The Death Knell

Chapter 3192 The war begins

Old man Reed is a true superhero. He will not shrink from difficulties and will have the courage to shoulder the heaviest burden.

So it was actually in vain to ask. Of course he chose to deal with the zombie version of himself, leaving Captain America, who was easier to deal with and could only shoot 50-50, to Deathstroke.

Su Ming didn't care, this just met his requirement of keeping a low profile, so he explained to the people behind him:

"Ultimate Team, let's pick our own opponents. Just be careful not to get scratched or bitten, Tony?"

"I know that nanorobots carrying viruses have been discovered. I will use satellites to launch an EMP storm. During this period, our communications may be affected."

The old iron man's voice came from the intercom. Tony in the team thought he was calling him, but when he was about to answer, he realized that he was a waste.

"Loki?" Deathstroke nodded again to the wizard beside him.

"I understand, magic protection, right?" The cunning god, who still had the face of the female version of Thor in her mind, sighed, and she began to form seals and cast spells: "Actually, you can try the salt one."

"Stop talking nonsense and risk your life?"

Su Ming jumped off the flying carpet and landed with a bang like a Terminator. As he walked, the lightsaber in his hand twisted into a shield. He hooked his fingers at the skullless zombie captain:

"Come on, no brainer. I'm unhappy and don't want to play with you. You'd better come and eat my set meal."

The zombie captain, who was known as the brainless one, pulled his legs out of the ground and stood firm beside the two ditches. Pus dripped from his rotting face, and he bared his yellow teeth and roared at the death knell:

"What set meal?!"

That's it. He will be affected to some extent when he hears that there is food. Willpower is not omnipotent. At least when facing food, his heart will also move.

To put it bluntly, the hunger virus amplifies the desires of the living dead, and no matter what it is, having desires means that they can be restrained.

"Come here, come closer, I'll show you a treasure." Deathstroke covered himself with a glowing shield, his waist slightly hunched, as if he was hiding something good in his arms, but he didn't want others to see it. .

"Oh, you can't fool me, there must be a weapon in the other hand!"

The captain did not come close. He held up his cracked shield and continued to defend, while he circled the death knell vigilantly.

At this time, Loki's defensive magic should have been released, and the Ultimate Team also joined the battlefield from different directions, and everyone picked their own opponent.

For example, Ultimate Iron Man faced zombie Tony, Wasp and Dr. Gran faced zombie Wasp and zombie Ant-Man, Lan Qi faced zombie Quicksilver, etc. The tactical allocation was quite reasonable.

Although the invisible woman was huddled at the back, she still used the force field to put a protective film on everyone, which was an added layer of insurance.

Although her character is questionable, she still understands the seriousness of the matter and does not continue to complain now.

The view behind him provided by Strangulation only flashed through Su Ming's mind. Various symbols were added to the three-dimensional coordinate map of the battlefield constructed in his mind, but he was still talking to the zombie captain.

"You really don't want to see it? Then I'll eat it myself."

After saying that, he took out a piece of ham from behind the shield like a magic trick, and shook the red meat towards the captain to show the toughness of the starch, then stuffed it into his mouth with big mouthfuls, and deliberately mixed the food in his mouth to make it vague. The ground spoke:

"It's really good. This meat is really good. Well, how should I put it? It melts in your mouth!"

Not being a professional food judge, Su Ming almost couldn't find the words to describe it.

Because the meat content of the home-produced Wilson ham is like a cat in a box, it is in an unstable state.

In the three-dimensional world, it looks like it has meat, but it seems to be all starch. You can taste all kinds of meat from it, but you don't seem to taste any meaty taste. It's very subtle.

People who have choices, as long as they can earn fifteen dollars a day, will not choose to eat this thing. If you have money, you might as well go to Wilson fast food or go to the more upscale Wilson hotel chain.

But the zombie captain obviously had no choice. His Adam's apple protruding from the rotten skin could be seen rolling up and down, obviously swallowing saliva.

"Mi a Mi a" Death Knell conjured up another sausage for Strangler to eat. Little Bean Sprout made a squeaking sound with understanding, and looked at the zombies not far away with crescent eyes.

"Enough! What tricks are you playing?!" Obviously the captain couldn't stand this temptation anymore. He tried his best to restrain his body's instinctive desires, but the pain that followed was transformed into anger.

"You're in a hurry, you're in a hurry." Deathstroke dug around in his arms again and hid something behind the shield. At the same time, he had time to take a look at the scene where Reed beat up the zombie Reed: "I'll give it to you again." Opportunity, guess what I have in my hand?”

People and zombies were fighting around, all kinds of cosmic rays were flying everywhere, and the explosion caused the soil to fly everywhere like a goddess scattering flowers.

Only here, there is no movement.

The zombie captain narrowed his eyes, his rotten eyelids sliding hard on the dry eyeballs: "I guess it's a flamethrower."

"Wrong again, it's roasted quail." Deathstroke shook his head with a disappointed look on his face, as if expressing regret for his IQ. Then he flipped his wrist and tore the roasted quail into two halves with his bare hands. He and Strangler were each half, and he also shouted at the same time. The sound of chirping.

The zombies in front of them are swallowing saliva more frequently. Although humans are the most suitable food for zombies, aren't all protein forms the same? This stylish grilled chicken is always more attractive than columnar sausages.

After spitting out a few bones, Deathstroke wiped his mouth with his backhand, took out something and hid it behind the shield, and winked at the zombies:

"You are no match for me. You can probably feel this with your warrior intuition, but I don't have to kill you. At least for now, I just want to play a game with you."


"Don't be nervous, it's not a difficult game, it's just a guessing game." Deathstroke smiled and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Guess what I hide behind the shield? If you guess it right, I'll give it to you."

Watching others eat meat, the hunger in the belly of the Carrion Captain made him even more uncomfortable, but just facing the sight of this man in black and yellow armor was as if he had been pricked by needles, and he did not dare to act rashly.

"How do I know you can't change items? After all, you can do magic."

"It's okay, I don't like guessing objects, how about guessing logic puzzles?"

Deathstroke was very easy to talk to. He held his shield in front of him, watched thousands of drones supported by old man Tony fly by in the sky, and asked directly:

"An arena was full of spectators. There were two doors in the center of the stage. I heard that behind one door was a beautiful woman and behind the other door was a tiger. Both doors were blocked and it was impossible to see inside. "

"The person facing a choice is a bald man. He has to open one of the doors in front of the audience. If a tiger comes out, the man will be eaten by the tiger; if a beautiful woman comes out, the two will become husband and wife. .”

"The man stood in the center of the stage, looking not at the two doors facing the stage, but at the VIP seats under the stage. Sitting in the VIP seats were the king and the princess. The man and the princess fell in love, and only when the king learned about it Such a choice was made. The man turned his attention to the princess for help. The princess knew very well what was behind the two doors, which door had the tiger, and which door had the beauty. She was the only one in the entire arena who could save his lover. people."

"The princess looked at the man she loved deeply and the lover who sent a distress signal to her, and she looked at him expressionlessly."

"So the man opened a door and asked to answer, when will Nick Fury die?"

When the question came up, Su Ming had to admit that he had never seen a zombie showing such a complicated expression.

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