The Death Knell

Chapter 3280 The end is coming

When Su Ming and his team found the chief, he was worshiping a cockroach.

The Scarecrow who completed his mission immediately fled back to his station, and Charlie once again switched personalities and became "Beautiful Polly", a pale girl wearing a black gothic style dress and holding a small parasol.

This is the personality born after Charlie tried to commit suicide after being raped, but failed and was persuaded to return by 'death', so she looks exactly like the smiling concept embodiment, except that she does not have the iconic Ankh cross decoration.

In addition, her ability can only kill people, but it cannot let people enter reincarnation and start a new life.

She was beautiful and had a gentle smile, but she was not death after all.

Su Ming was familiar with the real Death, and there was nothing to worry about with a copycat version, so he focused more on the smelly puddle.

Still in the sewers of Detroit, following the foul-smelling water for several kilometers, the disabled man in charge was squatting at a bend where the water flow was slightly slower, holding a cup in his hand, with a cockroach in the cup. .

The cockroach did not run around, but stood up and raised its two forelimbs, as if praising the sun, if there is a sun in the darkness of the sewer.


Su Ming called him, but the old man still turned his back to everyone and showed no reaction. The cockroach was praising the sun in the cup, while he was holding the cup above his head as if he was holding some holy object.

"Niles?" Barry ran to the other party with lightning, and while calling, he reached out to touch the old man's shoulder.

This time the other party responded, but instead of responding to Barry immediately, he immediately hid the dirty cup with the cockroach sideways in his arms, as if he was afraid that Barry would snatch his things, and a wild beast appeared on his face. An expression that protects food.

However, after using the light of a flashlight to see clearly the Flash's uniform, the chief was stunned for a moment before he seemed to come back to his senses:

"The Flash, is that you?"

"Uh, it's me." Barry felt that the old man was a little strange, but he just felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell.

He is not actually familiar with the chief. The Doom Patrol is actually a very autistic group of people, and their actions are often for survival.

They will not take the initiative to help the people, nor do they need help from any other teams.

You must know that Happy Town has a branch base of the Justice League, and the Justice League of America was once stationed there. To this day, the Young Justice League still exists in that beautiful seaside town.

But the Doom Patrol doesn't trust anyone, and even teenage children are the ones to be wary of. Even if they are beaten to a pulp by their opponents, they don't need any help, and they don't want anyone to pity them.

They tend to only communicate with people who are disabled or have congenital defects and are discriminated against, such as Cyborg and Beast Boy.

"You... I thought it was the children who came to me." In reality, the chief had a shattered lumbar spine and was paraplegic for many years. He stood up. Although he had lost one shoe, he had both feet on the ground: "It was discovered that I left Did you find any clues?"

He squinted his eyes to look at people other than Barry. Hawkgirl was fine. He raised a brow when he saw Deathstroke, but looked a little panicked when he saw Beautiful Polly.

The old man began to wink at Barry, as if asking why he let this extremely dangerous personality escape?

Barry is good at everything. His only shortcoming may be that he can't read eyes, because for a scientific worker, the rapid shaking of human eyelids is actually the twitching discharge of nerves, which is a symptom of endocrine disorders. If not, it is nerves. early manifestations of the disease.

Su Ming understood what the old man was afraid of. Wasn't he afraid that this copycat would die and reach out and touch him, so that he would kick up his legs and ascend to the sky?

But in fact, Polly has a kind personality and is not aggressive under normal circumstances, so just treat her as a 'death' cosplayer.

"We found the locator you left, and we found it all the way here." Deathstroke ignored his look for help, but took off his helmet, lowered his head to light a cigarette, and went straight to the point: "Tell me, what happened to Cyborg?" What's wrong with you? And who are you being hunted by? Not only did you abandon your wheelchair and run away, you even ran away with your shoes. You would like to be called the best running paraplegic in the multiverse."

The chief tugged at the hem of his clothes and hid the cockroach cup. He stroked his messy white hair:

"I don't know about Cyborg's problem. He said that he can always hear the electronic sound of 'didi-didi' in his head. I suspect that there is something in his subconscious that wants to communicate with him, so a few days ago , we entered this dimension of consciousness together.”


Deathstroke put his helmet under his arm and showed an "I'm listening" expression.

"But after entering here, we were quickly attacked by a group of monsters. In order to protect me, Cyborg led them away on his own, while I went to the school to leave the locator, and then followed them."

The old man came closer. He obviously didn't want to get too close to Deathstroke, but moved closer to Kendra, as if she could give people a sense of security.

The sound of water flowing in the sewer was very clear in the darkness, and the human face looked particularly pale under the light of the flashlight.

"Those monsters are Cyborgs that don't exist in the regular timeline, let's not mention them for now. What I want to know now is why you didn't continue to look for Cyborg, but instead brooded in the sewer holding a cockroach."

The mercenary's voice sounded. He obviously didn't care about the process, he only cared about the answer.

The old man opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but after his lips changed several times, he swallowed what he was about to say and turned it into a sigh:

"Is it important? It's not important anymore. The end is coming, and none of us can escape it..."

"Is it the end of the world..." Deathstroke flicked the cigarette ashes, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said: "Barry, bring me that cup."

Of course, the Flash obeyed the order. Although he was sorry for the chief, a bolt of lightning still reached into the latter's arms. Before the words could be heard, he delivered the cockroach cup to the mercenary.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me the prophet!" The chief went crazy, grinning and rushing towards the death knell.

But Hawkgirl is not a vegetarian. Even if she doesn't know why Deathstroke wants to snatch the old man's cockroach, she believes that this man always has a reason for doing things.

Still holding the hammer in her hand, she hugged the old man tightly, and asked the death knell with her eyes if she wanted to knock him out.

Seeing the lady's enthusiasm, Su Ming couldn't refuse, so he nodded, and Kendra decisively brought the old man down with a knife, just like she had done in the army before.

Polly watched this happen with curious eyes, but she said nothing, just smiled as always.

Because she is imitating death, and death is always a bystander.

"Oh, I knew it would be like this." Barry sighed and pulled down his hood looking a little tired: "Even Diana will be knocked unconscious if she doesn't listen to you, let alone a stranger?"

But Deathstroke shook his head. He poured the cockroach out of the cup and showed it to everyone:

"The chief used to be a scientist of the Sky Eye Society. He has dissected more living brains than you have ever eaten marshmallows. He is not very honest and has concealed too much information. So I can only ask him to take a nap."

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