The Death Knell

Chapter 3217 For Glory

Kang's frontal combat effectiveness is average. He is not a particularly powerful warrior. His abilities come more from his technology and some treasures he has collected in countless timelines.

It's not accurate to call them treasures. They should be considered souvenirs. They were collected from people he defeated.

Although there are useful props such as Silver Glider's skateboard, Gamora's Regicide Sword, Captain America's shield, and Magneto's anti-mind control helmet.

But there are still many useless things.

For example, Vision's body, Nick Fury's head, Peter Parker's heart, etc., these things are completely useless in battle.

Those were his early collections, but later he became numb. As many Nick Fury heads as he wanted, he could get them through separation time again and again. This gradually lost the fun of collecting. After all, even if it was Fury's head, After they are piled up into a mountain, they are still essentially a pile of human heads, which have depreciated in value.

He felt that collecting other things was meaningless, so he began to collect these 'reality' itself, that is, he started to play with the matter of 'creating a single universe'.

How should I put it, he is like a more perverted 'collector' Difan, who is a freak with infinite life and has turned his hobbies into squirrel syndrome.

Su Ming has always been careful not to make himself crazy. Infinite life will always distort people's minds. Fortunately, although he also kills people, he has no hobby of displaying enemy corpses at home for the time being.

Perhaps because he has been too smooth on too many timelines, Supreme Kang does not have the habit of carrying powerful items when he goes out. If he suddenly pulls out the 'Ultimate Eraser' now, Deathstroke may be a little worried.

No, this possibility no longer exists, because Reed, who discovered the Ultimate Eraser, has been erased in many timelines of 40K. Now there is only an android running happily in the Amazon rainforest. Parallel The little lighter of the world has no authority here, so it’s fine.

This is the choice of Supreme Master Kama Taj, and it is also the main timeline recognized and eternally recognized by Emperor Weishan, or the world line chosen by 40K.

So how do you kill a Kang?

There are many ways to deal with a person who relies on high-tech armor and props, such as targeting the joint structure of the armor, targeting the signal electrical system, targeting visual differences in human-computer interaction, etc.

But the easiest way is to use the New Year's Sword Technique and just cut it directly. After all, the Death Knell is no longer what it used to be.

"May you be happy and prosperous!"

This was a jumping move. Originally, the death knell was still about twenty or thirty meters away from Kang, but as soon as the four-character mantra was spoken, he was in front of Kang in an instant and struck down with a sword on his head.

Supreme Kang was indeed alert, and he immediately relied on instinct to dodge, only to have an arm chopped off instead of being split in half.

Blood spilled into the void, and the warm blood mist splashed on Deathstroke's mask, like dots of red plums in the yellow morning light.

But Kang was stubborn. While taking the sword, he shot Deathstroke back with the small pistol that looked like a coiled lollipop. It hit the chest of the armor, and a burst of green light suddenly lit up and enveloped the warrior's body.

But Deathstroke only paused for a moment, jumped back to distance himself, and patted his chest with one hand:

"A time stasis gun? It's a nice little toy, but it'll be mine soon."

Kang is an inventor, and many of his little toys are very interesting. This little pistol is one of them. It can stop the time of a creature. If it is explained by magic, it is a portable version of a time and space anchor.

He also has another small pistol, called the Molecular Fragmentation Gun, which can break people into molecular structures, but obviously he knows that Deathstroke has the ability to heal himself, so he didn't take out that thing to embarrass himself.

"It's beyond my expectation. Are time weapons ineffective against you?" Kang also took two steps back. His cut off arm disappeared in a burst of light and grew back onto his shoulder.

Apart from grinning in pain, he was not greatly affected.

"Ah, I have to thank another one of you for giving me a warm welcome when I first arrived on 40K Earth." Su Ming took out the Night Sword from his pocket and combined it with the God Killer into one, like the night sky Dots of silver light like stars suddenly lit up: "If he hadn't reminded me that this universe is related to Kang, I really wouldn't have taken over the mess of the Supreme Mage."

It's true to say it was a mess. At that time, Kama Taj had almost no other advantages except having the strong man Gu Yi, and it also suffered from various internal and external troubles.

If it weren't for gaining the approval of the Time Stone and Emperor Weishan to counter Kang, maybe Su Ming would have taken another technological route.

The Conqueror was silent, as if he was thinking about how to deal with Deathstroke's close combat, but then another man stood up. Under the first light, the red cloak fluttered high in the windless environment.

Thor raised the ax in his hand, nodded to the death knell, and shouted:

"Let me fight alongside you! Brother, for the glory of Asgard! Thunder and lightning, answer my call!"

As soon as this tall and muscular man spoke, the atmosphere became heated. Personally speaking, Deathstroke does not need this kind of atmosphere bonus. He prefers to fight in a quiet and deserted environment, so that he can perform better. The advantage of the mind.

But Thor also means well, so whatever.


Logically speaking, at this time, there should be a lightning strike, and various visual special effects should be added to Thor, making him instantly awesome like a god descending to earth.

However, nothing happened. No matter how long Thor held his axe, or whether he could not get off the stage, there was no thunder or lightning to answer his call.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the speechless Supreme Mage sighed. He patted Thor on the shoulder and offered comfort:

"Good intentions, but we are actually in a void environment now, and lightning is essentially a flow phenomenon of electric charges, flowing from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. Finally, the positive and negative charges finally overcome the barrier of the air and connect, and a huge current flows along A conductive airway surges straight from the ground to the clouds, producing a bright and dazzling flash of light, can you understand this?"

Thor blinked a few times, slowly put down the weapon in his hand, and shook his head.

What kind of mess is this? Shouldn't he shout "Thunder is coming", and then a buff with lightning appears?

"There is no lightning phenomenon in an absolute vacuum environment. To put it bluntly, that's it." Deathstroke said the reverse sentence, and he exhaled: "If you want to see lightning in a vacuum, you must first use energy Form a sphere that isolates the outside world, fill the sphere with inert gas, and then use yourself as a Tesla coil, so you have a visual effect."

"...Still don't understand, but what you're saying is that without Mjolnir, I can't summon thunder and lightning in space, right?"

Thor's brain automatically filtered out 99% of the valid information, and it seemed that he only heard the word 'no'.

But he was not disappointed. Instead, he became even more excited. He beat his chest and let out another ape-style roar:

"Then I will join the battlefield as an ordinary warrior! Even if there is no weapon in my hand, I will fight to the end with my minions, for Asgard! To live up to the blood of Odin!"

After saying that, he took the lead in the charge. The big ax that looked like a small coffee table was raised high above his head and slashed towards Kang with astonishing momentum.

Having been deceived by the Conqueror before, Thor's embarrassing scenes were all seen by Deathstroke. Now all he has to do is kill Kang with his own hands and use the blood of his enemies to wash away that shame!

Then... he was shot and was frozen in place, unable to move. His whole body seemed to have turned into a still wax figure.

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