The Death Knell

Chapter 3114 Launching War

After saying so much, Su Ming stopped, drank a bottle of soda, and observed everyone's reactions.

Fury and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were flirting with each other, as if they were communicating silently, but as for Daisy and Carol, they looked indifferent.

Even the Gods of the Old Ones have seen it, so what does the zombie universe mean?

Tony, on the other hand, looked thoughtful. He put his hand on the triangular reactor on his chest, wiped the lampshade, and asked:

"There is no doubt that what we encountered are hungry zombies. However, Slade, you just mentioned that it is the most widespread zombie virus in the multiverse. I want to know, how widespread is it? The virus that invaded our earth this time Which parallel reality do those zombies come from?”

"Good question." Deathstroke rolled him a bottle of soda from the lawn and asked him to sit on the grass and taste it slowly: "That's the problem. We don't know where they came from, and Fury said before However, they once walked through the little blue door, but they entered the normal world."

Tony looked to the braised egg for advice, and Fury nodded, proving that this was indeed the case.

That door seems to have a big problem now, but when Howard the Duck was not on duty, Fury once sent a dozen other ducks to enter that door. At that time, the 'Dragon Man' came back normally and said Across the way is a world full of pastries and cartoon characters.

So Fury was relieved after seeing that the trial run was successful, and he took Hawkeye to the police station to fish for ducks. As a result, just after a while, a biochemical crisis broke out at the headquarters of the God Helm Bureau.

Now for SHIELD, the biggest problem is that Fury is not sure whether there is only one door on the earth under everyone's feet...

In addition to the blue door that Deathstroke took away, will there be a green door? Red door? Brown door? Even something that doesn't look like a door but is a door? Doors can let zombies come in, but can windows?

If these passages fall into the hands of cheap people, someone will definitely want to try the lock to see if it works. If zombies emerge from other places and spread again, the trouble will be big...

"Is that so?" Tony nodded. He picked up the soda and took a sip, rolling his eyes: "What if we use the elimination method? For example, if you know all the worlds where zombies are infested, can we eliminate them one by one?"

He looked at the death knell longingly, hoping that his uncle would be kind and share more information, instead of hiding it at this time.

Tony himself is not afraid, but he still has so many employees of Stark Industries, and more importantly, he also has a lot of ex-girlfriends.

They were all celebrities and young models in Hollywood or Paris. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be attacked by zombies with the women he had sex with several times, even though he was very wary of anyone of his uncle's generation since the Obadiah incident. , but now I can only rely on Deathstroke.

"Clever, little Tony, but clever in the wrong place."

Deathstroke looked at the women present and related to the mysterious side, and Hela nodded.

Then she looked at Iron Man with a contemptuous smile, and answered Deathstroke in a queen-like tone:

"I think you didn't understand. Deathstroke also said before that dimensions may include a single universe, and a single universe may also include many dimensions. Note that zombie heroes may include magicians and scientists, and they can bring zombies with them. When the same kind enters the dimension, as long as one zombie slips through the network, he still has the possibility of spreading the virus. So if you want to use the elimination method to search for the source of these zombies, you not only have to consider all the parallel worlds with zombies in the multiverse, but also all the Dimensions, that’s a scary number.”

"Tell me a number and make me give up." Tony quickly rubbed his beard. He looked at the death knell with a glimmer of hope.

However, Su Ming just smiled crookedly and completely blocked the road:

"The single universe we are currently in is named Earth-40K by me. The number of dimensions it contains or borders, as far as Kama Taj can observe and know, is 62,985,923, and the Ancient One Master and I even Only 27,268,409 of them have been investigated using time stones. There are bound to be differences in the situation of parallel universes, but just to retrieve the number of dimensions in a single universe, you will still owe time in your lifetime. "

Well, Deathstroke himself has only explored seven or eight dimensions, and the other more than 20 million were checked bit by bit by Master Ancient One.

But there is nothing wrong with what I said. Isn’t this just the total?

Master Gu Yi is a mage. When she explores other dimensions, she may think of annexation or other uses. However, Deathstroke is not a spellcaster. For him, it is enough to guard the main dimension. If someone sends someone to other dimensions, he will take over. If someone gives it to you, there is no need to do it specially.

After hearing this answer, Tony showed a wry smile. He knew that the elimination method was not feasible. He suddenly lost his train of thought and was at a loss. Even his mustache had lost its luster.

But he still didn't know Deathstroke well enough. Looking at the girls, they were all very calm because they knew Deathstroke would always have a plan.

"Just assign tasks. What should we do?" Carol was the first person to give up thinking. She took a few sips from a bottle of soda and wiped her mouth with her backhand: "You tell me how to do it, and we will listen to you."

"Actually, I do have an idea."

Su Ming was waiting for someone to ask questions. However, Carol was not as good at complimenting as Little Fu Yuan, so it was a bit uninteresting, but it worked fine:

"The solution is to let many parallel worlds occupied by zombies collide..."

"I understand! You want to start a secret war!"

Waiter Gwen's eyes lit up. She hit her palm with her fist. Seeing everyone looking at her, she danced and explained with gestures:

"There is a rule in Marvel's multiverse that when different parallel universes collide, annihilation will occur at the conceptual level, thereby eliminating the concept of two single universes at once. As long as that single universe is destroyed, The dimensions it contained would similarly dissipate, as both space and matter are erased.”

"Hiss... Is it like the collision of matter and antimatter? Is this a process of releasing energy? Powering the multiverse itself?" Daisy also understood. As a benefit of running around with Deathstroke, she knew a lot of things. , and she also has a background in astrophysics, so she will understand with a little hint.

But she didn't understand what the secret war Gwen was talking about was. The little girl looked very excited.

However, Deathstroke didn't explain any more. He just took out a large bundle of small wooden sticks from his pocket. These wooden sticks were carved with various spider patterns.

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