The Death Knell

Chapter 3236 The Unbalanced

"Dad, are we going to die?"

In a park in the suburbs of New York, there was a tattered and rusty swing. The girl sitting on the swing asked her father next to her, and the smelly father was helping her push the swing.

Upon hearing this question, Deadpool was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

As if a tragedy was destined to befall him, he could have escaped by relying on the teleportation belt, taking his girlfriends and his daughter with him.

But not long ago the belt was completely damaged and he had no way out.

It just broke, and it broke as soon as I woke up, without any warning, as if it was targeted by the world.

"Probably, but dad will stay with Ellie."

"If you can escape by yourself, then go by yourself." The little mixed-race girl was swinging on the swing. The fire in the distant battlefield lit up the sky, and the phoenix-shaped fireball was destroying everything: "People say that good people will If I go to heaven, I will definitely be able to see my mother, which is not bad."

The girl was very relaxed. She was not afraid of death at all. After all, fear was useless in this situation.

Why not think in an optimistic direction? Wouldn't it be great to reunite with your family in heaven after death?

Wade took off his mask, threw it and the two knives aside, and continued to help his daughter push the swing. Of course he knew that the so-called heaven did not exist. As long as a person was dying, the skull face of death would appear in front of him.

And even if there is a paradise, it is probably difficult for Ellie's mother to go there. Her profession has the same bottom line as that of a mercenary, but the battlefield is different.

"There's nothing I can do. I'm really sorry. Dad is not a superman and can't prevent another Earth from crashing into it, but..."

"It's okay, at least we are already happier than many people." The girl smiled wildly. She shook her shoulders and took out the small schoolbag she was carrying: "You are always very busy at ordinary times, and you still leave me to God. Agents of SHIELD will take care of you, but now I know you still love me, that’s enough.”

As she spoke, she took out a painting from her bag, which showed Deadpool, her, and a fat black woman wearing a SHIELD uniform.

This is her ideal family portrait. She was too young when her mother died. Now when she thinks of her mother in her memory, only the face of the nanny agent appears.

Wade felt a sore nose when he saw this. He also knew that he was incompetent in the past, but he couldn't live without money.

So he also came to sit on the swing nearby and touched his daughter's head: "Yes, when we get to heaven, our family can be together."

After saying this, he suddenly felt a little guilty, worried that his current wife would suddenly emerge from the sewer.

Fortunately not.

Ellie nodded, handed him the painting in her hand, put her schoolbag on her back again, let the swing start swinging, and asked in a low voice:

"Will it hurt when you die?"

"Dad doesn't know either, because I've never died before." Wade smiled mischievously and made faces at his daughter: "Let's try it together this time. Come on, hold my hand."

"No, your hands are shedding skin."

The girl shook her head decisively and refused. Loving her father was one thing, but being disgusted was another.


"He seems to have given up. Do you want to save him?"

Loki asked Deathstroke. Although she didn't want to admit it, she still felt a little pity for the little girl.

"He is not my cousin, and I also want to relax my nose for a while. Earth 616 wants him to be buried as a burial object. If I interfere, it will be an extra step."

The cold-blooded Deathstroke rejected the proposal. He coughed, as if his throat was uncomfortable:

"Adjutant, ask for a set of belt repair instructions and a set of repair tools. Send the things to this deadpool and let the father and daughter fend for themselves."

"Yes, Sheriff." The deputy smiled and followed the instructions: "Do we need to arrange some other programs? For example, after the belt is repaired, we can choose the destination? Send them to 40K-1?"

A father and his daughter survive together in the zombie apocalypse. I seem to have seen this story somewhere, and it might sound good.

"I said, let them fend for themselves." Deathstroke pursed his lips. He shook his head and changed the video screen, skipping the topic: "How much time do you have now?"

"Judging from the speed at which the two earths are approaching each other, they still have about two hours at most." The adjutant also became serious, but there were too many variables in the collision of the earth, and she could only give a rough time range. .

"Then I'll go down. The battlefield is now unbalanced. The Ultimate Team can't solve the Phoenix." The black and yellow visor flowed out of the skin on his face. He waved to Loki to follow him: "If the Phoenix ruins the plan, then It’s not good.”

Just like what he said, the end of the world has come, and Phoenix has gone completely crazy. At this time, he is feasting on New York, absorbing the vitality. Wherever the flames go, only shining glass is left, not even the ashes of people. will be left.

Anyway, the universe is going to die. If you don’t eat now, you won’t get anything. It’s better to be a dead ghost.

And its current host is Cyclops, who has no willpower at all and is just a puppet controlled by the Phoenix Force.

"Are you going like this?" Loki dropped the barrel and walked over. She patted her belly: "If you want to do bad things, I suggest you use a false identity. You must know that there may be a lot of eyes on you now. On Earth 616."

"You've learned how to answer quickly, not bad." Su Ming laughed. After the voice change process, it sounded like a ghost's scream: "Then change the appearance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Strangler turned him into Batman, with a chin like a butt.

Pulling up a corner of his cloak to cover his face, he seemed to have melted into the darkness, even though there were bright lights around him.

The light of teleportation flashed, and he and Loki, who also changed his appearance, came to the chaotic streets of New York. At this time, he saw the ultimate iron man and Captain Marvel of 616 fighting fiercely in the air.

This Captain Marvel wears a strange helmet, and his hair is like a horse's mane emerging from under the helmet and standing on top of his head, so he can be called Captain Mustang.

Although it sounds like a code name that only an Indian would choose, after all, there are too many Carols in the multiverse, and you have to be able to distinguish them. For example, if Carol from 40K is here, she can only be called Captain Oval Face. .

Regardless of whether Ultimate Iron Man was fighting with the opponent and saying all kinds of sexual harassment little words, Deathstroke's attention was still more focused on the phoenix in the sky, and the two pointed ears on his bat hood twitched a few times. , that is strangulation distinguishing the sound.

I could only hear the Cyclops version of Phoenix murmuring while killing people and eating:

"Everyone dies, and I can save people from pain, so I'm right..."

Well, he was indeed crazy. As expected, Deathstroke dug into his pocket a few times, took out the time-stopping gun and handed it to Strangler:

"Knock him down."

Will it crash if it is stagnant in the air? Just in time to do an experiment.

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