The Death Knell

Chapter 3250 Jingluo’s Fury

According to theory, the guy who can draw with Zheng Lian and escape unscathed cannot be an unknown person. Su Ming should be aware of his existence.

But this man looks strange and has strange abilities. He can't even find any examples of similar characters.

Su Ming couldn't remember seeing this character in his previous life.

"He spoke English while analyzing the mouth patterns, and it was determined that he was an alien." The adjutant began to perform calculations. She was able to interpret many things without the effort of Deathstroke: "He said his name was Brutus."

It's true that the alien speaks English, but he also looks a bit demonic in appearance.

"Tsk, I've never heard of it at all." Deathstroke stubbed out his cigarette and put the cigarette butt away: "If you're talking about Brutus in ancient Rome, I know a little bit about him. He was Caesar's son and the man who stabbed Caesar to death. .”

"Obviously he isn't, Sheriff, unless you think Romans were minotaurs."

The adjutant lowered his hands and landed on his lower abdomen.

"Well, a new villain who doesn't know the details is pretty good, especially the ability to teleport instantly." Su Ming smacked his lips and took a deep breath of the rancid earth smell in the rain forest: "I have to go over and take a look, noisy No, this is Darkseid’s person again.”

As you walk around, the fallen leaves under your feet make a crackling sound, and the soft humus layer underneath is like a thick carpet, making you feel like you are stepping on clouds.

The depths of the rainforest, where no one has ever been, are hardly a paradise on earth.

"Mom, it was the Supreme Mage and I who saved the World Tree, but Torguang knew how to go drink with friends while we were working."

If you get a little closer, you can hear Loki knitting his brother's black hair. She confided to Frigga as if she had been wronged, and even pretended to shed a few tears.

Frigga was indeed fooled. While patting Loki's back gently, she said that she would teach Thor a lesson in the future.

Su Ming was too lazy to meddle in the family's business. He just reminded Loki to cooperate with Lao Zheng. After going to work on time, he said hello to the queen and teleported away.

"From recent major events, we know that N metal can react to magical materials, so the intruder should be using some mysterious energy source."

In the conference room of the Hall of Justice, the black bat put his hands on the table and said this with a serious expression.

In the previous battle, when Hawkgirl's hammer hit the opponent, the sparks seemed to twist into a dirty rainbow shape.

It was like the layer of oil on the surface of the sewage in the stinky ditch, or like the oil paints mixed together after being contaminated by black. The light was not right.

Batman discovered this keenly and gave an inference.

He doesn't like magic, because magic is illogical, contrary to common sense, and the most difficult to deal with. Now he just hopes that the big man who is more than three meters tall is not a mage.

"Ah, magic, then it has nothing to do with me." Arthur, a reckless man who doesn't understand magic, moved his beard and chin, and one of his cheeks was slightly swollen: "However, I do think this guy may be some kind of aquatic creature." Race, he’s stronger than me in the water.”

During the battle, Superman once threw his enemy into the sea. Aquaman summoned a swarm of sharks, and he also wrestled with the opponent in the water, but was easily sunk to the bottom of the sea by the monster that could breathe underwater.

With just one punch, Arthur sank tens of thousands of meters and sank deep into the seabed, directly losing his combat effectiveness.

The opponent's strength is not as strong as Superman, but it is not far behind, at least far better than Aquaman.

Batman didn't speak. After all, just listen to Arthur's analysis and don't take it seriously.

He himself was doing wavelength analysis of energy at this time. When the N-metal hammer collided with the opponent's body, a light wave was formed, and this wave pattern was recorded by the bat aircraft.

When different things collide together, they vibrate at different frequencies. As a man with various metals in his body, Batman has been studying resonance recently.

Superman also floated behind the bat like a spirit behind him, folding his arms and looking at the big projected screen together, frowning and saying:

"I think this wavelength does not belong to our dimension or this earth. The material that makes up his body does not exist in our knowledge."

"There are no creatures in this dimension." Batman had the same view. The corners of his mouth curved downward: "Since it comes from another world, let's track which one it is."

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at Batman. Although there was no basis for it and they had never heard of any vibration positioning technology in the past, everyone believed that he could do it.

So those present gave up thinking.

After the battle, Black Adam drove everyone from Zhenglian out of his country without mercy because he had to put out fires and rescue disasters.

Barry stayed there secretly to help send back the people he rescued before, so he hasn't returned to the Hall of Justice yet.

In the previous incident, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter had an extra green-skinned child named Shaun. Now the two take turns taking care of the child. When Hawkgirl is on the team, Martian Manhunter is at home.

Diana also did not follow the Zhenglian. She has been with the Dark Zhenglian these days, and there has been some trouble in the magic world recently.

"Hey guys, did we miss something?"

Green Arrow, who seemed refreshed for some reason today, walked in from the door, and with him was Black Canary, who was wearing fishnet stockings. As soon as Oliver entered the door, he unusually waved to everyone.

Batman narrowed his eyes. He felt something was wrong. Where was Green Arrow's bitter and resentful energy? Just because his ex-wife reconciled with him again? Is there something happening that I don't know about?

A lot of questions and backup plans popped up in his mind, but he still kept a poker face and said nothing. He just nodded at the other party as a response.

"It's not a miss, because we are now trying to track down a strong magician from another world. Not long ago, he blew up Khandak and then escaped from our hands." Arthur smiled and said with Green Arrow came with a street-style greeting of high-fives and chest-beating.

"Another world, a strong man, a magician?" Green Arrow touched his beard. He and Arthur were both members of the "Bearded Brothers": "Are you talking about Deathstroke?"

"First of all, Deathstroke is not a magician. Secondly, don't mention his name, otherwise he will appear soon." Batman tapped on the keyboard without looking back, stretching and compressing the waveform on the display. flat.

Oliver rolled his eyes. He didn't have a fixed seat, so he could only sit on Hal's chair, which was not present:

"You make him look like a wish-making devil or a djinn. If I rub my quiver, he will jump out with a puff of smoke."

He laughed to himself after saying this.

But except for Arthur, no one laughed with him. Even Canary looked at him with disgust and distanced himself without any trace.

"This is not a time for joking." Batman replied seriously, and then changed the topic: "Today is Kandak, and tomorrow may be Gotham or Metropolis. We must find this strange opponent as soon as possible, and then cause greater harm to him. Stop him before he destroys it.”

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