The Death Knell

Chapter 3138 Onlookers

The wine glass in Doctor Doom's hand stopped shaking. The moment those three figures appeared, Doom's suspicion was confirmed.

Regarding the similarity of the Molecule Man in the multiverse, as well as the man behind the scenes who always seems to be there, who is the creator of the original transcendent, and other issues can be explained.

But he didn't speak, and just continued to watch the exchange between the three people and Eternity. As for such trivial matters as how the two parties made sounds in the vacuum environment of space, he didn't even bother to think about it.

If you can't even speak in space, then you are not considered a cosmic powerhouse at all, not to mention that the two sides you see now will only be stronger.

However, although Doom was fully mentally prepared, what happened next was beyond his expectation.

The leading bald alien just raised his hand and shot a thin beam of light, which opened a big hole in Eternal's body, which was made of concepts and was almost impossible to touch. The huge planet-like body was knocked away several times. Tens of thousands of light years have turned into a small point of light in the universe.

Anyone with some culture knows that eternity is the embodiment of the concept of "existence". It is not a physical creature itself. Being knocked away by an inexplicable light is like letting a monkey see something created out of thin air. It is difficult for the audience to understand.

But the mysterious alien didn't even bother to pursue him. After being knocked away for eternity, the bald head just continued to immerse himself in operating something on his arm armor.

Thanos, who also saw this scene, couldn't help but laugh. He wiped off the hood on his head, looked at the images of the three mysterious people and said:

"What level of battle is this? If I had the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet, I could defeat the Gods of Creation, but not as easily as they did. However, he sent back Captain America. Why did he know that we were peeking but still didn't stop him? "

"They just don't want the captain and the others to escape from the 616 universe. Also, will you avoid the eyes of the ants?" Doctor Doom put down his wine glass, folded his arms and looked over there with a gloomy look: "Besides these guys' In our eyes, our universe is just a small ball, so what if their actions are seen by everyone? What can you understand?"

Thanos took a deep breath: "So, what did you understand?"

"Of course I can see more than you, but there is no need for Doom to explain. You just need to follow the arrangements." Doctor Doom touched the desktop, and a virtual keyboard appeared in front of him. He began to quickly input lines of commands. Adjusting something.

"This is trouble. Captain America and the others were considered to be fleeing when they wanted to explore another earth, so they were repatriated. These weirdos didn't want us to survive." Namor hammered the table, but also It was just incompetence and rage. After all, fighting at this level was far beyond the limits of his cognition.

He couldn't even break through the atmosphere alone without protection, so now he was completely reduced to a spectator.

Doctor Doom glanced at him. The value of Namor's existence was that of a 'spy taking the blame'. If it hadn't been a little bit useful, he really wanted to kick this waste out of his castle and throw it into the endless void to let it fend for itself.

In the blink of an eye, the scene changed again. Eternity, which was knocked away and disappeared, came back, and brought its own brothers and sisters, Infinity and Galactus, Order, Chaos, and the In-Between.

Death was impossible. Thanos had long told her to find a place to hide, and that woman was not the type to go on the battlefield.

As for Annihilation among the five gods of creation, he is suspected to be the strongest and the most mysterious among the gods. It is normal for him not to appear.

On Earth 1610, when the adjutant observed the situation in 616, he naturally notified Su Ming.

The Sheriff once warned that when the Transcendent God Clan whose appearance is suspected to be described appears, no matter what he is doing at that time, he must be informed immediately.

Deathstroke, who was originally just waiting for Fury to call someone, immediately took his team and teleported away, and found a small meeting under a coconut tree on an isolated island in the Pacific. What 616 Doom could see, he also broadcast a copy to Look, everyone.

And he spoke in much more detail than Doom.

"Eternity was at a disadvantage in the collision of concepts. It was difficult for a separate body in a single universe to fight against high-dimensional outsiders, so he gave up."

While distributing holed coconuts and straws, Deathstroke explained his understanding to the team members as if explaining a game:

"Death has not come, as it should be. That woman is not a fighting type, she can only show off. As for Annihilation, he has a famous passive skill called 'You forgot that I forgot that I exist'. The Five Gods of Creation, Eternal Not united and destroyed.”

Yes, annihilation, which represents the concept of 'nothingness', is often forgotten by people. Even if it appears, it often disappears as soon as it hits people, and everyone present suddenly forgets that he has ever appeared, because he himself seems to be does not exist.

The amount of information was too large. Except for Rocky and Jessica, whose expressions remained unchanged, everyone else who listened to Deathstroke's explanation turned into a black question mark expression. Among them, Miles was the most obvious, because he was originally a black man. .

The little black spider scratched his head, rolled his eyes, and felt restless as if his whole body was itching. He looked at everyone, squeezed the coconut he was given, and sighed:

"I didn't understand it. What about the Five Creation Gods and Transcendence of the Gods? I didn't understand it from the beginning."

"It's okay, you don't need to be too understanding. It's enough to recognize people when you see them. Anyway, if you meet the Transcendent Gods, most of the time they won't bother to pay attention to you." Deathstroke smiled and rubbed the little black man's head: " Let’s all drink coconut juice. This is the last coconut juice on Earth 1610. I don’t know when I’ll be able to drink it again.”

The explanation is mainly for Jessica and Loki. The 40,000 people on Earth are protected too well by Deathstroke. Many of the superheroes have never experienced a universe-level battle, let alone understand the Five Creation Gods.

If it were Earth 616, the Avengers would have fought against Galactus dozens of times, and that would be called experience.

Although in this situation, even if they have dealt with the original transcendent twice, their experience is still useless.

The Original Transcendent is a larvae of the Transcendent God Clan, and is also a humanoid Cosmic Cube, but he is not ranked among the tribe at all.

The Transcendent Protoss who is beating Eternity violently in the projection is just a 'mapmaker', to put it bluntly, he is the lowest level investigator. By analogy, it's like the workers tightening screws on a certain factory assembly line in Wilson Enterprises, who can't even get close to the boss.

But if he leaves the factory and compares with the alien workers in Contrasia, he is a contract worker, and the aliens are temporary workers, so he has additional advantages brought by his status.

The transcendent gods from a high level also have advantages when facing the reality of a low level.

But they are not without weaknesses.

"Zi Zi"

The female detective Jessica sucked the straw loudly. She was heartless. Anyway, she could survive for a while and she didn't care at all.

Loki didn't get any coconuts, and she didn't have any desire to eat. She just looked at the battlefield projected by the death knell, with excitement in her eyes.

After all, after receiving so many years of education from the Asa clan, how could she not like fighting? What's more, it's not every day that you see the God of Creation being unlucky, so she smiled happily:

"Hehe, it's such a fierce but inexplicable battle. Will we die?"

Deathstroke replied firmly: "Not today."

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