The Death Knell

Chapter 3278 Ladies Drinking Party

At this time, the Forgotten Bar was still busy. Today was another day of normal business. Many wizards came and went, keeping Bobo busy.

To be honest, he missed the help of the three female gorilla waiters. Of course, he only missed their labor force, not their thick bodies.

"Tracy! Go to the basement and move the beer kegs!"

The orangutan rolled up his sleeves and desperately collected money. He opened his mouth and asked the bartender girl to do physical work. His back molars were exposed to the air, revealing the ugly face of a capitalist.

The girl who was dressed like a bad girl threw the rag on her shoulder hard on the bar. After glaring at her boss, she walked towards the basement muttering:

"God, please tell me what is the normal lifespan of an orangutan? Or what are the chances of a wild animal getting into a car accident?"

Super soldiers have super hearing, and Diana, who was sitting at the bar drinking, heard it. She showed an expression that wanted to laugh, but held it back.

She and Donna were both low-key, and their brown hooded cloaks covered their good figures and Amazon armor, but if people saw Zatanna next to them, it would be easy to guess their identities.

There is another flaw, that is, their robes cannot cover their feet. Who among the serious sorcerers wears Greek-style strappy sandals?

But drinking low-key in a bar is two different things than going on a mission under the name of Dark Zhenglian. Many smart sorcerers saw through their identities, but they just continued drinking and chatting.

"Have you ever thought about hiring a few more people?"

Donna was lying on the bar and huddled in a ball, holding a large cup with golden beer sloshing in it. She asked the orangutan detective curiously.

After experiencing a series of changes in the magical world, the business of the Forgotten Bar has improved a lot. Some people even came here specifically to pay homage to the blood stain left when Jim was killed by the Laughing Bat.

In fact, there was no trace of blood. Robin Hound ate him and licked up all the blood. When the Master of the Night was buried, he could only be buried with one set of clothes.

But this does not prevent many mages from treating this place as a ‘check-in place for internet celebrities’.

Bobo didn't know what to do with these people. They came here to pay their respects and commemorate Jim, but how many of these strange wizards were sincere?

It is estimated that there is not even 1% of them. People come here driven by curiosity.

However... it feels good to collect a lot of money, and the sound of the cash register dinging is really nice!

The Forgotten Bar is the legacy of the Dark Night Master, who entrusted it to himself, so Bobo feels that running a good bar is the greatest comfort to his friends.

If the bar closes down, wouldn't everything be in vain?

Jim's favorite thing in the past was standing behind the bar, smiling and chatting with the guests.

So after listening to Donna's question, the little gorilla rolled his eyes and answered without thinking:

"If you don't hire people, hiring people is free? Tables often need to be repaired, the bar needs to be waxed, and food and drink always need to be restocked. How can I have spare money to hire more people? When I die, this bar will be Give Tracy the inheritance, and if there are too many people, I will inevitably wonder who the suitable heir is, which is just asking for trouble.”

"You shouldn't give away the three free helpers. In fact, they are quite cute." Donna scratched her hair and looked very puzzled: "But now they have been hired by Batman and have become your competitors."

The orangutan detective was unmoved. He took a moment to point to his nose while collecting the money:

"How can a cafe compete with my bar? Besides, I still can't understand the so-called cuteness of your Amazons. It's like Diana thinks Leopard Girl is cute. Oh my god, how cute is that crazy tigress? Don't Forgot that she killed Poseidon.”

Wonder Woman shook her head slightly, smoothed her hair, lowered her head to drink, and whispered:

"Barbara is actually not a bad person. She helped me integrate into modern society. She taught me to drive, teach me to make phone calls, and taught me to use the toilet. She became crazy because she was exposed to the Buster dagger. Affected, she is essentially the same as a person controlled by voodoo..."

Donna nodded in realization and interjected: "I thought you didn't want to kill her because she has pointed ears, yellow hair, and a big fluffy tail."

Diana glanced at her sister speechlessly. Was she the kind of person who couldn't distinguish between right and wrong? Although those factors probably account for one percent.

"But now she still has the explosive speed of the Speed ​​Force level, nails painted with tears of death, a mouth full of teeth that are sharper than a vampire, and a heart that wants to tear you into pieces." With her back to the bar, , Zatanna, who was looking at the lively scene in the bar, turned around, rolled her eyes and added: "Seriously, Xiao Dai, you are like one of those weirdos who likes to keep strange pets."

"She is my teacher and my sister. One day I will help her get rid of that curse and let her return to a normal human form. No matter what you say, I have my way of doing things." Diana didn't intend to listen. Zatanna's, because her best friend always makes wrong decisions.

"You guys in the Justice League are all sick." Xiao Zha rolled his eyes and spit out a breath of alcohol.

Seeing that the two women seemed to be quarreling, Bobo quickly clapped his hands, filled up the wine glasses for the three of them, and changed the topic:

"Speaking of it, it's been so many days, and you still haven't heard from Constantine?"

"It's none of my business where he dies." Zatanna said carelessly, raising her glass to cover her face so that others wouldn't see her expression.

"Still out of contact, no one in the magic world has heard from him." Diana is the leader of the Dark Alliance after all. Although she doesn't like Zhakon very much, after all, he is one of the strongest sorcerers on earth. When threatening Darkseid, any power is useful: "Even if he can't return, he should at least find a way to send some news back, but so far he hasn't."

The jazz music in the bar was still wafting from the karaoke machine, and the water droplets on the bar reflected the warm light. The orangutan detective sighed and raised his hands to straighten his black hair:

"Is Deathstroke back? If he is here, how about asking him to take us to find Lucifer?"

This is Bobo's method. Others may not know it, but Lucifer should be able to go beyond the multidimensional world without being tricked by Constantine.

But if Deathstroke wasn't around, they wouldn't be able to deal with the former Satan because they couldn't come up with the right bargaining chips.

Diana still remembered what Su Ming had told him: no one should save Zha Kang, otherwise he would die.

But now the Justice League is preparing to fight the 'real Darkseid', and is in urgent need of information about multidimensional aliens...

Just when she was hesitating, a figure covered in blood suddenly rushed in from the door and stumbled onto the bar.

The man called for help in the voice of a seriously ill person:

"Bobo, help me, something big happened!"

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