The Death Knell

Chapter 3216 Master of Trickery

Taking the MP3 handed over by the small strangulating tentacle, Su Ming looked at Kang's expression with a smile. The blue face seemed to be performing a facial expression at this time, with various distorted expressions taking turns.

Yes, at the beginning of time, the demon gods had not yet been born, and there was no magic. Of course, illusion magic could not be used.

But as the Supreme Mage, Deathstroke doesn't know any magic, but he is a cosmic energy user, and he is good at using energy to create clones to dance.

The illusion formed by the cosmic energy is essentially a phantom, and there is no way to take things. The solution is simple, just let the small strangulating tentacles perform actions, and then put a colorful shell of light and shadow on them yourself.

Let’s get back to the matter at hand.

In many parallel universes and at many points in time, Kang and the others formed an alliance called the Kang Committee. It was originally intended to be a loose alliance for the exchange of information and exchange of needs.

But the Supreme Kang of Earth 6311 has greater ambitions. He wants to kill all the other Kangs and inherit everything from them, thereby achieving the great achievement of unifying thousands of incarnations and becoming the Supreme Conqueror.

But here's the problem. The other Kangs are just as smart as him. They are more or less aware of his conspiracy and always avoid him. As a result, his intelligence is obviously lagging behind.

So much so that he knew Deathstroke, but didn't know when Deathstroke gained cosmic energy.

But that's right, when Su Ming uses cosmic energy, he mostly wears the "silver mother" vest. It's not difficult to cover up these with the timeline.

"You're so mean."

Kang, clearly angry at the deception, began frantically pressing the gem on the armored forearm.

But there was no change in the surrounding environment, because when he was doing this, the death knell was also pressing the piece embedded in his arm bone.

It was a gift given to him by another Kang a long time ago. It was originally used to travel through time and space, but its function was gradually replaced by Sapulk and spider webs.

"It's not despicable, right? I'm just taking advantage of the opposite of your thinking. I like to see others become extremely happy and sad." After saying this, Deathstroke also let out a gloomy laugh: "Don't try, you and I have both. The fragments of the 'Eternal Crystal', our permissions in 'No Time' are now equal, plus I still have the Time Stone, you can't escape."

The timeless realm does not mean that there is really no time, but a special space where time temporarily stops relative to the outside world. It is also a transit station for Kang to travel to different points in time.

As I said before, rashly jumping into other timelines will cause unpredictable effects like "space-time shock". As a time traveler, the biggest advantage is knowing the plot. Kang needs to avoid unknown mutations, so he must Such a step to buffer.

There’s not much to say, just think of it as a ‘place’, or a means of transportation.

The forever Crystal is a multiverse-level time artifact. If used correctly, it can control the restart of the entire multiverse. It can be regarded as a more advanced version of the time stone. After all, it can be used in any parallel universe. Use is a technological creation.

It's just that the complete form of the eternal crystal no longer exists in any reality. It has been shattered from the concept of existence. Each Kang has a small fragment in his hand, which they polish into different shapes of stones and inlaid on his own armor. Used as a traversal tool.

The power of a single crystal fragment is less than one billionth of what it was before.

In a certain timeline in the past, the Forever Crystal once belonged to the 'Time God' Immortus, a special time-flow variant of 6311 Kang the Conqueror, and also the Kang most familiar to people, disguised as the Egyptian Pharaoh Ra Rama-Tut, who was then defeated by Apocalypse, Doom, the X-Men from the past, and the Fantastic Four.

Immortus was later reborn at some point in time, but because the way he was resurrected was different in different timelines, countless Kangs were formed and they divided the crystal shards.

Most of the cannibalism among the many Conqueror Kang revolves around these crystal fragments. After all, after gathering trillions of fragments, we can piece together a multi-dimensional artifact. Isn't it promising?

Well, Su Ming doesn't intend to play this jigsaw puzzle anyway, because new Kangs will be born at new points in time every moment, and they will also carry new fragments, so...

There are many Kangs in the multiverse, but the Kangs on 6311 Earth are the most famous. Young Kang, Supreme Kang, Imotus, Good Man Kang, Whitewash Kang, etc. all come from this parallel world and follow. There are also a lot of Apocalypse at different points in time. The famous female version of Apocalypse 'Apocalypse' also comes from 6311.

But that's all beside the point. In fact, Kang is not much different from those psychopaths with multiple personality splits in Arkham. It's just that he has one personality and one body, while they share the same body.

"You can't kill me. Here, my status is set to 'Healthy Survival', and you can't change the current settings of this space." Zhi Zunkang suddenly relaxed. He crossed his arms again and smiled confidently: "But I'm curious. I've been paying attention to you. When did you do something under my nose?

Letting go of Thor in his hand, Su Ming used his lightsaber to do tricks: "If you can kill him, let me chop him to find out. As for when to replace him, it's actually just the most basic tired soldier." count."

Since he knew in advance that Kang existed here and that he had arranged for TVA to capture Loki, Su Ming was of course on precautions. The first thing to do was to avoid possible surveillance.

The purpose of getting those security uniforms was not to hide from the fools at the Time Management Bureau, but to hide everyone's faces from the beginning and play tricks on them.

Four security guards got on the bus, and four security guards got off; the security guards entered the court, and the security guards all came out; the four people entered the bathroom separately, and when they came out, they became seven people, with two bodies; seven people entered At the dead judge's apartment, one security guard went to the port and four other security guards came to find Kang.

So how many people are left in the apartment?

The horse-faced thunder god is the bait. His departure is to attract Kang's attention, just like the other hand on the gambling table that attracts attention when secretly changing the cards. Whether it is raising a glass to drink, or snapping his fingers to call the waiter, it doesn't matter. Whatever you do, just create an opportunity.

Deathstroke was actually the only one who left the apartment. What happened next was all directed and acted by him, in order to make Kang think that the plan had succeeded and move to the next step, trapping himself with him. The next step was the cage duel project. .

This feeling is like the driver thinking that everyone is here, closing the door and driving. As a result, the car drives out, only to find that there is only a robber and no normal customers.

As for Thor, he's probably just checked baggage. Anyway, he's thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and he's probably not going to die in a fight.

And even if Su Ming guessed wrong, there would still be no problem if Kang wanted Loki with Deadpool watching over him. He was no match for Wade. The little cousin could always drag his opponent into a cycle of despicable and disgusting ways, and then use He has rich experience in making mistakes to defeat the opponent.

"Well, Slade, can we start the fight now?" Thor asked, scratching his hair and holding a big ax in his hand, Zhan Biao.

Someone pretended to be Loki and deceived his feelings. He remembered that he was still smelling Kang's perfume deeply. It was a crime against himself. He was almost angry to death.

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