The Death Knell

Chapter 3206 Remaining Issues

The group of people arrived at their destination successfully, and the story was very reasonable. Anyway, it was just a flash of light and they arrived.

It's not sure if it's the TVA headquarters, because the location looks like a completely closed warehouse, and it's dark inside.

Deadpool took out a flashlight, illuminated it from his chin upwards, and said in a ghost-like voice: "We are here, we can kill again, I am the evil spirit in the fog... By the way, Slade, What are we doing here? It seems like you didn’t tell me anything, even if you gave me a photo, you have to let me know who to kill, right?"

He was so busy counting the $50,000 advance that he didn't even have time to ask anything else.

"Rescue Thor, rescue Beta's tribe, restart TVA's three-god host, and pull out Kang the Conqueror at a certain point in time and kill him."

The general plan is like this. The base of the Time Management Bureau is hidden, but its own strength is not worth mentioning. Just adapt to the situation during the operation. When asked, Deathstroke casually mentioned a few targets while observing the surrounding environment.

This place looks more like a data room. Although it looks like a warehouse at first glance, there are boxes of time files placed on the rows of cabinets. Not only are they marked with dates, but the earth numbers are also solemnly written on them.

Seeing that TVA identified this world as Earth 616, the Supreme Mage's face showed a strange expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"...It's Kang again?" Deadpool's mouth under the mask was tilted to one side, and he seemed very speechless: "This man is really indomitable, and he always brings good things. I am a little embarrassed to kill him. ”

Although the person receiving the treasure is Deathstroke, if his cousin is happy, he can make a little more money, so Deadpool also remembers the goodness of his conqueror.

"There are about 60 million agents in the Time Administration. They are easy to deal with. Do you have a gun?" Deathstroke took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and then looked through the box beside him. There were all small little things in it. The videotape looks very rustic.

"Uh!" Wade touched his back with his backhand, and then started to hit his head: "The captain and I went drinking before, and I left my schoolbag in the taxi again!"

"It doesn't matter, you can have a knife." Deathstroke was used to it. He picked up the box and prepared to find a place to watch the video. Anyway, Deadpool was enough for the job of killing people.

Beta, on the other hand, scratched his head a little. The horse-faced God of Thunder, wearing that funny little helmet, said angrily: "Sixty million people, when will we fight this?"

"Relax, Beta, you are just deceived by what you see. The real number of employees of the Time Administration is actually only a few hundred. They used some tricks to create the illusion of a large number of people."

Su Ming was very calm. After all, so many parallel worlds had been destroyed. This number of people was actually nothing. If he didn't think the venue here was pretty good, he would have directly released the alien original.

"Can you explain it? These two numbers are very different." Ma Mian was a little confused.

But Jessica already understood. After all, it involves time, and there are speculations in many human movies. She raised her hand to answer:

"I understand, for example, if a person is A and his timeline is continuous, then what we see will always be A. But if his timeline is extracted from the system separately, A will appear one second later. , A two seconds later, A three seconds later, etc. Then put A+1, A+2, A+3, etc. at these different time points on a static time coordinate, then we You will see countless 'same people'."

From a certain perspective, a person's last second and the next second are not exactly the same. This is the difference. With the difference, we can use 'time' to separate different time isotopes on the time stream. , which is related to the theory of parallel worlds.

Su Ming looked at her in surprise and rewarded her with a lollipop: "That's right. It's a pity that you can't learn magic. You have a pretty good mind."

"Hehe, it's nothing." Jessica ate the candy happily, narrowed her eyes and followed the death knell: "I just rewatched the Matrix movie trilogy not long ago, there are many in it Lots of Nemo, different people at different points in time.”

When she explained this, both Beta and Deadpool understood.

It's just that it doesn't matter whether the thugs understand it or not. Anyway, they only need to find and kill the first ABCD and others. The subsequent time flow peers such as +1 second and +2 second will all be erased by the law of cause and effect.

Loki has been trying something since she came here. She raised her hand again and again, showing the expression that Wade wanted to shit before, but it also had no effect.

She sighed: "My magic has failed. It seems that I can't contact the devil here, and the blood in my body seems to be unable to call for divine power."

"Normally, the time we are in now is the beginning of all things. I wonder if Odin has told you about the beginning of the universe? At that time, the demon gods had not yet been born. There was only a void between heaven and earth. The big bang created a new world. the sky, and we are in the first light of the void.”

Su Ming gave the answer. Without the devil, there would be no magic.

The reason why Hogs knows where the TVA is is because they are so good at playing. Also, if you don't stand at the source of the river, how can you see clearly which way the water flows?

"Give me a gun."

Loki didn't hesitate. Anyway, even without magic, he was still a qualified Asgardian warrior.

But times have changed now, and she already likes the feeling of hunting wild ducks, of course with a gun.

There was an old-fashioned video projector in the corner of the data room. Su Ming casually threw a six-barreled cannon to Loki, then randomly selected a tape and inserted it into the machine to watch.

There was a label on the tape that read: '1920, Earth 616, Birth Deviation of Humanity. ’

The projector turned on, and a video began to play on the wall. In the video, there was a scene of several apes being swallowed by the flood. It should be the cataclysm that caused the sinking of Atlantis.

Su Ming, who looked calm, was smoking a cigarette. The smoke floated like gauze in the light beam of the projector. He touched his short stubble and sighed:

"It's interesting. The historical issues that Teacher Yao left for me? It's not that simple..."

The earth number was written wrong, and this was not the birth of human civilization, but obviously when the Time Administration recorded this incident, it was the sacred timeline of 1920 that they recognized, and Su Ming himself had not yet arrived at that time.

The sacred timeline is inherently fake, and the three machine gods are not qualified to set the time. They are synchronized with the main time flow outside.

"It means the period when Master Ancient One was in office? Then does she know about this?" Loki fumbled with the cannon, looking like he couldn't put it down. Anyway, they Asgardians are born with supernatural power, so it is not difficult to lift this thing.

Su Ming, who continued to watch the video, thought for a moment and nodded: "You should know that she can retrieve all timelines, so she should have discovered these parasites long ago. But she ignored them, there must be something fishy about this matter."

The ADHD-like Deadpool tilted his head. He tore a piece of rotten leather from his pants, then threw it aside and played with it with his feet:

"We'd better kill people. What's so cool about this ape-man taking a bath? Cousin?"

The mercenary cousin shook his head. He stuffed Deadpool's fallen intestines back, poked his fingers into the wound, and helped him return to his position:

"Let's take another look. First, make sure you and I exist in these records. This means a lot. You all should go look for boxes that are more recent."

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