The Death Knell

Chapter 3181 An acquaintance visits

Su Ming knew a lot about Earth

Tell them about the Justice League, the Celestial Group experiment, and the concepts of cosmic consciousness. Can they understand it?

As long as Heaven Reed is powerful, the tool man doesn't need to know too much. He only needs to know that the opponent is very strong and everyone can't survive without Deathstroke.

Moreover, Su Ming's desired effect has been achieved.

As soon as Reed's ability was mentioned, everyone present was dumbfounded. This situation of 'what others think he is capable of is what he is capable of' is almost unsolvable. Even Tony, who thinks he is the smartest person in the world, People's faces were wrinkled like bitter gourds.

There must be nearly 10 billion people on this earth. Even if each person only gives Reed one ability, this person is already more powerful than the "horde".

And from what Deathstroke sounds like, the older Iron Man on this Earth seems to be darker.

People hiding in the dark coupled with smart brains and cutting-edge technology mean that others have almost no secrets.

Sure enough, what Deathstroke said before was right. If you don't understand the situation and directly confront the Avengers here, then everyone may not survive.

"Well, after seeing the ape-zombie version of myself, I've already looked away. No matter what happens, it's not surprising." Tony was the first to speak. He pushed a wine glass in front of Deathstroke and took it himself. Clinking a glass: "But since that bald man said at the United Nations General Assembly that they want to avoid diversity and integration, it shouldn't be false, right?"

"No, the Captain America of this universe never lies. He is a very honest man." Su Ming smiled and toasted with Iron Man. He quite liked this Tony. Maybe it was because of the brain tumor. This man was very energetic. , also spoke nicely: "Besides, what you think is impossible is nothing to Heaven Reed."

Rocky was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. She also asked a question: "Why do you call him 'Heaven' Reed? It feels so strange. What is heaven?"

"In the past, it was a cut-off portion of negative space. Today, heaven is an artificial collection of all dimensions and spaces, a collection of concepts of space and time that are now held in the hands of this Reed." Deathstroke to He poured another glass of wine for himself and poured some for Tony: "You can think of this Reed as the amalgamation of all the dimensional demons. Although the dimensional demons here are all fake monkey versions, I guess you can even copy the Celestial God Group." Even the Sithorn that comes out can’t be beaten.”

The theme of the story of Earth

No matter what good things the Celestials came up with to deal with humans, in the end it all belonged to Reed. From the physical objects to the concepts, they were all snatched away by him, just like he was the protagonist of the world.

If he hadn't killed both his wife and his friend, Su Ming would have doubted whether this Reed was another Long Aotian.

"...I do want to continue living. No wonder you said that if a war breaks out, only you and me will survive in the end." Loki's little mouth tilted. She had nothing to say about this comparison. As soon as Thorne's great demonic shadow appeared, she probably had already slipped away as soon as she saw the shadow.

Susan understood. This woman had just recovered from the shock. She had never thought that Reed could be so strong, and she sounded extremely decent.

It felt like someone pointed at a white bird and told her it was actually a crow.

It's hard for others to understand how she feels. After all, she once had Reed as her boyfriend. It's hard to avoid thinking that it would be great if she could be with such a strong man. Unfortunately, now she feels that the big-headed Reed just wants to kill her. .

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and asked the question with a charming smile, and even her voice became delicate:

"Slade, the method they used is said to be energy level jump. Do you think we can imitate it? If we can avoid multi-fusion, then..."

As soon as her hypothesis came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

If you can avoid the crisis of the multiverse in a simpler way, then why go out and take risks? Isn't it better to just go home and sleep?

Yes, the situation on Earth in 1610 was a bit bad. People's livelihood was in decline, criminals were everywhere, and the situation was chaotic.

But the happy life they lead as superheroes and rich people is beyond the imagination of poor civilians.

The gray and taciturn Blade Warrior seems to be a poor man, but he still has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars from the gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, artwork and other things that were confiscated from vampires.

Wolverine is a little richer, because almost all other mutants are dead. He inherited the legacy of both Professor X and Magneto. There are several on the island alone.

Even Gray Hulk inherited the family fortune and position of his father-in-law, General Ross. Do you know what an imperialist army is? When the cannon goes off, gold is not a joke. If you have no money, just go to the Middle East and you will have everything.

Therefore, the Ultimate Team actually loves Earth 1610. Their family fortune is there, and of course they don’t want to play bumper cars with others.

However, their dreams were shattered by Deathstroke's answer. The one-eyed man waved his hand:

"The so-called energy level jump is more like a collective dimensionality increase. For example, on the first floor of a house, there are many soap bubbles colliding back and forth in a limited space. Earth X does not collide laterally, it collides It's the ceiling above. If you can break through, there will be no other opponent outside the roof, but if you can't break through, it's no different from committing suicide."

"Tsk, I probably understand. The key lies in energy." Iron Man nodded. As a physicist, he can easily understand this.

"Yes, Tony, the cosmic consciousness of Earth He sighed helplessly.

"Let's be realistic. Time is ticking, ticking, ticking." Dr. Grant wiped the foam from the corners of his mouth and stood up unsteadily: "No matter what Deathstroke's plan is, we have done it. The countdown continues and the break is long enough.”

"Okay, then don't talk nonsense in the next action, just let me negotiate." Deathstroke also stood up. Although he felt that the box fee was a bit lost, time was really tight: "Let's go, When we go to Earth, every move we make will be monitored, remember this."

"Understood, then let's go to Latvinia?" Susan stood up. She flipped up her long blond hair and deliberately turned sideways to show off her curves.

Su Ming shook his head. He would not go directly to Reed. After all, Superman's words don't count. Of course he is strong enough, but the person in charge in Zhenglian is Bat:

"We're going to New York, I have acquaintances here."

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