The Death Knell

Chapter 3251 Chain Reaction

"Okay, let's get back to the point. What are you going to do? How can I help?"

Oliver knew he couldn't convince Batman, so he simply didn't argue with him and brought the topic back to the weirdo from another dimension he mentioned before.

Kandak is still a country after all. Although it only has one city, if the entire city is wiped off the map, it will still make news.

Even after the year of the villain, the news of murders and arson has made everyone numb, but with the Justice League involved, this matter is naturally different.

This is the reason why Green Arrow dragged his ex-wife in a hurry. After all, he is a superhero.

Under the light, Batman unplugged his Bat USB flash drive from the device and flipped up his cape:

"No need for help at the moment."

After leaving these words, he left. As the electric door opened and closed, the man disappeared into the darkness of the corridor.

Green Arrow knew this would happen. Batman didn't believe anyone, especially when something happened. He didn't even want to hide his doubts.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver spread his hands and said to Clark:

"I thought he had learned to share recently."

Superman showed a smile as warm as the sun and patted Green Arrow on the back: "He has changed. In the past, he wouldn't say what he planned to do, would he? Now he has told everyone his plan to leave. It’s a big improvement, don’t be too harsh on others.”

"Am I harsh?" Green Arrow pointed at his nose and turned to look at everyone present: "I have never asked others to do things according to my words."

"Well, actually it doesn't matter. If Batman can investigate on his own, we can do other things during this period." Neptune brought mashed potatoes from nowhere. During the period of famine on the earth, He kind of liked this method of dipping French fries into mashed potatoes, and was muttering as he ate them.

And Black Canary didn't know where to get a plate. She also started to eat, her cheeks puffed up like a squirrel and said:

"Oliver has always felt that we should do better lately. He seems to be possessed by you, Clark. He didn't have such ambition before."

"Oh? Although Ron came up with the idea of ​​'becoming a better us', I'm glad you think so, Oliver." Superman landed on the ground, smiled and hugged Green Arrow's shoulders, his hands still up and down. He rubbed his hands and said: "Justice should be for everyone. We can look at problems from different angles, but at the same time, we will also support and rely on each other."

"You understand me, brother." Green Arrow nodded, his goatee twitching a few times: "Okay, so besides this visitor from another world, does the Justice League have any other matters to deal with?"

"A lot. Our earth has just survived a multi-level disaster, and there are too many people in need of help." Hawkgirl rolled the hammer on the table and supported her head with her free hand: "But the biggest problem is , almost everyone on earth with a mobile phone knows the concept of the multiverse.”

In previous battles, many Earths appeared in the sky above Earth 0, and the Justice League was not the only one who saw them.

Maybe many people didn't realize what it was at first, but afterwards celebrities and news bloggers on the Internet introduced the matter clearly.

Not to mention other parallel worlds, even the existence of the Dark Multiverse has been exposed on the Internet. Now, except for backward places like Khandak, almost all humans are suffering from hysteria.

‘What does a parallel universe look like? ’

'Can we give them names? ’

‘Isn’t it romantic to travel to a parallel universe and get married? ’

Turn on your computer and click on any portal. These are the hot topics on it. After people first learned that the dangerous enemies came from a parallel world, and a wave of fear broke out, the topic went off the rails at some point.

They are now full of curiosity about parallel worlds, and they are full of desire for power.

It seems that everyone wants to be able to go to the parallel world, because in the media's propaganda, it is simply a golden mountain that no one has developed.

It's like someone is deliberately guiding public opinion

"Did Luther do it?" Green Arrow is very knowledgeable. This kind of paranoid induction is very similar to that of a certain bald man.

"It's not Lex." Superman immediately spoke for the bald man. He patted his chest to assure his old enemy: "Lex swears it's not him. He doesn't bother to lie about such things. Batman has also tried to acquire websites that publish news on the Internet. and company, but”

"But he has no money now, and Catwoman has caused him a lot of losses." Oliver took up Clark's words that were difficult to say.

Everyone knows about this. The thief cat did a magic trick on the bat. Now the figure is gone and he doesn't know where he is hiding.

Black Canary sat sideways on the armrest of his chair, vigorously mixing ketchup into the mashed potatoes, and said jokingly:

"At least he was defrauded of his money by his fiancée, what about you?"

Green Arrow once trusted a friend, a man, but that guy was actually an undercover agent of the Nine Rings. He almost sold the Quinn Industries inherited by Oliver's family and turned it into funds for the terrorist organization.

"That's all in the past. The Nine Rings have retracted into the mouse hole. Now we are not talking about scams." Green Arrow coughed helplessly. Those were all mistakes made in his youth: "Ahem, Well, let’s continue talking about the exposure of the multiverse, Superman, who do you suspect is manipulating it?”

Superman still had the same smile as before, and he shook his head: "I don't have any suspects. It's unfair to doubt anyone before you have the evidence. This is not what a hero does."

"Tsk, I was stupid. I should have known that asking you would only get this kind of answer."

Green Arrow smiled bitterly, and he looked at Hawkgirl, because she was darker and might have different opinions.

The dark-skinned Kendra was playing with her hammer and found Oliver staring at her with pleading eyes. She immediately understood what he was thinking and pursed her lips:

"I have a few suspects, but Superman is here. If I say it, I won't be a superhero. Let's go out and have a private chat?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Clark didn't mean that." Oliver waved his hand. He wordlessly took off the green hood on his head and rubbed his golden hair: "Although we can no longer prevent the news of the existence of parallel universes from leaking, at least we still have time to get it right. Educate people about the dangers they contain, otherwise the bad guys will just step in and take advantage of these ideas."

Eagle Girl nodded repeatedly and waved her little hammer:

"Then you have to prepare a large notebook. The list of suspects is a bit long."

"I suspect Cyborg." At this time, a voice came from the door, and the man in black and yellow armor walked out of the darkness: "He should know how to play the Internet, but he is not here today, and he has not told you anything before. Found out, so he is very suspicious.”

Although there is no smoke effect, the death knell does come.

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