The Death Knell

Chapter 3134: Putting the blame on

When they found Fury, the black braised egg from Earth 1610 was walking around the bridge of the space carrier with an unhappy look on his face, looking very upset.

Deathstroke's method is very simple, that is, directly cut a hole in the bridge glass, and then everyone can go in and have close contact with S.H.I.E.L.D.

The air pressure in the sky rolled some fragments out of the window, but soon an armor plate fell down, blocking the hole in the glass.

There were not many people on this aerospace carrier, and many of the work stations were empty. It seemed to be in a hurry to take off. At this time, it could only float in the clouds in an optically invisible state, and had no combat effectiveness at all.

"Miles! You ruined our big deal!"

Black Braised Egg was aggressive, as if he didn't see the people around Little Black Spider, and he was the first to slap him when he came up.

Spider-Man had no intention of giving in. The young black man pressed his chest against Fury's chest, raised his head and looked at the old face and said seriously: "Sorry, General, I cannot allow nuclear bombs to fall on New York City, and there are many people." If they are alive, they will not die in the mouths of zombies, and they cannot die under the nuclear bombs of their own people."

The black director took a deep breath and made a sound like a bellows: "You don't understand anything!"

"Then I'd rather never understand it!" Miles's relatives and friends have all been sent away, and he has made up his mind to leave Deathstroke. Now he has hardened his waist and speaks louder than Fury.

Luodan's face became very strange, as if he was laughing in anger but with a silly smile. He glanced at Deathstroke and other strangers, and then at Black Widow:

"That nuclear bomb is prepared for Iron Man. He will accurately drop the nuclear bomb on the head of the zombie wave outside the city. This process will be filmed by reporters and then sent to every survivor through the S.H.I.E.L.D. network. on the mobile phones of the users, thereby inspiring the fighting spirit of human beings and making them realize that they can also fight against zombies, and technology can be used to fight against zombies!”

"Huh?" Miles didn't expect this kind of gameplay.

No wonder the heroes of the Ultimate Team didn't seem nervous at all when they saw the nuclear bomb. Only Iron Man reacted.

This was originally a play, a play that had been directed long ago.

"But you ruined this plan! You stupid nigger!" Fury went crazy and even cursed himself. Only black people can blatantly curse the word nigger: "Now I want to shoot you on behalf of the U.S. government, you ruined America’s hope of survival.”

As he spoke, he actually took out the gun, raised it towards Miles, opened the safety with his thumb, and pulled down the hammer.


When it comes to drawing a gun the fastest, Deathstroke is better. After all, old cowboys like the Holy Killer are not as fast as Deathstroke.

Although Fury pulled out his gun first, it was the mercenary who came first and shot Fury's head off with one shot.

But facing the guns raised one after another on the bridge, Deathstroke had no intention of continuing to fire. He just calmly said with his hands behind his back:

"Is this your plan? Fury? You expected that I would save Miles, so you made up a plan to make him feel guilty, and then used lmd to send him to death, so that when you come out, you can be killed by the spider. Xia pleads for you, so you can follow me and escape to the parallel universe?"

Yes, the stewed egg on the ground is not a real person at all, but an lmd bionic robot, with its head blown open and sparks spraying from its neck.

As soon as the words fell, there was silence on the bridge. Many agents looked at each other, wondering whether they should shoot.

The director is about to run away, what should everyone do? Do you still want to work hard for him?

But the silence didn't last long. The automatic door from the bridge to the corridor opened, and another Fury appeared. This time he seemed very calm. He didn't even look at Miles, but went straight to the death knell:

"I heard about you from Black Widow and Miles, and I know that you have a channel to the parallel universe, so it's just a test to see if you are as perfect as they said."

"Oh, there is never anyone who is perfect. People make mistakes." Su Ming put away his pistol and shook hands with Fury: "However, your body is still an lmd, so you don't dare to face me with a real person." To me?"

Although lmd is very good, it can imitate heartbeat, breathing, a person's behavior habits, tone of voice, etc. Even the people closest to the person being imitated cannot see it. It is a very useful substitute.

But Deathstroke is the host of the symbiote. Strangler only needs to smell it to know what is delicious and what is not. The Fury in front of him still smells of silicon crystal and fiberglass, not a living person.

A crooked smile appeared on Luo Dan's dark old face, and his yellow teeth looked quite white against the contrast of his black skin:

"The rule of an agent is to try not to expose yourself. Although the timing may not be very good, you are still welcome to our earth."

"Forget about the pretentious politeness. There is no shame in your performance." Deathstroke patted Fury on the shoulder, and the two walked side by side to the fence next to the console: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"My goal is not to escape, but to protect my Earth. I want information."

Fury is very direct, and now there is no way not to be direct.

Zombies can be seen everywhere on the ground, and there is another Earth that is getting closer and closer in the sky. He knows almost nothing about it, and there is no room for bargaining.

"What do you want in exchange?" Deathstroke was also very direct. Anyway, there was no information for free.

"Spider-Man, I'll trade him for Spider-Man." Fury took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Deathstroke: "You won over Miles and Miss Drew just because you want the oz serum and Spider-Man. Mass manufacturing method, right? I have Peter Parker’s genes, and I can use this to make a deal with you.”

Black Widow lowered her head. She almost bit her lip, because she was a clone and a bargaining chip in Fury's mouth.

Skye secretly held her hand, shook her head slightly, and told her not to get excited. Others' opinions didn't mean anything. The key was not to underestimate herself.

"Me being friends with these Spider-Man has nothing to do with the oz serum. I don't like that kind of thing yet, but Peter Parker's genetic material... it's a deal."

Deathstroke agreed immediately, and then asked Strangler to roll up two chairs and start teaching Fury.

Including the classification of zombies, the difficulty of hungry zombies, the integration of diversity, etc., I told Hei Lu Dan the "can be said" part:

"By the way, the zombies on your earth may come from there."

After talking about a lot of things, Su Ming pointed to the sky outside the window as if by accident.

There is another Earth, the Earth that is about to collide with 1610.

Fury's head turned to the window involuntarily, his eyes narrowed, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he calmed down instantly and just nodded:

"How should we go investigate?"

"Now that your two concepts of Earth have merged, so has physical space, so all you need is a rocket, and then a bunch of people strapped to the rocket to launch over there."

Deathstroke threw Fury a cigarette and let him savor it.

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