The Death Knell

Chapter 3188 Batman

In the dim hall, with only the dim light of the monitor, two dark people gradually approached, both looking at each other's faces.

However, Su Ming had met this old Tony in his previous life. He deliberately stared at the other person, just to mislead him that he had no information, rather than to really see anything from the other person's expression.

This Tony's figure is similar to that of old Peter. After all, he sits in front of the surveillance camera every day. When he gets sleepy, he falls asleep when his head tilts. When he wakes up, he continues to monitor the world. He doesn't even have time to exercise. How can he not be fat?

He looked very much like Leonardo da Vinci. There was no hair in the middle of his head, but the surrounding 'side area' had shawl hair. Su Ming usually called this hairstyle a 'flying saucer head'.

The wrinkles on his face show that he is not young, but the shining eyes show that age has not affected his wisdom, but gives him a feeling of maturity.

There are six discs attached to his high forehead, connected to different devices. His technology is even higher than that of Batman on Earth 0, because the devices are almost all controlled by the mind, and there is no need to touch the keyboard with your hands.

"Death knell."

"iron Man."

The two of them called each other by their code names, even as they greeted each other, and then there was an inconspicuous silence. Through the eggshell-shaped tempered glass, you couldn't even hear the sound of breathing.

But after all, this is Earth X, and the busier person is Iron Man. He spoke first:

"You're here to blow up our planet."

Come on, use declarative sentences to express questions.

These words came out of Iron Man's mouth, and they always felt a bit out of place. After all, most Tonys in other universes like to ask questions and want to know everything. This is the curiosity of scientists.

"It used to be, but it's not necessary now." Deathstroke didn't mean to hide it, after all, it was almost obvious.

"Well, very good." The hairless old man nodded, raised his hand and hooked his fingers, signaling Deathstroke to come closer, and watched the surveillance camera with him, and then asked: "You are very familiar with Peter and have known each other before, so I guess you have been there before. Different parallel universes. Well, I just have one question for you, what do you think a superhero is."

Ask a Deathstroke what a superhero is? Originally, there would be no answer, and he would only be shot for talking nonsense.

But Su Ming is one of the Deathstrokes, but he is also the Supreme Mage. Unlike others, he has the answer:

"To me, there is only one recognized kind of heroism, and that is those who have seen the cruelty of reality with their own eyes and still struggle to live and continue to love life."

The bald Tony nodded, then shook his head. He intertwined the fingers of his hands like dead branches and placed them on his belly. There was an Ark reactor on his chest to absorb the shrapnel in his body and prevent it from entering his heart. .

His parents were assassinated when he was a child, and he himself was shot and had to rely on the reactor to absorb shrapnel to survive.

As a pure human without any mutations, his physique is not strong, but he is the strongest person on the earth, even stronger than Reed in Heaven, and can even make the gods on earth bleed.

By the way, the mother of both men is named Maria.

"That's it. It seems that you are also a pitiful person."

Iron Man raised his head and motioned to Deathstroke with his chin to look at the surveillance screen. There was satellite surveillance.

"Yes, my origin story will make others cry when they hear it." Deathstroke smiled, and then observed the scene: "Is this somewhere in Alaska? It is summer in the northern hemisphere, and there is still some snow on the tundra there. I saw several lichens that are endemic to North America."

The adjutant's monitoring is basically useless on this earth. The three rings outside the earth are specially used to block the sight of outer dimensions. The ability to live on them is completely a side effect.

"Yes, the North Shore of Alaska, and I think those monsters are the zombies you are looking for."

Iron Man used his mind to control the camera to zoom in. At this time, Reed and others in the picture were making something, which looked like a concrete mixer and a bit like a torch.

"Can you tell what they are building?" Su Ming touched his chin, took out a cigarette and lit it: "I thought they would be eager to hunt when they arrived in a new world."

"You reminded me to be careful about this zombie Reed..." Old Tony highlighted the outline of the man wearing the Fantastic Four uniform in the image: "But you seem to have underestimated him, he has already detected In the case of our universe, this is creating channels that open up negative space."

As a scientist, Old Tony was able to recognize that it was actually another door. The funnel-shaped door should be a means of opening up different dimensions through the quantum realm.

Simple, but practical, technological means have good effects in different parallel universes. Unless it is an extreme idealist reality, a gunpowder gun that can kill people can achieve the same effect everywhere.

"I'm not a tapeworm in a zombie's belly. If insects can really live in a hungry zombie's belly." Su Ming told a cold joke in response. He also reached out to touch old Tony's 'eggshell' and continued to observe the corpses. : "Didn't you test them?"

"Reed tried it. The viruses on these zombies can even infect robots. He suspended his more risky attempts." Old Tony turned around. He looked at Deathstroke with ruthless eyes, and then looked at the people in the crowd. Another self: "But here you are, I have a plan."


"Why are you here?"

Of course Gwen, who was wiping the drink on her face, knew Harley Quinn. After all, she used to often discuss swords with DC fans online. How could she not know about this twin-tailed psychiatrist and mental illness?

It's just that she didn't expect that people could actually climb over the wall.

So she asked this question while resisting Harley's harassment.

Now the little madman is hugging Daisy and Gwen, and rubbing their faces on the sofa happily:

After hearing the girl's question, Harley showed a big smile and raised her eyebrows: "Do you know what an independent woman is? That is... I can stand on one foot and maintain balance!"

After saying that, she let go of the pillows and the girls danced ballet in front of the sofa, laughing and spinning around, very happy.

Obviously, Harley was pretending to be crazy and not going to answer this question.

"Well, since we are all on our own, just say what you want to do." Daisy covered her mouth and yawned: "It's four o'clock in the morning, and I want to sleep."

"Four o'clock is indeed the time when people are most sleepy, but for Gotham, this time is when the heat begins!"

Harry, whose head was shaking like a rattle, suddenly grabbed Miss Poole's little hand and whispered in her ear:

"Want to know what kind of girl Deathstroke likes? The answer is a bad girl wandering in the dark! Hee hee! Let's go, sisters, accompany me to the mall. I'm here with a mission. If you let me down, I will definitely say a lot of bad things about you to Deathstroke."

"He won't believe it." Hela, who was playing a game with a controller in front of the TV, said without looking back.

"Hehe, oh... Then do you dare to bet?" Harley tilted her head, blinked her eyes cutely, and the smile on her face became wider: "Gin asked me to come over and help Deadpool organize the wedding. Although Deathstroke’s cousin is stinky and mean, but he’s kind of funny, so here I am.”

While talking, Daisy had already entered and exited the bedroom in an instant and changed into casual clothes for going out: "I'll go with you, but I can only go to the supermarket at this time. Also, why doesn't Gin help me? Is he looking for you specifically?"

Harley hugged Daisy and Gwen's waists, took another look at the duck squatting in the corner, and casually picked him up:

"Gin is a Valkyrie, and her specialty is funerals."

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