The Death Knell

Chapter 3158 Encountering a surprise attack

Cloud blast bomb is a kind of fuel-air ammunition. The warhead is loaded with certain high-speed fuel that reacts violently, also known as cloud blast agent.

When the detonation conditions are reached, the cloud explosive agent will be sprinkled over a large area around the target, and then ignite instantly, draining all the air to support combustion, and triggering a strong air pressure backlash, which can turn people into meat floss cakes. Shockwave.

You don't need to know too much about anything else. You just need to know that the bodies of people killed by cloud bombs are usually very complete, or at most charred.

If you want to ask how Deathstroke knew that these missiles were equipped with cloudburst warheads, the answer is simple, because the heroes on guard on the roof intercepted the missiles, causing the cloudburst to cover a large area of ​​the surrounding sky, and fireworks had already exploded. .

At the critical moment, Su Ming patted the cloak with his backhand, and it cleverly opened its soft fabric, trapping several members of the Deathstroke team inside like a turtle shell.

Almost the next second, the flow of air brought a terrifying scream.

Under the dark protective shell, it was like listening to a train passing through a cave at high speed, and then suddenly hitting somewhere.

But Deathstroke just calmly distributed bat-shaped oxygen tanks to Jessica and Miles: "The cloud blast bomb has drained the surrounding air, and we should face an attack by zombies next."

"This is the first time I've seen zombies also use missiles. That's great. Why don't they use nuclear weapons to blow us up?"

Jessica looked at the bat in her hand speechlessly. She also didn't understand why an oxygen tank had to be shaped like a bat.

"Of course they don't want to blow us up with nuclear bombs. You have to know that the zombies are still waiting for meat." The black widow took the bat in her mouth without hesitation and said vaguely: "The flash explosion will not increase the surrounding temperature. It’s too much, can we go out? My former colleagues are still outside.”

"Although I don't know who the zombie is that launched the missile, it's pretty smart."

Su Ming was not in a hurry. After all, the black light ring did not sense any undead creatures nearby, which meant that the zombies outside had not arrived yet. He just said:

"The cloud blast bomb bombards many heroes, and it is difficult to defend against it even if it extracts air. It will not achieve the effect of total destruction, but will inevitably create a group of wounded. In this way, the ability users who are not affected will instead fight to take care of their teammates. Being held back?"

If it were the Avengers in other parallel worlds, this plan would probably be successful, right? But in Earth 1610’s Ultimate Team, the relationship between the members is hard to say.

Anyway, Deathstroke knew that if he expected the Iron Man of 1610 to sacrifice himself to save others, it would be better to expect the sun to come out from the west.

When the wind sound outside the cloak completely disappeared, Su Ming let it withdraw its defense. The next second, the surrounding situation came into view.

Almost all nearby buildings were flattened by the shock wave. Some people in the Ultimate Alliance fell in the ruins, alive or dead, but as expected, heroes such as Captain Square, Lan Qi, Iron Man, etc. were not greatly affected. The damage is just a bit disgraced.

Even Wolverine, who was half-cooked, was fine. The cloud bomb only roasted his skin and part of his flesh into a pitch-black charred shell. But with the help of his high-speed self-healing ability, he could be said to be completely healed immediately. The earth emerged from the half-crouching black shell.

Speaking of which, his self-healing ability is really good. In just ten seconds, even his hair and beard healed themselves, which is much better than Deadpool's self-healing.

"Damn zombies!" The square-faced captain slapped the flames off the shoulders of her uniform, and launched into the air with cosmic energy surging all over her body. While spinning in the air, she roared in all directions: "Come out and face me, you miserable rotting rat. !”

It is unknown whether she saw the enemy. Anyway, Su Ming only saw a blue light beam streaking across the sky in the distance, accurately hitting the face of the man who was yelling, and blasting her several kilometers away.

The woman's figure crashed into a skyscraper in the distance, throwing up a large cloud of smoke and dust. It seemed that she would not be able to get out in a short time.

The powerful Captain Marvel was knocked away by an inexplicable attack. The remaining conscious members of the Ultimate Team suddenly became nervous, as if they were worried that the next target would be themselves, and everyone was in danger.

Because they know that no one among their teammates will help them block the gun, and no one will help them keep an eye on their backs. They can only rely on themselves.

Deathstroke just smiled and reassured the team members around him. He patted Miles and Miss Drew on the shoulders: "Don't worry, it's an energy cannon made to imitate the attack of the Celestial Team. There won't be a second one in a short time. It's necessary." Very long recharge time.”

Su Ming knew this thing. Zombie Iron Man used it to knock down Galactus with one shot and took his friends to have a feast, and this thing was not a continuous shot.

"Is this the effect that technological weapons can achieve?" Iron Man heard Deathstroke's words, and a solemn voice came out from under his mask: "It seems that the zombies on this earth have very good minds."

"Don't be ridiculous. There is only a puddle of green paste like silt inside the zombie's skull. Where does the brain come from?" Su Ming told a cold joke and patted Iron Man on the butt: "Save the people first, and the command will be handed over to you." Play with me for a while."

"Are you okay?" Tony looked at the way Deathstroke was hugging him, and he was a little doubtful: "Captain Marvel can replace Captain America in command, because they are both soldiers and know how to fight."

Su Ming pointed at the back of Lan Qi, who flew away from everyone to rescue the square-faced captain: "I was a soldier and participated in World War II. Besides, you don't have a choice now. After all, Thor is not here, right?"

"Do it! Okay, you take command, how do we save people?" Iron Man knew that now was not the time to waste time. He picked up his monkey version of the bomb and held it to his chest, asking on behalf of his teammates.

"Find an entrance first, drag the wounded into the sewers, avoid air strikes and long-range strikes, and consider the long term."

For such a small scene, there was no need to even think about it. It was enough for Su Ming to just use classic tactics. For urban guerrilla warfare, there was nothing wrong with going into the sewers.

Moreover, Strangler had already found the manhole cover and skillfully helped to lift it, so quickly.

The heroes who were still able to move dragged the injured and unconscious people into the sewer, and the zombies launched missiles again, but this time the person who intercepted them was Deathstroke. He intercepted the missiles by letting him eat them.

Black tentacles rose up into the sky, became larger and thicker, and opened their mouths to merge together to form a funnel shape.

When the warheads exploded in Strangler's body, it just belched, spitting out a small flame as if it had eaten spicy meatballs.

Thanks to strangulation, other symbiotes cannot play like this. Fire and shock should be the things they fear most.


Strangler said that he was different from other coquettish symbiote bitches, and that he was the strongest.

Touching the little black bean sprouts, Su Ming slowly lifted into the air. With his cloak fluttering, he hovered there, holding his hands behind his back and waiting for the zombies to attack.

But until everyone was thrown into the sewer, the zombie heroes' next attack was still not organized.

Lan Qi rushed back with the unconscious square-faced captain on his back. Su Ming pointed to the manhole cover on the ground. The black man with shawl hair simply nodded and went straight down.

After the evacuation was completed, Deathstroke calmly turned around and looked at the Baxter Building standing in Manhattan from dozens of kilometers away:


Then he waved his hand, not sure if it was a farewell or a provocation, and then his figure flashed and disappeared from the place.

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