The Death Knell

Chapter 3189 Just for survival

"Reed, I'm so hungry, let's go find some food?"

Next to the half-built giant swirling portal, Susan's face was completely rotten and there was no trace of flesh on her chin. Susan was acting coquettishly to Reed. She was too hungry and couldn't continue working now.

There is still snow on the tundra, and reddish-brown lichen peeks out from under the white, which looks like the top of a bald patch.

When zombies talk, they don't exhale hot breath in cold temperatures. The cold wind blew across the open plains, shaking the coniferous forests on the coast to a creaking sound. Zombie Reed also stopped what he was doing and covered his belly.

He was also hungry. Hunger was like a raging fire, burning his heart that had stopped beating long ago and imprinting desire on his mind.

But he is a rubber man, and he only needs to twist his stomach into a lump to effectively alleviate this problem and maintain a certain level of sanity.

If he can persevere, then he doesn't need to worry about whether others are starving. He looked at his wife and slowly shook his head:

"Be patient for a little longer, just a little while, just build the door."

He had previously hacked into the network on this planet and learned about the existence of the so-called 'paradise' dimension, where there are now many immigrants from parallel worlds, all of whom are living flesh and blood.

"But I'm so hungry."

Susan, whose eyes were white, was drooling brown. She grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and licked the lichen on it, but it didn't help.

It's so strange. There are no large beasts nearby, not even fish or insects. They seem to have escaped long ago.

"People on this earth have found a way to escape the integration of diversity. We can take root here and have a lot of food to eat in the future." Reed patiently explained to her, and at the same time turned around, He continued his work with cold fingers.

He is very smart, and his own abilities are suitable for some engineering construction. Because he has already prepared it, there are many pre-components he brought in the Galactus head. All he has to do now is assemble the equipment and adjust the frequency again and again.

Isn’t it the dimension in negative space? Zombie Reed is also an expert at playing with negative space.

Because the superheroes in this world have no secrets, Zombie Reed also knew how powerful the Avengers here were. He decided to bypass those terrifying guardians and save money in the paradise dimension where the defense was relatively weak and the situation was relatively chaotic. strength.

Not long ago, hundreds of Doom robots came over and launched a tentative attack. He infected several of them with the nano-zombie virus, and the large army evacuated.

This is a bad sign, proving that everyone has been discovered. Maybe a new round of formal attacks will come in the next second. Time is running out now.

Zombie Reed does have a plan to counter the Earth

Because the gods are giant robots, there is no need to worry about them robbing flesh and blood. Instead, they will only become useful tools.

The premise of everything is that this door can operate successfully.

"I'm hungry"


The invisible zombie woman wanted to say something else, but Reed slapped her with a backhand. The long arm was like a whip, whipping his wife as if she was flying into the air like a top, spinning upside down for several meters. .

"I don't have time to care about you! If you want to die, go do it yourself!" Reed glared at the woman and continued to work.

Her jaw was knocked off. Susan, who was kneeling on the ground, picked up her mandible and put it back in place. She was not sad because her husband beat her, but was very happy.

Since Reed agreed to let her hunt, she could go eat.

A woman whose mind is filled with food has long been unable to distinguish what love is. Now she just wants to fill her belly.

"Thank you dear!"

After saying this, Susan activated her ability and manifested a small force field tray, preparing to fly to a nearby populated place.

"Sister! I'm going too!"

The Human Torch couldn't wait to drop the tools in his hands and stumbled after him. His state was very strange. He was just a zombie covered in fire. It was quite magical.

He didn't want to do this for a long time. He came to an earth with abundant food. If he didn't start eating quickly, he would have to repair some broken machine. It was so annoying!

The good sister secretly glanced at Reid. Her husband, who was the leader of the team, didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear anything, so she showed a rotten smile and raised her hand to stuff the eyeballs that fell out of her sockets:

"Then come with me, Johnny, and if there's enough food, it's a good idea to try 'acquaintance' while there's a fire."

Susan, who was talking, almost lost her mind when she thought of the smell of roasted human flesh. She let out a cry, and then accelerated into the distance.

As soon as they left, the people in the temporary camp dispersed. Many zombies secretly watched Reed's reaction. After seeing that he showed no sign of resistance, they dropped their work and followed the zombie Su. Shan left.

For a moment, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed off their magical powers. Those who could fly flew, those who couldn't flew followed them on the ground, and those whose bodies were too damaged to run crawled. In short, the zombies driven by hunger just wanted to eat quickly to keep them warm. flesh and blood.

A group of zombies disappeared into the distance like flies and ants. Only then did zombie Tony fly leisurely to Reed. Because he and the opponent exchanged a shot during the battle with Galactus, his lower body was gone. Now he can only use Flying around like a little fairy.

"You threw them out as bait?"

Zombie Reed immersed himself in his work and said in a very calm tone: "Help me, the assembly speed will be accelerated."

Iron Man fell on the equipment aside and helped Reed pass the screws: "She is your wife, is it really okay to throw her away like this?"

"You talk a bit too much. Are you hungry?" The magical zombie glanced at him and took the screw: "In order for us to survive as a whole, any individual can be discarded. The zombie virus has brought us evolution. We It is a higher-level life, as long as the fire is preserved, everything will belong to us."

"suck slip"

The living dead cannot hear the word hunger mentioned by others. When they hear it, it seems to arouse greedy insects, and their minds are a little out of control. But Iron Man is wearing a battle suit after all. When he can't control himself, he can Asking Jarvis to help, he used the suit as a restraint, so his endurance was the best. He just swallowed and replied:

"I support your view, but energy does not appear out of thin air, nor does it disappear out of thin air. The matter we eat seems to fall into a bottomless pit. We still don't know the form of energy."

"We will know one day, as long as we are still alive." A elastic smile appeared on Mr. Fantastic's decayed face. He raised his hand and touched his neck, which was where Susan had bitten him.

It was enough for him to keep the memory of love.

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