The Death Knell

Chapter 3235 Watching the fire from the other side

"The dome, the Heavenly Palace, the city of tomorrow, and the city all refer to the same thing, which is the hemispherical city created by Big Head Reed."

In Sepulk's reception room, Deathstroke was telling Loki a joke that he thought could be added to the joke book:

"That city is actually a life raft. It is bigger and stronger than the swimming ring on Earth 616. It can even use technology to accelerate internal time, complete the overall teleportation and escape into negative space. This is a secret. Only Reed himself knows it. Unfortunately, he died."

There are bright lights in the living room, and there is a real floral scent in the air, which is quite warm.

"Hehehehe, so what you are saying is that actually 1610 has always had its own ark, but no one knows about it except you now, so the Ultimate Team still follows your instructions to grab the lifeboat of Earth 616?"

Loki likes the absurdity of this intelligence gap, and has a sense of pleasure in manipulating others.

"The capital originally knew about it, but I asked the adjutant to invade it and erase that part of its records, so its behavior now is very interesting." Deathstroke spoke with a hidden smile.

The dome is too big. If used as a life raft, it is estimated that about 200 million people could survive on Earth in 1610. This number is difficult to control.

Each earth only needs a few human samples to survive. Too many people will be troublesome, especially the people of Earth 1610 are similar to the residents of Gotham. They usually look normal, but they may become simple at any time because of trivial matters.

Watching the Ultimate Team fighting the X-Men, Deathstroke took out a bag of popcorn to eat with Loki, and talked about the origin of the domed city.

Reed, the boss of the Ultimate Universe, wanted to kill his wife because of Susan's affair with Ben. However, Susan, who had a better relationship with her, killed her back and had to run away.

He hid in Block 77 of the negative space, where he organized an army of aliens, preparing to counterattack the earth and kill his girlfriend to prove her truth.

But Susan also wanted to kill him, and she felt uncomfortable every day without killing her ex-boyfriend.

In the end, she led SHIELD and the Ultimates to find Reed first, and blew up the latter's laboratory, burning half of his face and leaving his body floating in negative space.

But in fact, Big Reed faked his death. He had a better understanding of negative space than Susan, and he deceived his ex-girlfriend through some tricks.

He found a way to return to Earth, which was to collect all his dead alien subordinates, extract their cerebral cortexes, and combine them with some technological debris circuit boards to create a 'biological computer' , or called 'wet body computer'.

This alien AI is the predecessor of today’s ‘Capital’.

With the computer, Reed then connected his brain to the computer to create a domed city, and then teleported the entire city directly from the negative space back to the main dimension.

Negative space energy leaked and flattened Europe. He took the opportunity to gain a foothold in northern Germany, and also used technology to speed up the local time flow in the city, making one month outside the city equal to 800 years in the city.

By the time S.H.I.E.L.D. realized that the owner of the dome was actually Big-Headed Reed, who was still alive, and sent captains from various countries to conquer him, those eight hundred years had allowed the androids in the city to evolve into perfect supermen.

These artificial humans are called the "Children of Tomorrow", and each one can easily defeat Thor. Reed relies on them and various protective technologies to compete with SHIELD.

Hiding in an unbreakable turtle shell, Fury had to compromise, and instead secretly cooperated with Reed, mainly selling drugs to make money, and using the Sons of Tomorrow to assassinate certain enemies. There was nothing to say.

Because of Big Head Reed's experience of returning to the main dimension from negative space, he also invented a theory called "Space Bridge" in the past 800 years.

He believes that the multiverse has a main axis. If a single earth is folded in half along this imaginary main axis, there should be a parallel world at the corresponding position.

He did find it, Earth-616, long before anyone else, before Shengun De discovered him.

Datou took the first step to peek into the other party's secrets, that is, the future of diversified integration, and the plan to build the Ark.

After confirming the authenticity of the intelligence, Big Head Reed immediately started taking action. On the one hand, he transformed his dome city into an escape ship, and on the other hand, he secretly began to eliminate some other weak parallel universe practitioners.

Before the multi-fusion occurred, he had already annihilated 67 parallel worlds, and no one knew about it.

If the plot in the comics had followed the development and Deathstroke had not intervened, Big Head would have deceived Fury and secretly joined forces with the Dark Order of Earth 616 to survive this major incident.

Unfortunately, there were no ifs. Deathstroke simply asked Loki and the zombie aliens to kill the bulk of them in advance.

The Children of Tomorrow are actually not perfect. They still have human genetic structure and are infected with the Stitch Monster Virus.

Loki only used illusion magic to provide support. In essence, the 'Zombies of Tomorrow' killed Big Head Reed, which meant that he died at the hands of his own creation. It was also a joke.

Now that the matter has been basically settled, Su Ming told Loki these behind-the-scenes things as a joke. She nodded and burst into laughter from time to time.

People say Loki is an evil god, but Loki in 40K is not that bad in essence. She is just a fun-loving person now and likes to see others suffer misfortune.

"What's the spindle?"

She laughed for a while, finally held back, and asked a new question.

"A set of coordinate systems." Deathstroke waved his hand indifferently, seeming not to want to talk about this topic: "Reed regarded the multiverse as a globe and believed that there was an axis that traversed the entire multiverse. After some calculations, he came up with The conclusion is unfortunately wrong.”

Are there main axes in the multiverse? exists, but the name of that axis is 'time'.

Time is a tree, a river, a fog. Any abstract thing can be compared with time, but it will not be a straight axis.

There is an axis in the single universe. This axis is called 'good and evil'. It is a concept related to chaos, but it has nothing to do with this incident at all.

"That's it, it always sounds a bit pitiful, haha." Loki touched his chin and twisted his mouth again: "You should let him live for a while, and then kill him when he sees hope. That should be It’s more fun.”

"Playing with Reed? Forget it. Those lunatics can easily hurt others and themselves if they don't play well. It's better to kill them as soon as possible."

Deathstroke shook his head and refused. Anyway, most Reeds were threats in his eyes:

"Cats also have choices when playing with mice. Reed is not a mouse, he is a skunk. If you play with him, he will fart in your face before he dies."

Loki still had the same smile, but bowed slightly:

"Hehe, it's a bit of a disgusting metaphor, but thanks to the master's advice, I remembered it. Also, I seemed to have seen Deadpool on the screen just now. Is he the one we know?"

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