The Death Knell

Chapter 3139 Bullying

Yongheng called for help, but the scene did not change much.

The other two Transcendent Gods also took action together, and together with the bald leader, they fought with fewer enemies and many conceptual entities.

There are no fancy things. The Transcendents use technological weapons, which are yellow beams of light ejected from the palms of their hands, and the figure spins like a small top.

There are no complicated moves or particularly exaggerated light and shadow effects.

The embodiments of concepts swept by the light let out screams, exploded on the spot, and died like this, as if they had never appeared.

"This is too exaggerated." Loki laughed, and she touched her ears with her hands, obviously unable to understand why this happened.

As a mage, she still knows something about the embodiment of concepts.

Except for Galactus, several other conceptual entities have surpassed most dimensional demon gods. Even her 'infinite' ability allows her to control time and space. Theoretically speaking, it is impossible to lose. She can stand invincible just by turning back time. A place of defeat.

But now? Infinite's ability is activated but it is as if it is not activated. The battle is as straightforward as a Spanish conquistador hitting a Native American with a musket.

Conceptual effects are neutralized.

"Normal phenomenon. You have to understand that these concept embodiments are just splits at the level of a single universe. The level of concepts they master is much lower than that of the Transcendent Gods."

Deathstroke himself also hugged a coconut, but it was not him who was drinking it, but the black bean sprout on his shoulder, which was sucking through a straw. His crescent-shaped eyes were narrowed, looking very comfortable.

If we weren't on an earth that was about to be destroyed, it would be nice to enjoy the sea breeze and drink natural drinks under the coconut trees on the beach.

"Supreme Mage, what exactly is transcending the gods? Is there a better way to understand it?" Loki took a few steps and leaned gently against the coconut tree.

"It's troublesome to explain in detail. Let's give an example."

Deathstroke stretched out his hand and used cosmic energy to pull on the beach, making the sand form a model and squirming to life under the sea breeze:

"There was a comic company. They built a building, but there were too many people working there, and the interior was often messy. So they set up a property security branch specifically to maintain order in the building and clean up the trash. . But the big leaders also gave these property management personnel very high authority, even higher than some of the lower-level leaders. Over time, these property management personnel thought that they were the owners of the building, and they acted unscrupulously with their authority."

Loki nodded in understanding. She blew a breath, and the long hair on her forehead was blown up:

"So the Beyond God Clan is this property company. I probably understand. Thanks to me living on Earth for a few years. If it were me in other parallel worlds, I don't think they would understand what company and properties you tell them."

"Those guys are not qualified for me to explain. You are different. This is what we agreed on at the beginning." Deathstroke just smiled, let go and let the sand sculpture collapse, and raised his chin: "Keep watching, the battle is not over yet."

After the bald cartographer who surpassed the gods easily defeated several concept aggregates, he introduced the golden multi-faceted judge. After all, he is the defender of the order of the multiverse. It is naturally his duty to fight against such foreign invaders.

This is talking about the Life Court. Whenever a multi-dimensional crisis becomes irreversible, he will appear and try to restore order.

Speaking of which, when appearing in different single universes, the image of the Life Tribunal will be slightly different. Sometimes the expression on the golden face is different, and sometimes it is the purple patch covering the head. Turbans are different.

But after all, they are the same existence. The Tribunal of Life has no conceptual separation. He is a real plural existence, a collection of concepts of 'order' that is higher than the real dimension, and he is also the person appointed to supervise diversity for TOAA.

Absolutely rational, absolutely fair, to the point of being cold and ruthless. If he could save 50 people by killing 49 people, he would do it without hesitation. He is the person who makes the most enjoyable choices.

It's just that the criteria for this one's appearance are very vague.

Sometimes if you fight a Dimensional Demon God, the Life Tribunal will pop up to stop the fight; but sometimes, even if you blow up half of the multiverse, he will ignore you.

It's quite puzzling, and it feels very willful.

"You have gone too far!"

The Life Tribunal issued a warning majestically as soon as it appeared, and stood in front of the Transcendent Gods with its hands on its hips.

The blue pool of light on his chest was emitting strong light like the sun, and his golden body was so tall. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he filled the atmosphere of Guangweizheng.

The leader of the Transcendent Protoss raised his head and glanced at the court with eyes without any emotion:

"Living Court, don't block the road. Your sacrifice today is for a better future."

"You are not qualified to decide the future of the multiverse." The face in the center of the Life Tribunal was also expressionless. As he spoke, golden light erupted from his eyes, and he hit the heads of the three freaks who transcended the gods.

But the mapmaker who surpassed the Protoss didn't even need the help of his companions. He flipped his wrist and sprayed a ray from his palm.

From the visual effect, the light beams of the Life Tribunal are like the Milky Way pouring back. I am afraid that the Big Bang will not be so bright. Just looking at it can make people feel the endless power contained in it.

What about the beam of light that transcends the gods? Comparing it with the one in the courtroom is like comparing a needle with the Amazon River. Not to mention that it is thin and short, and even the light and shadow effects are inferior by countless orders of magnitude.

But it happened that the mapmaker won this round of ‘wave confrontation’.

The beam of light, so weak that it was almost invisible, shattered the energy column emitted by the Life Tribunal, just like breaking a glass rod, and quickly hit the court's chest, making the golden man suddenly a Stumbling, falling backward.

This time the mapmaker did not let go. He took up the pursuit action, appeared in front of the Court of Life in an instant, and shot at the golden man's head at close range.

In just the blink of an eye, the invincible Life Tribunal fell, and his body lost its light and became as dim as brass.

That's not all. The little cartographer grabbed the fingers of the Tribunal of Life, like an ant lifting a Tyrannosaurus rex, and then he picked it up and beat it back and forth in the air.

It was clearly in the universe, but there was the sound of impacting something real, followed by the sound of space breaking apart. For a time, the area where the two of them were was riddled with holes, revealing the bottom of nothingness. color.

After being beaten back and forth a few times, the body of the Universal Court gradually became smaller as if it was shrinking. It was originally an extremely tall giant, but now its body is only the size of an ordinary person.

With a casual grab, the mapmaker pulled off the court's head, killing him once and for all.

"A futile struggle."

After saying that, he threw the body of the Life Tribunal onto the surface of the moon with a slight throw, throwing up a cloud of dust.

It was at this time that the adjutant reported that in all parallel universes that could be observed so far, the corpse of the Tribunal of Life appeared on every moon. He had really died.

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