The Death Knell

Chapter 3135 Split

I don’t know what the design is, but there is a high platform in the bridge of the space carrier. The other operating platforms are all concave. Standing on this platform, you can see what each agent below is doing.

When Fury temporarily left to contact the Ultimate Team to investigate the opposite universe, Su Ming and his team leaned on the iron railings at the edge of the high platform and continued to watch the projections of many large screens around the world, as well as the corpses representing corpses. The red spots of the tide gradually engulf the blue projected earth.

"Ah, there are zombies in Greenland, the last piece of pure land."

Seeing the red dots lighting up on the overseas island on the projection map, the detective girl took out another wine bottle and took a sip. It was the wine that Death Knell gave her to taste before, but she had no intention of returning it.

Whenever a red dot lights up, it means that someone in the local area has called the police and reported encountering zombies, and the keywords in this intelligence are monitored by SHIELD; or zombies appear on the road and are observed by SHIELD satellites. In fact, All of the above are lagging.

"This virus seems to be able to infect all living things. Although Greenland is remote, there are many fishermen there. If they eat fish carrying the virus, they will naturally be infected with the virus. It is like the heavy metal residues in the food chain that will reach humans." It’s the same inside the body.”

The female agent bent over, supporting her arms on the guardrail, and moved her muscles while answering the girl's words. One of her legs was lifted up like a scorpion's tail, and it was slowly placed on her shoulder, with amazing flexibility.

This is probably a yoga workout after waking up.

"Mr. Slade, did I really ruin the director's plan?" Little Black Spider did not look at the map at this time. He was still thinking about Fury's previous lies and walked around uneasily.

If you destroy the hope of mankind, you are the sinner of the earth. The pressure is too great.

Su Ming watched Skye use his tablet to search for the locations of other space carriers, and glanced at the little black spider speechlessly:

"He lied to you. The 'Pershing II' short-range tactical missile Type B is a submarine-launched type, and SHIELD has space carriers and does not use submarines at all. In addition, even if the Pershing missile carries a nuclear warhead, it only has 5 The equivalent of 10,000 tons of TNT. If they really want to cooperate with Iron Man to blow up zombies, SHIELD will definitely choose the Jericho missile, which is more powerful and has better performance. In the end, Fury just wants to make you feel guilty. It’s just messing with your thinking.”

The Iron Man of Earth 1610 is different. His armor was originally designed to treat his brain tumor. It can be said to be a humanoid survival capsule.

Although he was once kidnapped by a terrorist organization called the Red Devils, with the armor in hand, he was not harmed at all. Naturally, he did not have the consciousness of the Iron Man in the parallel universe.

After becoming Iron Man, he continued his arms business, founded the Ultimate Team, and manufactured a large amount of advanced military equipment for SHIELD, making a fortune.

When he sold his arms, he once said a famous saying: "This is what is used to kill people. Those liars and careerists deserve to die. Killing is to truly eliminate evil. Protecting the earth starts with me." ’

Maybe it was because of the brain tumor that he had some mental problems. The more the weapons he created killed people, the happier he was, and he thought it was purifying the earth.

how to say? Those 'acquaintances' in 1610 all have something wrong with them. Even Captain America, whom Little Black Spider admires the most, is an extreme chauvinist and interventionist.

The most famous thing about Steve in 1610 is that he served as the president of the United States. His policy characteristic is "fire first, negotiate later." The whole world must obey the leadership of the United States. If it does not obey, it will be beaten until it obeys.

Have you ever seen the President of the United States who jumped from Air Force One in flight and personally killed people to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries? he is the one

But that was all in the past. After Magneto flipped the earth's magnetic poles, the United States suffered heavy losses. The country was in decline, with frequent civil strife, and the country was divided into states acting independently.

Now it is probably considered a failure in governance. After all, 'strongman politics' means nothing once the leader fails.

"Is that so? Why is his heart so dark?" Miles looked at the bald man at the communication station in the distance in disbelief. The big eyes on the mask looked very tired.

"The prerequisite for a black heart is that he has a heart, but he doesn't. He only has a black hole where other people's hearts are."

Black Widow whispered, she shook her head and looked at Deathstroke:

"I am now suspected of being a traitor by him. It seems that even if our earth can be saved, he will make trouble for me afterwards. I can only go with you. This is the effect you want to achieve by going to save me." ?”

Deathstroke removed his visor and lit a cigarette, looking at the woman's face through the smoke. There was only calmness in his eyes: "Anyway, you haven't lost anything. Even if you have, what you lose today will be better tomorrow."

The female agent tilted her head slightly and raised her red lips in an arc: "Then it's settled."

At this time, Earth 616, in the Avengers Mansion.

The Avengers are having a meeting, because another Earth has appeared in their sky, and now everyone is discussing what to do.

Captain America suggested contacting the other party to see if the matter could be undone. Although data from various scientific instruments proved that the collision was almost irreversible, he did not understand science, so he did not believe it at all.

For this determined warrior, he believed that only man could conquer nature.

But no matter how he expresses his opinions and makes plans, only those simple-minded good friends among the Avengers choose to support him.

For example, Tony, Reed and a few others were all drinking wine and having tea, looking absent-minded and silently making small calculations.

"Let's start taking action. First contact the person on the opposite planet, and then we can work together to solve the problem." Seeing the dull atmosphere, the captain could only clapped his hands to indicate that the meeting was over. Now that time was running out, it was more important to take action first.

But Reed stood up, scratched the top of his head with his rubber-like fingers, and smiled sheepishly: "Well, Captain, I won't follow the team anymore. I have to go back and arrange things at home."

"I'm not going either. I'll stay here and continue to provide you with remote technological support. At least you have to know how long the countdown is, right?" Iron Man held the bottle of wine, his mustache curled up and he gave up.

Captain America took a deep look at them, then looked at Captain Marvel who was a little impatient next to him, closed his eyes and nodded:

"Okay, who else of you wants to quit?"

"I want to go back to the sea. After all, I am a king." Pointed-eared Namor turned around and left without any hesitation.

As soon as Namor left, Black Panther also stood up: "I also have to go back to Wakanda. I'm sorry, Captain."

"I understand, wish us all good luck." Steve shook hands with Black Panther, and then looked at everyone packing their bags: "Come on, let's set off the Avengers!"

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