eric Williams, Black Talon, Scarlet Witch and Necrom all have this ability.

If you are not a spell caster, you can turn people into zombies by finding some special magic props, such as Damballah amulets and other mysterious items.

Usually, those who become zombies through magic are originally dead. These living dead have no self-awareness and are more like stupid puppets.

When the magical power powering a zombie is removed, they return to a corpse state, however, in rare cases, a magical zombie can revert to a living person, but this is very rare.

The second type is the voodoo corpse.

Magic zombies basically work on the dead, while voodoo zombies can be transformed into living people.

Voodoo is a very evil technique. Witch doctors can use drugs and some hypnotic methods to turn living people into zombie-like servants who can only obey orders. They feel no pain, do not need to eat, and do not have any characteristics of living people.

They have super strength and are not affected by pain. Conventional weapons, swords and guns are almost useless against them, and they are not affected by most negative status effects such as stunning, paralysis, and poisoning.

Flames are extremely effective against voodoo zombies, but they can usually break out of the fire before being injured, and can even jump into the mud to perform synchronized swimming under the control of the witch doctor.

The characteristic of this type of zombie is that it can run and jump, and it can run so fast that it can chase antelopes on the African savannah.

It sounds more dangerous, but they are not contagious, and as long as you don't go to Haiti or some countries in southern Africa, you basically won't encounter voodoo corpses.

And they are also afraid of salt. Even an ordinary person can get rid of it as long as he can grab some salt and stuff it into the mouth of the voodoo corpse.

The third type is the resurrected corpse.

This is pure haunting. The reason why some corpses crawl out of the grave is because they were treated unfairly during their lifetime, and their resentment or obsessions persisted, which led to corpse fraud and using their former bodies to take revenge. .

These inanimate monsters are usually Avengers and the safest type of zombie. They have their own minds and will complete their revenge at all costs, but will not harm innocent people.

The zombies of the Celestial Dynasty can be said to belong to this category, but their strength limit is higher, and they also like to drink the blood of relatives. The differences are not small in all aspects.

The fourth type is technological zombies.

Like magic, science can create zombies.

Chemical substances, biological experiments, radiation mutations, and genetic engineering may all be the causes of biochemical crises. In most cases, zombie viruses are the bitter pill that scientists get away with in their attempts to live forever. There are also biochemical weapons that have been specially cultivated.

The technological zombies in the Marvel universe were the beginning of various Nazi research during World War II. At that time, a German scientist codenamed "The King of Death" invented a kind of "Di-Namo Fluid" ) virus, trying to create an army of zombies in batches to help Mustache win the war.

He succeeded, and then his lab was taken over by Captain America and Bucky with the Howling Commandos.

Next, Dr. Merkel, the student of the King of Death, took over the plan and created the undead army. However, within a few days, he was trapped in the factory by Holloway and the invasion team and burned to death.

Later, Dr. Merkel's student "Zombie Master" continued this research and developed controllable zombies that can be remotely controlled through a psychic headband and have a signal receiver installed in the brain.

It's just that he was a little crazy and controlled these zombies into the water to attack Atlantis. As a result, the submarine he was riding in was blown up by Namor, so he drowned. The zombies are still soaking at the bottom of the sea.

After World War II, the Paperclip Project brought many German scientists to the United States, and the zombie virus project was also taken over by the United States. However, the military was more optimistic about the weapons series plan, because the individual strength of zombies was so poor that they looked down upon it.

The remote sensing technology of the psychic headband has been passed down. Decades later, it was improved by the Beast and turned into a brainwave amplifier for the X-Men. This is a digression.

However, this is only true in most worlds. The U.S. military in some parallel universes has continued this research.

For example, the United States on Earth 483 developed the 'Ghoul Virus Type 6810', also known as the Romero virus. The special radiation carried by a meteorite was found to be able to mutate cold viruses into this zombie virus, and then cause death. After some experiments, the earth fell.

The United States on Earth 691 developed the 'Infectious Virus Type 0211', also known as the Ibor virus. This is a mutated rabies virus spread through food and water. It is very powerful. That parallel universe has also fallen and is full of viruses everywhere. There are barking zombies.

The fifth kind...

Zombies were divided into four major categories by Su Ming, but there were always five of the Four Heavenly Kings. This was common sense.

The last type is what Deathstroke and others are seeing now, hungry zombies. They are driven by endless hunger. They are also the most widely spread zombie virus in the multiverse.

The origin should have come from the world of "The Evil Dead", that is, beyond diversity. Later, the zombie sentries were trapped in the Z world, forming a new closed loop of cause and effect.

But Su Ming knew that what he encountered was a variant of the hunger virus, because according to the information learned in his previous life, the hunger virus could only infect super humans. This was a twisted and evil curse with self-awareness. Ordinary people would only become Zombie hero food.

But now, the virus is starting to infect ordinary people...

There are not many places where we can refer to that information, so we might as well tell it and coerce Fury in exchange for some benefits.

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