The Death Knell

Chapter 3137 A strong man descends from the sky

Namor is cruel enough, stupid enough, and good enough.

But he is not a fool. Maybe he is not a smart person among many superheroes, but he is still smarter than Hulk and Thor.

So it is said that one person is required to balance the other's earth, but that is just talk.

He had long expected that the Illuminati would be unreliable, and those who thought they were superheroes would only know their mother-in-laws, so he joined another more straightforward team and has been stealing information about the Illuminati for this period of time.

He flew through the night sky not far before arriving at a park. He knocked on a tree, and a beam of light teleported him away.

The next second, he came to a magnificent hall. There was a long dining table filled with luxurious food. A figure in a green cloak was sitting in the master's seat, looking at him with cold eyes. Look at him.

"You should have come a long time ago, Namor. Doom said that you and those people are not the same."

"But I brought more news, Doctor Doom." Namor walked to the dining table, pulled out his chair and wanted to eat. He was really hungry, and even the Avengers Mansion didn't care about food.

But the Latvian tyrant just raised his hand and clenched his fist, and the majestic magical power fell from the sky like a mountain, pressing Namor onto the cold floor tiles and rubbing his face hard on the ground.

The doctor's cold voice came next, and he pressed harder so that Namor's mouth and nose spurted blood:

"Dum is the leader. You have to know who to listen to. You can sit only when I ask you to sit down. You can only eat when I ask you to eat. Otherwise, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

"Ah, ah! I understand! Let me go!"

Namor was anxious and angry. He vomited blood in response, but the power of magic was not something that a man like him who could only play with water could resist.

The pressure on his body dissipated, and Doom also put down his hands. He picked up the knife and fork and said: "Then please take a seat and enjoy dinner, Namor, the king of the sea, Doom's friend."

"Hahahaha... What a good show. Every time I see you humans killing each other, I find it extremely interesting." Sitting across the dining table was a huge man in a cloak, with his figure exposed under the shadow of the cloak. His purple skin was stained, and he grabbed a roasted beef leg and played with it in his hand: "Namo, why don't you resist and try to kill Doom?"

Neptune lowered his head and ate without saying a word, his face almost buried in the plate.

"Because he can't do it, and he still has the brains to realize it." Doctor Doom calmly took a sip of red wine and looked at the cloaked man: "Also, Thanos, Doom didn't ask you to come here for anything. You, but you want to ask Doom, if you are not convinced, you can try to kill Doum, but if you fail, Doum will kill you."

"Haha, it's not that time yet. Although I like killing people very much, we are just people in the same boat now. If you want to kill each other, let's wait until we get through the crisis. I will not only kill you, but I will also kill you." Grind Latvinia into powder, turn your mother’s soul into a plaything, and make you kneel before me and beg for mercy.”

After hearing Thanos' words, Doom had no reaction. He just picked up the wine bottle, refilled himself a glass of red wine, and asked calmly:

"Everyone can talk big words, but first pray to death that you can live until then. By the way, death prefers human men, right?"

The Mad Titan's body trembled, as if he was trying his best to suppress his anger. Just when Namor thought the two sides were about to fight, Thanos suddenly laughed:

"Ha, as expected of Doctor Doom, his courage deserves my attention. Okay, let's stop this meaningless chat. Speaking of destroying another universe, my Dark Order is ready. Where is your Molecule Man? You What do you mean when you say that the end of time has come earlier?"

"Literally speaking, compared with the future that Doom has seen in the past, Diversity Fusion has been advanced by more than five years, which is very strange. As for Molecule Man, Doom has his own plans."

"Well..." Thanos made a nasal sound of unknown meaning.

"During the meal, let's enjoy Captain America's actions. Understanding another Earth is the first step." Doctor Doom snapped his fingers, and a hole opened in the center of the dining table, and a small projector came out. .

This projector creates a three-dimensional projection in the sky of a spaceship that carries most of the Avengers.

The time was just right. Not long after the spacecraft took off, it was probably at the center point between the two earths. Doom's satellites and various monitoring equipment were able to take very clear pictures, and even the serious expressions of those in the cabin were clear. now.

Doom has already anticipated the outcome. When Captain America and his team arrive on the other side's planet, they will immediately be judged as alien invaders. After explaining the matter, they will be held hostage. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.

Everything they do is in vain, because in reality there is only a life-and-death fight, and there is no possibility of compromise.

Unfortunately, Doom is not an omniscient and omnipotent god, and something unexpected happened...

On the only way the spacecraft must pass, a door of light suddenly appeared, and three funny figures walked out of the white glare.

All three of them have bald heads and gray-white skin, and they look a bit like the Grays in the early Alien movies.

Their armor is very technological, like hollow silver artwork, with small flashing lights on their shoulders and joints.

As soon as these three people appeared, just one of them casually waved his hand, and the spacecraft instantly moved to a stop in front of them. The alien came to the porthole, put his three-fingered paw on it, and established a spiritual link:

"Captain America of Earth 616? Your earth has been classified as a waste. Go back, you miserable low-dimensional creature."

"You are......"

Steve was confused and full of surprise. He wanted to ask the other party's identity, but the entire spacecraft was teleported back to Earth in an instant, and even the engine was turned into a puddle of mud.


The first half of the sentence is still in space, and the last word has returned to the earth, just so fast.

Abandoning the spaceship of Captain America and others, the leader of the three aliens looked at Doom's hidden secret satellite, but did not make any move. He just hovered calmly in the space, with the armor on his arm Operating on...

"Stop! What are you doing?!"

I don’t know what this alien did, and even humans can’t understand the changes in the high level after seeing it, but Doom discovered that a huge conceptual entity appeared in space the next second, which was what magicians were familiar with. 'Eternity'.

Nebulas are still rotating within the body of this entity. It represents the concept of time and space, and is one of the creator gods of the universe.

But facing this huge god, the alien, who was as small as an ant, had no mood swings. He remained businesslike, leaning against the door and answering in standard English:

"We want to delete the reality of 616. There is no longer any experimental value here, so don't stop our work. All your actions will be in vain."

"Huang Miao! Who are you?" The eternal eyes seemed to be able to see through something, but they could not get the final answer.

Perhaps feeling some kind of obstacle, the strange-looking alien lowered his arms and looked at eternity with speechless eyes:

"We are beyond everything. We are dreamers and destroyers. All reality is changed by our whim. How dare you stand in front of us, just a low-level god?"

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