The Death Knell

Chapter 3281 Cockroach Prophet

The chief was not a good person before. In his eyes, living people were no more than white rats, all experimental materials.

As dark as Amanda Waller’s fat black woman is, he is almost as dark, except that the former’s fig leaf is ‘I am a patriot’, while his excuse is ‘your sacrifice is for science’.

That is to say, his personality changed as he got older. He returned to his hometown to organize the Doomsday Patrol, which drove the entire generation of team members crazy and made him a paraplegic. Only then did he gradually give up his ambition and turn to collecting disabled people. Formed the current second-generation Doom Patrol.

And now that his legs have recovered, who can guarantee that his mentality has not changed back?

Just knock him out to save trouble.

The disabled man was able to fly, gave up his search for Cyborg, and hid in the sewers to play with cockroaches. He had too many weird behaviors, and Su Ming was not an expert in studying madmen.

Fortunately, what the chief knows, the cockroach prophet also knows, and he knows even more.

As for how to communicate with cockroaches without strangulation, it is also simple. You can do it through the Red of All Living Beings. Besides, there is an almighty saber around. Let Charlie become the spokesperson of the Red of All Living Beings.

But the cockroach helped omit this step. It stood up in the hands of the death knell, propped up its body with its two thin hind legs, and waved its front paws as if to say hello:

"Don't bother the girl, I can speak English."

The American cockroach-like insect speaks in a standard British Cockney voice. If you couldn't see its body, you might think there is a British guy hiding in a dark place dubbing it.

"Ah, it would be better if you can speak English." Su Ming temporarily put away the dirty cup, picked up the unconscious chief with one hand and carried it on his shoulder: "We all know what kind of person Niles is, Steel Bones came to him because he hoped to get help from him, an expert in brain science, and what benefits did he see in his willingness to help Cyborg?"

Yes, the chief will not help others for no reason, at least not for free.

He is not short of money, and has much more money than Cyborg, so he must be interested in something before he is willing to take action.

The chief helped the Tin Man and the others, but they also became his tools, which was fair.

As a mercenary, Su Ming understands this idea very well. After all, work must be paid. Not everyone can reap the benefits by basking in the sun like Superman.

Cyborg has been missing for seven days, and it has been seven days since they entered this level of consciousness. This shows that as soon as Cyborg came to the chief to investigate, the chief immediately agreed and immediately arranged the equipment. It was so impatient.

So can we make a guess?

There is something in the consciousness layer, and that thing is calling Cyborg, and those alien Cyborgs from the hypertime flow, as well as the Chief, want it, and maybe the cockroach in front of him wants it too.

After hearing the death knell's words, the cockroach nodded its chitinous head up and down, and its two long tentacles swung. It carried its two forelimbs behind its back and paced humanely in Su Ming's hands:

"You are right. Chief and Cyborg did not come in alone. They also brought me with them because I am a prophet and I can foresee the end of the world. You can call me Ezekiel. I was once a friend of Judah and witnessed The most famous betrayal. So when I was in front of the chief, I always pretended not to speak, but you are different."

The Judas of the past is the Phantom Stranger of today, so it is normal for Ezekiel to know Deathstroke. After all, the sinner was robbed of his "sin money" by Deathstroke.

"Oh, nice to meet you, but this is obviously not a good place to catch up on old times and make friends." Deathstroke walking in the sewer walked vigorously, preparing to take the cockroach back to the pink duck boat: "Just don't be too close, just click here Tell me, do you know what calls Cyborg?"

Behind them, Barry and Hawkgirl looked at each other, feeling that this scene was a bit fantasy. The communication between Deathstroke and the ape was understandable, but has it developed into a cockroach by now?

And a psychotic cockroach who claims to be Ezekiel.

"Ahem, this is a long story. A long, long time ago..." Cockroach bent down and coughed, cleared his throat, flapped his wings and sat down cross-legged in his palms, with an old man's tone. To start telling stories.

But Deathstroke interrupted him and blew a puff of smoke into it: "You shouldn't start from Genesis in the Bible, right? Give me a short version, we're in a hurry."

"Young people today are just impatient. When I was in Jerusalem, I was touched by the hand of God."

The cockroach waved a forelimb to protest environmental pollution. It also complained that the death knell was impatient, but after all, it knew that it had no room for protest in the hands of others, so it gave a brief version:

"Okay, to put it simply, do you know that Cyborg has a split personality? There is another evil personality in his consciousness."

"Wouldn't you have said this earlier?" Su Ming helped blow away the smoke and walked in the darkness: "I know that the evil personality is called 'Grid', which was originally a computer virus in Cyborg. After controlling his body, he was later separated and sealed into the depths of Cyborg’s consciousness.”

Barry should also know about the grid matter. This is an old issue from the N52 era.

"Yes, it's that electronic monster. I predicted that it was the guy who made the beeping sound. It planned to trick Cyborg into passing through, thereby completing the evolutionary path of consciousness integration."

The cockroach once again assumed a pose like that of a famous detective, extending one of its forelimbs and pointing forward, as if to say, "There is only one truth."

But in fact it has no basis at all, only predictions.

"Your statement makes some sense. It seems that those Cyborgs from the non-existent time stream think that after the fusion of our Victor and Grid, they can defeat the real Darkseid?"

The cockroach immediately shook its head, and its two tentacles were whipped like whips:

"No, you got the causal relationship wrong. It was when Cyborg and Grid's personalities merged that he fell and turned to Darkseid, which is why so many deformed Cyborg timelines were created."

"I understand, then you can predict where Cyborg is. Let's go rescue people now. Does Grid's consciousness contain real Darkseid information?"

Su Ming has straightened out the timeline, and he understands that the treasure everyone is looking for is actually Grid's personality.

Today's steel frames can be fused with the grid, so naturally their special-shaped steel frames can also be fused, perhaps gaining stronger computing power.

For the Chief, Grid means another steel frame. If he is fused and his consciousness affects reality, he can be recognized by the Mother Box, and the deformable metal can perfectly allow him to regain the ability to walk upright. .

"Uh, wait, you mean us?" The cockroach scratched its head and stuttered a little: "I don't know how to fight at all. Can you send me out first? I don't want to die in an unknown bombing!"

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