The Death Knell

Chapter 3299 Split personality or consciousness

"It's actually here!"

After breaking through the doors, the group of people ran wildly down the corridor, surrounded by the remains of robots.

Hawkgirl was still the one who took the initiative. At this time, she walked through the last door and entered a spacious hall. She held up the hammer warily and stared at a machine not far away.

Not far in front of her was a grid that was different from other robots.

Although it looks similar in appearance, this robot has a different temperament. If those robots look like soldiers, the one in front of them has a dangerous aura.

Well, from Su Ming's point of view, the robot was actually sitting when it appeared. He made a levitating throne or some other vehicle out of metal. In short, it appeared floating in a very stylish way.

Everyone else was standing, but he was sitting. It was really different.

"Finally, you stand in front of me again, Victor!"

Before Su Ming said anything, the robot greeted him first, but it was obvious that he had no one else in his eyes and only cared about Cyborg's existence.

The moment he saw the robot, Victor seemed to remember something. He trembled violently, and his remaining one eye widened instantly:


I don’t know why, but the communication between these two people seems to be developing into a bloody drama.

Barry beside him gently poked Deathstroke's lower back with his hand, asking with his eyes whether he wanted to start a battle plan. Su Ming looked out the window of the building, shook his head slowly, and signaled him to wait a moment.

Because another group of enemies flew out of the window, and those strange-shaped steel skeleton reinforcements arrived. They were like a dark cloud, fighting with other grid robots in the city while rushing here quickly.

Three seconds later, they shattered the glass wall and crashed into the eighteenth floor of hell.

There was one leader among these aliens. He took off his smooth mask on his own initiative, revealing his old and scarred face, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I am coming."

"..." The eyes of the two green bulbs on the grid moved as if adjusting the focus. It tilted its head for a while to identify: "Victor?"

"it's me."

The genuine Cyborg and the Alien Cyborg took a step forward at the same time, and they both answered in unison. To be precise, all the Alien Cyborg gave the same answer.

"Ah, now it's interesting." Sheng Lin stood beside the death knell with his arms folded, his forearms holding up the peak on his chest: "I don't even know who is the real Cyborg now, do you want to ask? Can I wait?"

Her ability is such that if no one gives her a riddle, then she doesn't know the answer.

Su Ming, who had smoked a cigarette, swept his eyes across the battlefield and nodded slowly:

"Ask a question!"


Go through a procedure first, after all, life needs some sense of ritual.

"There are more than seven hundred robots in front of us. Which one is the real Cyborg?"

Deathstroke spoke the question according to the marked riddle format, the lightsaber in his hand wrapped around his forearm like a snake.

Shenglin got the answer when the riddle appeared. She looked at Deathstroke's one eye, then looked at Barry and Hawkgirl who were also paying attention to her, and lightly opened her red lips:

"They are all the same as you think."

"Haha, sure enough, the conscious level is like this." Su Ming smiled. He took out the cricket jar behind him and handed it to the smiling Sheng Lin: "It's almost time to wake up from the waking dream."

As soon as he finished speaking, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and other lights took turns to light up on Su Ming's body. His ten light rings were activated in sequence, forming a rainbow-shaped light, the light of creation.

"Godslayer, giant EMP generator."

EMP is a weapon, so the Godslayer can also change. It becomes a strange device that is as big as a washing machine but more like a millstone.

Deathstroke injected the energy of the light ring into the device in his hand, and it began to buzz, and then an invisible shock wave exploded from it. This was an electromagnetic attack, and the magnetic field was of course invisible.

All the machines or cyborgs fell to the ground, spraying electric sparks all over their bodies, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Victor?" Barry flashed his lightning and caught the fallen Cyborg in front of him. His eyes widened nervously: "Slade, you electrocuted the wrong person."

"That's right, because our entire journey was actually the dream of the chief and him." Su Ming calmly put away his weapon, walked over and rolled Cyborg's eyelids: "You think I shocked them, but from the main dimension of reality You see, what I am actually shocking is their 'consciousness'."

"I don't understand a bit." The Flash held Cyborg's 'body'. He didn't find any external injuries, but it looked like his friend had turned off his phone.

"Electricity can be used as a medium to connect all machines, and emotions are also common to all steel frames." Su Ming took out a few bottles of soda to distribute, unscrewed the caps and took a sip, then used lights and rings to reveal colorful lines. Connecting the three key equipments Zhenglian Steel Skeleton, Grid Body, and Alien Boss in parallel: "So to put it simply, you can think that I have put several steel skeletons into safe mode, and they are now waiting for your favor. "

"...So, who should I hack into with my laptop?" Barry blinked, obviously even more confused. There were hundreds of robots present, and he had no idea at all.

The wealthy gold laptop given to him by Deathstroke can still run normally. After all, it is a high-end product of Wilson Enterprises, and of course it is protected by magic.

"Of course it's from Zhenglian. Let Shenglin help you get it done quickly." Su Ming drank soda silently and toasted with the beautiful woman next to him: "Remember, the steel frame is the grid, and it is also the alien. They One from the beginning, the people trapped in the dream are us...the battlefield of consciousness is nothing more than a projection of their disputes in the spiritual world.”

"Uh, I seem to understand." Barry knelt on the ground, while providing Cyborg with a knee pillow service, while pulling out a data cable from the back of the other person's head and pointing it at the laptop: "From the beginning, what we entered was Vic. In a world of disputes with three different personalities, this is just a dream."

Hawkgirl could no longer keep up with her thoughts. She blinked and looked at Deathstroke, as if asking when she noticed these things.

"Absolutely. I had my suspicions when I met the chief, because there were only a pair of holes in his wheelchair. It wasn't like he had suffered a large-scale attack and needed a steel frame to lure away the enemy. It was more like It’s like Cyborg actively excluded him from the story. After all, Cyborg doesn’t really trust the old man in reality.”

Sensing her gaze, Su Ming just took a sip of soda, raised his hand to wipe his beard, and gave a selective answer:

"And our reinforcements switched personalities again and again, and even appeared in multiple personalities at the same time on the subway, which reminded me of another thing, that is, in the level of consciousness, one person can be many people, and many people can also be the same person. one."

Charlie has always known that she gave various hints along the way, from Yu Nao's dream talk at the beginning to the appearance of Shenglin, the 'anti-Riddler', at the end.

So this eighteenth floor statement was also the last test. When Su Ming told Cyborg something, he wanted to know whether Grid would know.

Because not long ago, when he used the Force to read the mind of the alien Cyborg's head, he got a lot of ideas from the young Cyborg...

The grid really appeared on the eighteenth floor, which means that young Cyborg also has authority over this area of ​​consciousness. Therefore, it is proved that they are all manifestations of different consciousnesses of the same person.

Facts have proved that all the Cyborgs you see are not Cyborgs in the true sense. Only when they are all integrated, including the light side, the dark side, and the negative personality, can such a three-dimensional character exist in reality.

Victor also has a split personality, no different from Charlie, and the same as Su Ming before.

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