The Death Knell

Chapter 3157 Bomb Problem

The city was empty, and the roads were filled with the charred remains of burning cars. The blood stains left by people in the past had long been washed away by the rain, as if nothing had happened.

But the hunger virus is too powerful. Whenever that strong feeling of emptiness strikes, no hero can resist its power, so that all animals and plants are wiped out by the zombie heroes, not even a blade of grass is left. Come down.

After becoming zombies, they are destined to continuously ingest massive amounts of carbon-based life, and they are constantly going back and forth between sanity and chaos.

Zombies of the same kind cannot eat each other. Not only do they smell bad, but they are not very full after eating them.

Peter kept sniffing as he was on his way. He no longer expected to find living people to taste. His target was cockroaches, bed bugs, even mites, as long as any creature had escaped the massacre by other heroes. .

But how can it be that easy? Zombie heroes each have their own strengths. For example, Mr. Stark invented the biomass scanner. As long as he turns on that device, all life within a radius of several kilometers will be projected onto the inner screen of his suit, and then he will send out The 'Family Bucket' goes hunting in a large area.

His mouth was full of oil after eating, while a loser zombie like Peter could only drool.

But now, all the edible creatures on the earth have long been eaten up, and everyone is hungry. All people's hope lies in Dr. Reed, and their eyes have turned to the parallel world.

As for whether the earth hanging in the sky can be eaten and how to eat it, everyone has to hold a meeting to discuss it.

The drifting Peter suddenly stopped, and he sniffed under the broken mask.

"Smell, smells so good! It's human flesh!"

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and in order to prevent himself from hallucinating, he opened his mask and took a few deep breaths.

That's right, it really smells like a living person, not only the smell of meat, but also the smell of sweat and perfume, cigarettes and chewing gum, all of which are sent into Spider-Man's nostrils by the breeze.

The saliva immediately flowed out uncontrollably. After swallowing the saliva, Peter felt that his body was light and flying in the direction of the wind.

The rancid blood vessels were shot out one by one as if he was free of money. He swung between the buildings at the fastest speed in his life. A few minutes later, he saw his prey!

So many living people, so much flesh and blood!

There were about fifty or sixty people, including many instantly recognizable characters, such as Iron Man, Captain Marvel and others.

Not the acquaintances on my own earth, not zombies, but living people from the parallel universe, flesh.

But after looking at the comparison of strength between himself and the other party, Peter hesitated a little.

You can't hunt so many people, right? Especially with the presence of Captain Marvel and Lan Qi, there is no way to fight.

But the hunger became more and more serious, and his heart suddenly...

"Hello everyone, I'm Spider-Man, a good neighbor of the people of New York. Although I'm sorry, can you let me bite you a few times? Just a few, I'm so hungry!"

Yes, he jumped off the roof and stood in front of a group of people. He swallowed his saliva and made a sincere request. He clasped his hands together and bowed repeatedly, asking them to kindly offer some meat to share.

The mysterious man in black and yellow armor and Iron Man in the crowd looked at each other. The latter had a look of helplessness on his mustachioed face, raised his palm, and started charging the palm cannon:

"Sorry kid, I can only refuse, because I want to eat burgers in the future, normal burgers that are not human flesh."

After saying that, he was bombarded with artillery fire.

Before he opened fire, the spider sense was warning. Zombie spiders are also spiders, so Peter Parker did a cartwheel, nimbly dodged the attack, and rushed towards the crowd in a hurry, muttering:

"Mr. Stark, please, there are so many of you, any one of you, let me take a bite..."

Then, there is no more.

He reminded the Ultimate Alliance that everyone was outnumbered, so everyone took action to provide fire coverage. The thin boy who rushed towards everyone like a wild dog was instantly submerged in various light and shadow effects.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, there was only a piece of red and blue rag that was slowly burning, with its blackened edges slightly raised under the licks of the flames.

"Alas." Miles was obviously sad. He crossed himself on his chest: "Rest in peace, Brother Spider, eating people is really wrong."

"Don't be sentimental, Miles." Black Widow touched the top of his head. She seemed much calmer: "We don't understand the situation on this earth yet. If he is a clone like me, then there may be hundreds of thousands more It’s him.”

"Even then I feel sorry for him. Even if he is a clone, he is still alive, at least before he becomes a zombie."

The little black spider rubbed his face with his hands and shook his head.

Black Widow was very happy that Miles could treat the clone as a human being, but she said nothing more. She just held her pistol on guard and touched the little black spider's head with her other hand more gently.

"There is no doubt that another earth is occupied by zombies." The square-faced captain crossed his arms to check the surrounding environment, reached out to touch the dust on the surface of the building nearby, and then looked at the vehicle wreckage on the street: "Install bombs. We'll leave once this place is blown up."

The Ultimate Team fell into a kind of inertial thinking at some point. Now 'there are zombies' and 'blow up the earth' are equated in everyone's minds. There is no need to think more, just repeat the work.

"Let's get started." Iron Man carried a suitcase this time. The planet bomb he had seized from the Kree was used up. This was the 'monkey version' he asked AI to work overtime on Friday to create with human technology. It was just in time to experiment: "It's time. The people who are on guard duty are on guard duty, it’s the same old thing.”

Some people separated from the crowd, some went to the alley, some defended the sewer manhole cover, and some kept looking up at the sky.

Although the members of the Ultimate Alliance have various character flaws, there is no problem with team coordination. This makes Su Ming relaxed a lot, as he only needs to blend in with the crowd.

Tony opened the box, picked up the instruction manual and read it.

Because he was worried that the bomb could not be detonated by Iron Man during the battle, the AI ​​steward thoughtfully sent him a 'Guide to Destroying the Earth' and explained that due to limitations in portability and materials, the explosion power was not as powerful as the Kree original version. Bombs need to be placed in geologically weak areas to achieve the effect of destroying the earth, such as Yellowstone Park, Mariana Trench and other places.

"Shet, I asked you how to make it so light and portable. It turns out that the power is reduced and you have to use your brain." Tony was a little dissatisfied. He started to quarrel with his AI butler: "You are so shameless! This It’s a bomb that requires some brainpower to even install, wouldn’t it cause trouble if used by Logan?!”

Wolverine narrowed his eyes, and the sharp claws popped out of his fists and stabbed Iron Man in the butt. Logan cursed:

"Fake oil, I doubt what you are implying."

"I don't need to hint at anything because only real idiots would start fighting among themselves at this point!"

Tony dropped the bomb and started to fight with Wolverine.

Loki, who was watching from the side, was a little speechless. She stretched out her hand to scratch her chin and asked Deathstroke: "Is this really okay?"

Su Ming, with a cigarette in his mouth, nodded and pointed to the sky: "No problem, isn't this coming?"

More than a dozen large missiles are falling from the sky with flaming tails, and have entered the final irregular maneuvering anti-interception stage.

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