The Death Knell

Chapter 3194 Waiting for the answer

Su Ming threw a few barrels of gasoline and a few bags of white phosphorus onto the meat mountain, watching the limbs become charred and twisted.

He stretched out his hand as if warming himself by the fire, silently communicating with Zhu Zhu:

"Although it's not the Steve I know, there are still some similarities after all. But fortunately, he is at least a well-fed ghost on the road, which can be regarded as a euthanasia package."


Strangler Bean Sprout nodded, it felt the same way, the host was really kind to Captain America.

"Putting down your weapons means having illusions. In our universe, you can't live long." Su Ming picked up the orangutan shield on the side, looked at the cracks on it, and threw it into the fire: " Have you brought the energy module for the portal?"


Strangler spit out an Ark Reactor, which it had picked off when it destroyed the equipment just now and had been disinfected.

Deathstroke shook his head with some dissatisfaction and threw the reactor to the cloak in the sky carrying Jessica and Skye to watch the fun: "This is just a spark plug used to start the equipment. Zombie Reed really plans to use the energy of the universe. , that’s right, Earth X has too much energy.”

After all, it was a petri dish used by the Celestial Team for experiments. The nutrient solution was indeed enough, but those robots probably didn't expect to raise monsters.

When the bean sprouts are spread out, the host can't understand the principle of the instrument. How can it, as a symbiote, understand it?

But that thing has become a pile of scrap metal, so it will be fine if it turns out well.

Su Ming took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He turned to look at the melee between the Ultimate Team, the local Avengers and the zombie heroes. There were no problems so far, so he asked:

"Adjutant, how many Earths are there now?"

"Nineteen, Sheriff, everything goes well with Doctor Doom." The deputy's head appeared on the retina, and the voice sounded directly in his mind.

"The numbers are not very good, but they are almost there. Prepare to evacuate. Has he found the constructor there?" Deathstroke asked again.

"Not yet. According to my analysis, maybe Sheriff, you should think of other ways." The adjutant's puppet also showed a helpless expression on his face. In fact, everything did not go smoothly.

"Is there any other way? We'll talk about it later." Deathstroke left the fire, caught a piece of snowflake, rubbed it in his hands, and jumped back to the flying carpet in the sky.

Jessica was very curious. She held the shotgun given by Deathstroke and leaned over her head:

"Huh? Aren't you going to continue fighting?"

"Old Reed only needs my help to deal with the zombie captain. As for the zombie Scarlet Witch, zombie captain Marvel, and zombie Reed, they can be free to deal with it by themselves when they reunite." Zombie Bell took a puff of cigarette and blew out the smoke: "As for the ultimate The team will have no problem dealing with some of its peers from another world."

Skye supported this view. She held her chin and sat cross-legged on the flying carpet:

"The combat effectiveness of zombies on the frontal battlefield is very average. Their rotting bodies affect their ability to move. The people of the Ultimate Alliance have learned to take advantage of the enemy's hunger."

"Yeah, I learn pretty quickly."

Loki still looked helpless, probably still thinking about his sister:

"If zombies hide behind other people's doors and launch sneak attacks on people in the dark, it might be a bit of a threat. But let's forget about the frontal battlefield. Relying entirely on zombie Reed means that everyone else is weak."

"You are ignoring a problem."

Deathstroke flicked his cigarette ashes and sat on the edge of the flying carpet, dangling his legs as if watching a sports game:

"There was no sign of the blender portal being activated just now, so how did such a large number of zombie heroes escape from Earth 2149 to Earth of."

Loki smiled, and when she heard that there might be a conspiracy, she became excited:

"Well, when you say that, I'm also very curious. Do they still have a way to escape?"

"I only have a guess for now, but don't worry. Bian Tiexia didn't show up, which means he is also paying attention secretly, so there is no problem." Su Ming scratched his nose with his finger, took out some drinks to share with the three of them: "You guys If you want to fight zombies, I can lend you a gun, do you want to play?"

There was still a chaotic battlefield beneath his feet, with beams of light flying past the edge of his cloak from time to time, but for Deathstroke, he seemed to regard this place as a playground.

"Firearms?" Loki blinked and twirled his long black wavy hair with his fingers: "I haven't played with Midgard's firearms much, let me try?"

"Here, just pull the trigger between three o'clock and one line. There's no need to calculate the wind speed." Su Ming handed over a Mosin Nagant rifle, which he probably picked up when he went to the Red House to rescue Natasha and the others decades ago. , he often collects some souvenirs.

In the space bag, these things do not need maintenance. After all, how can the durability of weapons be lost in the bag?

Loki was very smart. Even though she had never used gunpowder weapons before, she quickly got started and gradually felt the joy of hunting wild ducks. She even screamed like a real woman.

Although you often miss the zombies below, it makes novices happy if you can occasionally hit them.

Skye often played with guns, and she was not interested in it. She just watched Jessica and Loki start the game, and she asked Deathstroke:

"You don't let us join the war because you think the zombies have a backup plan?"

"No, I'm guarding against some bad possibilities. Besides, it's almost time for us to say goodbye to our new friends." Su Ming took out a few boxes of bullets for Loki to play with, and looked at Miles and Black Widow: "Take what's ours and leave."

"If the zombie crisis is resolved, there is really no need to use them anymore." The uninformed Skye really thought that the Supreme Mage was here to deal with zombies. She also showed a disgusted expression: "I don't like that invisible woman, she gives people Something doesn’t feel right.”

"Are you an agent's intuition?" Jessica turned to ask, and she smiled crookedly: "Have you never been to high school before? That's a typical Bichi girl."

"I'm an orphan. I went online and only learned computers." Shockwave Girl rubbed her face and let out a long breath: "So it can be said that I did not go to high school."

Treasure Girl dropped the gun in her hand. She was lying on the flying carpet shooting, and she knelt down and gave Skye a hug: "I originally had parents, but later I became an orphan. I understand you, don't be sad. .”

"Ahem, actually, you are a real orphan. Skye's situation is still uncertain. Didn't I say something about the stranger? Don't forget it." Seeing that the two of them were holding their heads and crying, Su Ming coughed. , intervened in time.

Jessica was stunned for a moment, then pushed Skye away, patted her clothes, and spat on the ground outside the cloak:

"Bah, I almost forgot, liars, agents are all liars, wasting my feelings!"

"I didn't lie, I just forgot about this." Skye hugged Jessica's back flatteringly and scratched her waist: "I really didn't lie to you, don't be angry."

"Hmph, I don't care, I want to punish you."

Jessica turned around with a smile and started to tickle Skye with her backhand.

But just when the two women were about to fight, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded everyone's heads, and darkness fell.


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