The Death Knell

Chapter 3203 Sacrifice Ceremony

Deathstroke signaled everyone to find a place to sit. The principal's office of Chuji College has been transformed into a central kitchen-type living space. The living room and bedroom are all connected to the kitchen, which is very convenient.

"Which one of you wants to eat the stuffed noodles?"

"No, although dimensional creatures may not necessarily conform to past perceptions, I am not a frost giant, so there is no need to eat the fur of beasts."

Loki shook his head and refused. There was still a bit of disgust on her beautiful face. She was a 'civilized' Aesir, not the beasts of Jotunheim.

Needless to say, Jessica and Horse-Faced Thor don't have the habit of eating the hair of other creatures.

The Supreme Mage himself doesn't eat this kind of noodles. Sometimes Xiao Wang uses the tentacles of extradimensional creatures to make octopus balls. Su Ming may taste a few, but this time he forgets it.

"They won't eat it, so you can keep it for yourself. In this way, I will help you watch the fire, and you can help me bring the prepared sacrifice set No. 1."

"A sacrificial suit?" Xiao Wang wiped his hands with a towel, nodded in agreement with a smile, patted the Tang suit on his body and nodded to everyone: "Everyone, please excuse me, my master is here to entertain you."

After saying that, he calmly opened the door of the office and walked into the darkness outside.

"What are the sacrifices? Are they also these monsters?"

It may be Jessica's first time seeing an extradimensional creature, a cute animal that looks like a white furry rabbit, which arouses her curiosity.

"You'll know in a minute. Do you want to drink soda?" Deathstroke just smiled and sat down on the corner of the leather sofa. The black and yellow armor on his body turned into a casual suit. He moved his neck and shoulders: "Always on. If you are busy in other universes, it is better to go home."

"No, I'll borrow the bathroom."

The female detective refused, and she followed the death knell. She ate and drank along the way, and only occasionally put in some effort. Now her belly is bulging.

Su Ming took out the wine and gave it to Loki and the horse-headed man. He poured himself a glass and pointed at another door:

"That's the room. There may be man-eating magical algae in the toilet tank. Just don't open the tank lid."

As soon as she said this, the girl walking towards the bathroom paused, but her body's instinct still forced her to walk towards the door of the mysterious world.

After a while, she came back with a speechless face, her wet hands still stained with some light blood, as if she had just killed someone and not washed them off. She said a little complaining:

"You should have told me that there was a great white shark in the bathtub. When I was peeing, it suddenly jumped out and landed on the tiles. It startled me and I accidentally killed it."

"It's okay. It should be the ingredients prepared by Xiao Wang. I only eat one shark fin and I'll die." Su Ming handed her some tissues nonchalantly and pulled her to sit next to him: "I have hundreds of thousands of ocean planets. , some have been developed specifically to farm these aquatic products, doesn’t Wilson’s Fast Food have cod burgers? In fact, they used alien cod decades ago.”

The earth's resources are too scarce, so aliens must be used.

"...Is your world so complicated?" The girl wiped her hands and rubbed her face speechlessly. Everything she saw today broke her past common sense.

After all, who has a shark in their bathroom?

"It's not complicated. Xiao Wang actually lives a very simple life. His hobby is cooking."

While Su Ming was talking here, the king came back. He patted the ash on his body and reported: "Master, the sacrifices and the dojo are ready. On the rooftop, do you need to take a shower and change clothes?"

"No need, I'm in a hurry."

The master stood up and led everyone to the rooftop, which was just up the stairs next to the principal's office.

Xiao Wang has already made preliminary preparations here, including incense candles, table tables, talisman water, and pig heads.

The Supreme Mage stood in front of the table covered with yellow cloth and stretched out his hand to the side:

"Here comes the paper!"

Xiao Wang immediately handed a stack of yellow paper with a hollow copper coin pattern to the Supreme Mage in cooperation, and also brought a large basin over.

The cosmic energy ignited the yellow paper and stuffed it into the copper basin. Then there were paper people and horses piled on the rooftop, a car made of paper, a big villa made of paper, and two boys with red faces, all of which were lit on fire. Sacrificed.

Deathstroke drew out his lightsaber and twisted in the darkest night before dawn. He seemed to be chanting some spell:

"Hogs, Lao Huo, dear, are you here? Are you listening?"

Rising thermals pushed the red embers tumbling up into the dark night.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge green caterpillar lying on the red sofa with a hookah straw in his mouth appeared. He was about the same size as a human, with a serious expression of "Are you kidding me" on his cartoonish face, staring at him intently. By the Supreme Master:

"Yes, but if you keep burning paper money for me, maybe I will really be no longer here at some point, and I will still be sent away by you."

The incarnation of one of the three gods of Emperor Weishan arrived, and he seemed to be very angry. Loki was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and shrank behind Jessica, who had 'puzzling' written on her face.

"Don't worry about those details." Su Ming put away the magic sword, picked up the pig's head on the table with his backhand, and stuffed it into the short upper limb of the caterpillar: "Come, eat something and drink some wine. "

Hogs opened his mouth, stuffed the pig's head into his mouth, and took a puff of his cigarette as if he was plunging into a bottomless abyss:

"Now that diversified integration has happened, we, Emperor Weishan, are all very busy. What's the matter with you?"

"Even if the multiverse is going to collapse, my 40K is your most reliable place to stay, you know."

Deathstroke touched the fat belly of the green caterpillar, picked up the phantom-like hookah, took a sip on another hose, and blew out a smoke ring:

"I need Agamotto's help for something. Please pass a message to me. There is a group of small insects mixed in the roots of the big tree in the timeline."

"Agamotto doesn't like you very much. He wants to take back his eyes." Qing Chong laughed, but did not refuse: "After all, compared with Gu Yi, you are a bit crazy. You can't even change the 40K timeline. I know where it went."

Hogs himself doesn't care, he is an alien god and has a special fondness for Lezi people.

The purpose of the Keweishan Emperor trinity is to maintain balance. Aoshutu is always neutral, and Agamotto will hate whoever Hogs likes. This is internal balance.

"I just did what the Supreme Mage should do. The earth and mankind achieve each other, and it is the last word that both of them are alive." Deathstroke looked like he didn't understand, and continued to look at Qingworm's face with a smile: "I have one more thing. Do you want to eat the roasted whale? Just ask Agamotto for the location of the headquarters of the Time Administration in the 40K universe."

"That's it?" Hogs turned into the shape of a tiger's head, opened his mouth and pointed at his mouth with his claws, signaling Su Ming to feed the whale.

Just like a four-dimensional space bag, the roasted whale was taken out of the pocket, twisted and enlarged, and then twisted and reduced as it entered the cat's mouth. The light seemed to compress the space.

After eating the tribute, Hogs licked his lips with his tongue with satisfaction. His eyes swept over Loki and he understood what was going on. He said:

"I can tell you where they are without looking for Agamotto. Although I can't send you there with my ability, I think you should have a backup plan. The only thing missing is the time point coordinates, right?"

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