The Death Knell

Chapter 3190 Catching Birds in the Snow

There were about three hundred zombie heroes who escaped from Earth 2149, and two-thirds of them followed Susan this time.

The already mottled snow was once again stained. These living corpses were like locusts passing through, and everything they felt they could enter was swept away.

But because they didn't eat people or animals, they were even hungrier. It felt like attending someone else's wedding. There were all kinds of food in front of them, but because there was no time to eat, everyone could only eat fruit. Just like satisfying hunger.

Appetizers, appetizers, appetizers, all appetizers, no staple food at all.

When the zombies came out of the cage, Susan had no control over them, and she had no intention of caring about others. She just kept flying towards a populated place.

Hunting has always been about quick hands and slow hands. Don't expect others to leave a piece of meat for her, not even her own brother.

The summer climate in Alaska varies greatly depending on the region. The closer you get to the Arctic Circle, the more changeable the weather is. Not to mention the ups and downs in temperature, it started to snow a little while ago.

This makes the smoke from those village chimneys even less realistic.

But zombies can see heartbeats, blood, and life. Susan's pale eyes are full of humanoid heat sources moving in the distance.

They seemed to be preparing lunch in the village. There were people moving in every wooden house, like blind boxes.

The Invisible Woman's rotten tongue licked her gums, and she tasted snowflakes.

It is difficult to describe her mood at this time, or she has no heart at all.

She just casually landed on the edge of the village, bumped into other people's homes, and pounced on the moving creatures in front of her.

But she didn't notice that the creature in front of her didn't look like a human being, but more like pale human-shaped cotton.

She didn't pay attention. Before she knocked on the door, all the "white people" in the room were mumbling:

"Work, work, work."

They kept repeating these words as if there was something wrong with their brain development.

When she took the first bite, expecting to taste the taste of flesh and blood, she felt that there was nothing delicious about the mud she had eaten, and it was just bitter and smelly.

Pushing the weirdo in his arms away, he saw that although warm liquid was flowing out of the other person's wound, it was not red blood, but white slime with a putrid smell.

"What is this?!" she yelled angrily.

It obviously looks like a human being, but it tastes worse than shit. The key is that the other party is not affected by the zombie virus at all. At this time, he still has the same stunned expression:

"Work, work, work."

She was not the only one who cursed. Every zombie who rushed into the village impatiently cursed at almost the same time because they were all disappointed.

All the people living in this village are not normal people, but inedible garbage.

At this time, a transparent energy barrier suddenly rose up outside the village, trapping all the zombies in it like a big bowl, and then slowly rose into the sky.

It's not just a bowl, but two transparent bowl-like structures that snap together to form a Poké Ball-like structure that takes the entire village and the beasts inside to the sky.

The sound of someone talking came from the sky not far away, but there was no one in sight. The man could only be heard saying in a hoarse and gloomy voice:

"It seems your plan is quite effective. Using scented bait to catch mice is always effective."

"You chose the bait well, but I have never seen this kind of bait creature before. They obviously have souls, but why are they not human? Why are they not infected?" Another old voice sounded, and the two of them seemed to be discussing. Magical question.

The voice before was obviously the death knell, and he laughed, looking very sinister:

"I don't know what kind of life form they are. In short, they are indescribable monsters. There was a black hand who stuffed them into the dream kingdom. I just used them as waste. Who said their indicators are so similar to humans? Woolen cloth?"

The owner of the old voice laughed, controlled the huge transparent 'snow globe' to rise into the universe, and rose into space with everyone:

"Haha, Tony told me that you often go to other parallel worlds, and there must be suitable "non-human baits" available. I didn't believe it at first, but as expected of Iron Man, he was right again."

Of course, the faceless people will not be infected. They were obtained from the Dream Kingdom of DC Diversity 1. Even if the virus wants to infect them, at least there needs to be a process from adaptation to mutation.

What's more, their mysterious level is higher than that of the hunger virus. Deathstroke knows the origin of the hunger virus, but he doesn't know what these white-faced people are about.

From the magical world's point of view, this is 'higher mystery defeats lower mystery'.

Of course, Su Ming asked Harley to come here not for Deadpool's wedding, but to ask her to fly a bat aircraft to fish a faceless man from the slide in the Kingdom of Dreams. When it comes to traveling through different universe systems, her ability is the most convenient. , you can go wherever you want.

She came here with the goods. She heard about Deadpool getting married somewhere and took the initiative to join in the fun. Su Ming gave Daisy's address to Harley and asked her to go find the girls to discuss it. .

But according to the adjutant, even Hela was deceived by Harley. They now think that the little madman is really the 'chief' sent by Gin. It is estimated that Wade's wedding is going to be in trouble.

However, Deadpool can't die anyway, so whatever.

The 'white man' was handed over to Deathstroke, and then Bald Tony called Doctor Doom Reed and asked the gods on earth to make hundreds of copies of the faceless man.

None of this is a problem for Paradise Reed.

Then, Reed personally took action and came here to rub the village with his bare hands. He also fabricated traces of people living there for a long time, and even controlled the wind to blow the fragrant 'human odor' to the north.

Next, it is the same step as catching a bird with a basket.

There was just a slight mistake. None of the main zombie heroes came, but most of the miscellaneous fish came. After they bit the hook, they discovered that the bait was wrong.

That is to say, the arrow has to be fired. Reed can only catch the zombies who have fallen into the trap first, and then deal with the rest later.

"Thank you, you know I can hear what you are saying." Iron Man's voice came. Compared with the other two people, the voice was much softer. It was obviously coming from the walkie-talkie: "Even without the non-human bait, I There is also a backup plan.”

Once the group of people left the atmosphere, invisibility was no longer necessary. Deathstroke and everyone on the flying carpet also emerged. Old Reed, wearing a green cloak and holding a cane, stood beside the mercenary.

The Supreme Mage did not ask what Flat Iron Man's backup plan was, but asked the old man next to him:

"What are you going to do now? Shrink them with Pym particles and throw them into the quantum realm?"

"No, their existence has posed a threat to mankind. If I want to protect mankind, sometimes I have to take heavy measures."

The old Reed once again glanced at Susan who was angrily smashing the wall in the barrier, and then at another Susan in the team who was secretly ogling him. He closed his eyes and shook his head in pain:

"I want to purify them. Compared to cages like negative space and the quantum realm, crematoriums like the sun should be more suitable for corpses."

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