The Death Knell

Chapter 3279 Second Contact

When Batman grabbed Naomi and returned to the Hall of Justice, he was blocked by Superman. Bat knew that there was no way to put a little girl in prison under Clark's nose.

But if you think about it differently, isn’t the Hall of Justice just another prison?

As long as the girl stays here and doesn't go out, even if the madman named Brutus comes to hunt her down, the defense mechanism in the hall will be enough to make it impossible for him to escape.

So he directly skipped the option of imprisoning the girl and chose 'protect' instead. Superman, who was unaware of everything, expressed a warm welcome to the girl, and also led the heroes who were still in the Hall of Justice, I listened to Naomi's talk about another multidimensional person, Brutus, and Zubado.

After listening, Superman asked the girl to sit in the small room next to the conference room for a while. The Zhenglian members needed to have a meeting.

"New bad guys have been added, great. I'm going to buy a new notepad later."

After the girl entered the closed room, Green Arrow spoke. His response was very negative. After all, the strong man with the horns on his head came and went without a trace. He had the ability of teleportation of "Blin Blin". He was not an ordinary person at all. Can be dealt with.

How does it feel to have a psychopath with combat prowess comparable to Wonder Woman suddenly teleport behind you and attack?

Not to mention there is a Zubado whom I have never seen before, who sounds like an enemy from outside the Diversity.

"You should have expected it, Green Arrow, a certain death knell comes from outside the world of diversity, and Queen Marina who took Constantine away not long ago is also from another world." Batman's cloak fell from his shoulders, and his entire body The person looks like a black pillar: "After the origin wall was broken, the enemies we experienced all came from places that we had no corresponding knowledge before."

Zheng Lian was in a meeting, and the black girl was left in the waiting room next to the meeting room. Through the one-way transparent wall, she could be seen playing with her fingers boredly.

"Bruce is right, Barbatos, the Laughing Bat, Peppertua, Hecate, the Upside Down Man, except for Darkseid who is an acquaintance, we have already seen too many unknown enemies. This time there is nothing. It’s different, we have to protect the world and do our best.”

Superman was still smiling as he spoke, and even wanted to put his hand on Batman's shoulder.

But only the Joker and Catwoman can hug Batman's shoulders. Whether Superman can hug Batman depends on Batman's mood. At this time, the man under the black cloth moved his steps and avoided Clark's intimate movements.

"You selectively excluded Luther and the Legion of Destruction from the enemy list." Arthur, who was wearing corn scale armor, complained a little: "The alien Poseidon they brought destroyed Atlantis, so the reconstruction work I haven’t finished it to this day.”

"I think we've discussed this enough before."

Superman walked towards Arthur, and after being dodged by Batman, his big hand that had no place to rest naturally fell on the latter's shoulder:

"The essence of their mistake was to find a way out for the future of mankind. This is not a complete mistake. Although it is not a good idea to fuse human genes with Martian genes and put hope in the Mother of Diversity, they now know Anyone who is wrong should have a chance to become a good person again.”

The way of transcendence and the way of destruction, two completely different paths will inevitably lead to disputes. This is more like a collision of beliefs, and as a superhero, he will not kill all enemies who have surrendered.

Batman was silent, standing aside like a bystander. He had to admit that this was the most ideal outcome in his heart.

If Superman had not chosen to forgive Luthor, but had chosen to completely annihilate the Legion of Destruction, he would have come to him with kryptonite and the Hellbat Armor, because Luthor was not only Clark's old enemy, but also his friend. He has saved Superman many times.

If Superman were to kill Luthor, it would mean that Superman had clearly lost his humanity.

And once Superman loses his humanity, the earth will not need a human god.

Let Luther join Zhenglian? Release members of the Legion of Doom? This is completely wrong from a rational point of view.

But Batman needs Superman to make the same mistakes that ordinary people make.

Green Arrow raised his hands in surrender, and rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Needless to say, we all listen to you, you are a superman, and anyone who disagrees with you will automatically appear to be either stupid or bad."

"You're so funny, Oliver." Clark gave him a thumbs up to show that he laughed at the joke.

"Okay, boys, our little girl is jumping around." Black Canary pointed at the one-way transparent wall, while Naomi kept waving in the small room on the other side, shouting something in a panic.

"She might have an urgent need to urinate and want to go to the toilet."

Arthur, who was watching the girl's movements, stroked his beard and gave his analysis results.

"People who want to go to the toilet don't jump around." Batman denied this statement and walked towards the door of the small room: "I guess it was her superpower that felt that Brutus was back."

Sure enough, Batman was right. As soon as the small door opened, the girl's cry came out:

"He's back! I feel it!"

"Location." Batman's question is also very simple, just asking where the enemy is.

Superman was not the first to arrive at the scene. On a street in Midtown, there was a huge depression. The fire hydrant on the side spurted out water like a fountain, causing a small-scale rainfall.

Many nearby vehicles sounded their sirens due to the vibration, and yellow lights illuminated the street.

However, the bottom of the shattered pit is not the enemy, but the Amazon Queen Hippolyte. There is another Flash beside her, asking her something.

Superman landed slowly, his red cape fluttering in the wind:

"Her Majesty, and Wally."

He smiled and nodded hello to them, as if warm sunshine was shining on them.

"Good evening, Clark, isn't Barry here? I just came from Keystone City and I don't know much about the situation. At least my broken chair doesn't know anything."

Wally shook hands with Superman a little embarrassedly. He was a criminal not long ago. Although Roy was resurrected, what happened in the asylum still tortured him psychologically.

"Barry and Deathstroke went out. You must understand that Deathstroke is mysterious." Clark patted Erdou on the shoulder, and then looked at Hippolyta, who looked a little embarrassed: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The queen's armor was in tatters, her whole body was disgraced, and there was a glaring dent on the shield she held in her left hand.

You must know that her shield was made by Athena herself, and it is a veritable artifact.

"A madman with four red horns invaded Paradise Island. He suddenly appeared and declared that the world was his. I led my sisters to fight with him, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage, but he suddenly changed A red passage, I escaped into it, and I also pursued it."

"What about the others? Are they nearby?" Wally increased his vigilance and prepared to fight.

Hippolyta sighed. As an Amazon warrior, it would be a great shame to be escaped in front of the enemy. She shook her head:

"I rushed into the passage, and ended up at a place 10,000 meters above the central city, and he didn't come here at all. Maybe the passage sent him somewhere else."

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