The Death Knell

Chapter 3192 Dying in happiness

"Fury has been dead a long time ago. He is not bald. He was not involved in the problem at all."

This was the answer the zombie captain gave after struggling for a while.

On Earth 2149, Nick Fury is a white man with a crew cut and gray sideburns, and he always likes to have a cigar in his mouth.

He was eaten by everyone.

"Wrong answer, alas, so your brain is not suitable for guessing riddles. Have you never considered the possibility that Nick Fury is actually a princess? Your understanding of the multiverse is very shallow."

Deathstroke gave a negative answer helplessly, took out a plate of kebabs from behind the shield, and shared them with Strangler:

"The answer is that Fury was so happy that night that he couldn't even imagine this. I'm very disappointed in you. Are you still coming?"

The rotten captain was silent. His eyes were fixed on the small black bean sprouts that were being skewered. The thin tentacles rolled up the skewers and stroked them between the sharp teeth.

A lot of fragrant mutton fell into the bottomless pit-like mouth, and the symbiote's beautiful red tongue licked its lips flexibly. It tasted so delicious...

The more you watch others eat, the hungrier you become. Hunger addiction is far more terrifying than addiction to cigarettes and alcohol, because the latter can be given up, but I have never heard of anyone who can give up food.

Just like when you are on a diet, once you make a small exception, the deep desire for food will push you further and further.

Deathstroke's question was like the devil's temptation. His actions were obviously taking out something again and hiding it behind the shield.

"As long as I guess correctly, you will give me the stuff?"

The one-eyed man raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at him: "That's right, guess what, you won't be able to eat my flesh anyway. If you don't want to play with me, I'll find someone else to play with, then... ....."

"I guess you're holding food! Human food! It's roast suckling pig!"

The captain interrupted Deathstroke and gave the answer in one breath. The zombie's sense of smell allowed him to smell it, which was the aroma of roasted suckling pig.

After hearing this answer, Deathstroke showed an expression of admiration, took out a roasted suckling pig thigh from behind the shield, and threw it to the captain:

"Oh, not bad, a reward for you."

The captain had no way to answer. He stuffed the pig leg directly into his mouth, and even the bones went into his throat.

Small snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on the cold face of the zombie. Not far away, Heaven Reed was using cosmic energy to chase the zombie Reed wildly, but this was no longer important to the zombie captain.

He just wants to cherish the food in his mouth and feel the 'little luck' he has now.

Even so, after tasting the sweetness, he still shouted vaguely:

"No, not enough, keep going!"

"Very good, let's guess again this time." Deathstroke fiddled with the shield a few times and took out something again.

The captain's nose has fallen off, and there is only a hole in his nasal cavity on his face, but he still makes a sniffing motion to capture the odor molecules in the air:

"Roast Duck!"

He replied, and a large roast duck was thrown to him. I don't know how the death knell was made, but the duck was still steaming.

"Come again?"

"Roast goose!"

"Come again?"

"Roasted Lamb!"

"Come again?"

“Roasted camel!”


After dozens of questions, the zombie captain was already in a sea of ​​happiness. He was almost drowned in all kinds of food.

Although it is not as delicious as human meat, animal meat can still fill you up for a while, and it earns protein, so it is not a waste.

If the food he ate at the beginning made him regain some of his sanity, now he has fallen into a trap similar to a gambler's circle.

After all, zombies are transformed from humans. If they still have thoughts, then there is a high probability that they are human thoughts.

When a person is accustomed to getting something for nothing without paying any price, he will also quickly become a kind of beast - a stupid pig.

He only needs to answer the questions, and the death knell will continue to provide him with various foods other than human flesh. What is the difference between this and meat buns falling from the sky?

The captain didn't know if the other party was ignorant and didn't understand that zombies have a super sense of smell, but as the beneficiary, he couldn't take the initiative to explain.

Just wish the food came with more force.

As for Su Ming, he has also achieved his goal.

Strangler told the host that it had secretly destroyed the 'cement mixer' behind the captain.

The ridiculous captain of the living dead stared at the host's luminous shield the whole time, eating luxurious dishes from all over the world. It's like a girl about to get married staring at the wedding dress in the store window, but her best friend behind her is having sex with the former's fiancé.

People who fall into the trap of happiness often never look back.

The blindfold method is also useful for zombies. As mentioned before, zombies are transformed from humans, and humans have front-facing eyes.

It's really sad. Fortunately, my existence makes up for this weakness for the host!

Thinking of this, the little black bean sprouts even crossed their hips, but it was so awesome.

"Not bad. You answered twenty questions correctly in a row. You are considered outstanding among zombies." Deathstroke continued to take things out of his pocket and continued to hide behind the shield: "I like you very much, but let's see what you can do this time." If you can’t guess correctly, please give me a reminder, the thing this time is very big.”

Zombies have endless hunger, but after all, their mouths are so big. No matter how fast they eat, they can't eat all the food thrown by the death knell in a short period of time.

There are roasted camels, roasted whole cows, roasted whole bears, roasted elephants, roasted rhinos, roasted anacondas, etc., all of them are big ones.

Don't ask why Su Ming has so many barbecued meats and all kinds of animals in his pocket.

You all know, this is similar to secretly pouring wine under the table when you go out to socialize, and then eating barbecue every day when you get home, who can stand this?

"Uh-huh! Wait...wait a minute." There was even a smile on the face of the zombie who barely emerged from the mountain of meat. Although it looked scary, it was a happy smile after all: "I'll prepare, come on, Sniff, I know, it’s roasted whale!”

Just thinking about the whale's meat, the captain was overjoyed. He quickly put down his shield and rubbed his hands together excitedly, preparing to catch the thrown whale.

But there were no whales anymore. What Deathstroke threw over this time was a shield. The shield made of golden light was extremely sharp. It cut off the dead head of the captain in an instant, rolled out a short distance, and landed next to the meat mountain.

The snow seems to be falling a little heavier, and the coolness on the ground is very obvious.

As soon as Deathstroke raised his hand, the flying shield turned into a golden light, flew back and merged into his palm, as if it had never appeared before.

The black and yellow armor approached, and Steve heard the sound of the grenade being unplugged and an unclear sigh.

The man has raised his mask, and there is only blood red in the red diamond-shaped eyepiece:

"I was born in trouble and died in happiness. The ancients never deceived me. Steve, how dare you put down your shield?"

"You lied to me......"

"I often lie to others, and sometimes I even lie to myself."

"I am so hungry!"

"Tsk, let's start the barbecue."

After saying that, he gently threw a few fine melta grenades in his hands towards Roshan, engulfing the barbecued meat, the captain's headless body, and the dead man's head who was still chewing things, into flames.

The sound of crackling grease immediately sounded, and a strange smell of burnt meat suddenly wafted across the battlefield, spreading far and wide.

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