The Death Knell

Chapter 3202 Receive gift package

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Because Loki has become the target of the Time Management Bureau, his head is filled with questions. In this case, the more he knows, the more confused he becomes.

Beta looked at the woman, raised her hand and took off the winged helmet decorated with two small wings on the horse's head, and shook her head:

"I don't know either. They detained my people. I was so anxious that I didn't even think about what was wrong with the task they assigned me."

The God of Cunning rolled her eyes. She unceremoniously took away the drink in front of Ma Tou and took a big sip herself:

"So even if you were asked to capture me and have me dissected by them, you would still do it? I thought we were friends."

"I won't let them hurt you, but now that Thor has been deceived by them, I don't know if anything will go wrong." Beta gave a firm answer. Originally, he thought TVA just wanted to talk to Loki, but Just now, the adjutant showed him the scene of the second appearance of Loki, and he realized that he seemed to have been deceived as well.

Of course Deathstroke, who was smoking beside him, knew why the Time Administration was staring at Loki, the god of stories.

As long as they continue to collect Loki at all points in time and use some methods to cultivate them, they may be able to get that old man Loki and realize their ambition to change the story.

It's not a good idea, it's more like seeking medical attention in a hurry. But they even dare to lie about the sacred timeline. What else do they dare not do?

The so-called barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Playing with things like timeline can lead to endless troubles if you are not careful.

But obviously if they don’t play, they’ll die, so there’s not so much emphasis on it.

Su Ming is sure to keep his own Earth 40K. As long as he doesn't crash into a parallel world, the end of time will not even come.

As the Supreme Mage, it is impossible to let time go in that direction despite knowing that time will eventually be a pit.

Su Ming is not Strange, nor does he follow Ancient One's old path of 'the timeline cannot be interfered with, but can only be guided'. What he cannot understand is that he has to change it, otherwise what would it be called his own world?

But the Time Management Bureau doesn't know. If anyone else noticed that all the parallel earths were playing bumper cars and dying, and if they didn't make trouble, they would be next, they would definitely panic.

To put it bluntly, TVA is a puppet organization. It is an organization where a large group of living people are ordered by three robots. For countless years, they have become accustomed to trusting the orders given by the machines and have given up their own thinking, so the three robots have a logic failure. Even under such circumstances, wrong decisions are still being made.

But there is another problem. The three gods are on the technological route. According to theory, they should not know about Loki and the God of Story at all.

Although Asgard seems to be a technological civilization, it is actually a real mysterious existence, a believer shrouded in the World Tree.

Someone should be manipulating the three gods, or giving them advice. This method of arranging the timeline gave Su Ming a sense of familiarity.

He looked at the adjutant, who also blinked his big eyes and silently responded to him.

It should be Kang the Conqueror. That guy should be a little scared when he sees the diversity integration. This is a 'gift' to Deathstroke.

The Sorcerer Supreme nodded to his lieutenant, indicating that they were on the same page, although Kang must have some sinister little plan.

But in the end it was definitely a gift, and it would be inappropriate not to keep it.

"Okay, don't do blind research here. There is insufficient information, and no matter how much it is, it is just speculation." Deathstroke stood up and patted his armor: "Beta, I will help you rescue your people and ship from the liar gang. Tuan, how about you follow my command?"

Throwing out the deal directly, the horse-faced thunder god is a gentleman, and there is no need to beat around the bush when speaking.

"It's a deal." The horse-headed man stood up, his red cloak moving automatically without wind, and the round-headed hammer in his hand flashed with wisps of lightning: "But how do we find them? In the past, they suddenly came to me and took us I deceived them into their headquarters, put my people under house arrest, and let me out to help them find people, but I don’t know the way back.”

Superheroes have this weakness. Horse-faced Thor is stronger than Thor, but after the opponent took hostages and threatened death, he could only put down his weapon.

Values ​​determined that he could not watch his own people die, nor did he have the courage to fight the other party to the death. If he were to be replaced by Thanos, do you think TVA would dare to capture the people around him and coerce him?

"This is simple. The headquarters of the Time Administration is located in the cracks of time. It selects an anchor point at a certain point in time, and then shapes the space at that point. The gameplay is a little similar to that of the Constructor. But the time of this universe is not Left to their own devices, they are nothing more than a bunch of parasites.”

"I knew you had a way." Loki was happy. She was now waiting to see when the Administration would be unlucky: "But can we go slower? Let Thor suffer more?"

"The diversity integration is still going on, how can we have so much time to waste time?" Su Ming shook his head angrily, feeling speechless at the morbid relationship between Loki and Thor: "Adjutant, send us to Zhongsi Academy."

Several blue lights flashed, and with a Kucha sound, several people disappeared into the hospital.

At this time, a man in a white coat and a mustache appeared, holding his stomach. He lay beside the door of the conference room and weakly stretched his head in: "I seemed to have heard the sound of the death knell just now?"

The deputy's image smiled: "The Sheriff heard that you had diarrhea, so he left a can of mustache wax for you and left."

Looking at the small jar on the table in the conference room, Holloway's eyes lit up.

The four of them appeared in the principal's office of Zhongji Academy. Here, Xiao Wang, who had gained some weight in recent years, was just making breakfast. He was hitting a white fur ball-shaped creature with a pan, trying to stuff it into a mouthful. In the cauldron.

Su Ming looked at the watch hanging on the wall. At this time, the time of 40K was five o'clock in the morning. It was indeed time to make breakfast. This is almost the case for more discerning people. After all, Alfred, who is also the butler, also Like to get up early.

"Good morning, Wang, what kind of porridge are you cooking for breakfast today?"

While fighting alien creatures with a pan, Xiao Wang replied calmly: "The main ingredient is the hairball monster from the 13th dimension. After eating it, it can repair the mucosa in the large intestine. Although you don't have the side effects of the spell, you can still do it." Taste it.”

Distracted while talking, the white fur ball monster instantly revealed its ferocious mouth, jumped up from the chopping board, and bit into Xiao Wang's neck with its gleaming fangs.

However, the horse-faced thunder god moved very quickly. He raised his hammer and a precise bolt of lightning hit the monster jumping in mid-air. It was electrified and blackened all over. It flew straight into the soup pot on the stove and made a splashing sound.

The water splash is very beautiful, and it splashes on the range hood.

The current guardian of Kama Taj didn't take it seriously. He scooped up a spoonful of dark soy sauce from the side with a large spoon, skillfully put it into the pot, and then closed the lid:

"You can eat it after two hours. Discard the meat and soup and eat its hair."

The 'devil' recipe passed down from his ancestors is always unexpected. Su Ming originally thought it was soup, but he didn't expect it was noodles.

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