The Death Knell

Chapter 3300 The beeping thing

If you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people. Previously, Su Ming cooperated with the Flash and told Cyborg a lot of plans, how to deal with the soldiers, how to hack into the grid, and what to do next. .

Unfortunately, that was a lie to him. Su Ming had long known that Cyborg was a patient with multiple personalities, so how could he tell him everything?

Charlie has used herself as an example to prove this, that is, except that she knows nothing except Crazy Jane, her other personalities can use other people's eyes to see some external things.

What was said to the red kitten was also known to the clown who appeared later, and driver No. 8 also knew the communication with the clown.

Based on this speculation, if you tell Steel Skeleton something, there is a high probability that Grid and Special-shaped Steel Skeleton will also know about it.

So after finding the "sleepwalking" Cyborg in the rainforest, many of Deathstroke's subsequent actions were centered around verifying this point.

It seems to be right at the moment, but the key to the final outcome depends on the abilities of Shenglin and Barry. Whether they can blend the three programs together and let the normal Cyborg personality take the decision.

That's right, Su Ming said before that the fusion of personalities depends entirely on Victor himself, which is also false. How can a mere steel skeleton be reliable?

After putting away the empty soda bottles, Su Ming picked up the cricket jar, holding it and looking around.

How spectacular is it when hundreds of robots emit electric sparks and black smoke at the same time?

It's because their internal short circuit always burns some parts. At this time, the air is filled with a smell of burning rubber, which is very pungent.

Let Sheng Lin go help Barry and leave them on the 18th floor to continue their work. There is no threat here anymore.

When the three key steel frames were shut down and restarted, the city disappeared. Looking into the distance, there was endless darkness. Under the dark sky, only the building where everyone was currently staying was left.

There were no enemies, and there was no breath of life. The whole world seemed to have stopped and became extremely quiet.

"Kendra, follow me."

Su Ming took the idle Eagle Girl and flew out of the window of the building to breathe fresh air. At this time, if he turned around and looked at the building, he would feel that it looked like a giant computer host standing there. This is where memories are stored. and personality.

There are floors in high-rise buildings. Because different programs have different running priorities, floors are actually divided into different permissions.

"Where are we going?"

Kendra flapped her wings, still looking confused, because with her straightforward temper, she really didn't have the patience to study the consciousness layer.

"Do you still remember Cyborg saying that there is a beeping sound in your head?" Su Ming flew to the roof of the building holding the cricket jar, and replied with a smile: "Cyborg even has a triple split personality, plus the crazy brain of the chief, It will not manifest so many blocks of consciousness, so we still have one last riddle to solve, which is what builds this grand world?"

Eagle Girl seemed to understand. She clenched the hammer in her hand: "Then there is still an enemy. Is he on the top floor?"

Her courage is a bit like that of Xiao Dai, but Diana is confident in her own strength, while Eagle Girl is purely not afraid of death.

Anyway, death means reincarnation, and eighteen years later she will be a fierce woman again.

"You'll know when you get up there."

As they spoke, the two of them arrived at the top floor. Hawkgirl bumped her shoulder, directly breaking the glass of the building, and skillfully rolled on the floor of the room to relieve her force.

Instead, the death knell flew in lightly and landed on the ground silently, appearing unhurried.

On the top floor of the building is a whole hall. Except for an empty chair not far away, there is only a display cabinet in the center of the hall.

Just like a glass display cabinet in a museum or jewelry store, a red stand holds a glass cabinet the size of a shoe box, with a shiny silver cube inside.

"This is the mother box?!" Kendra recognized this thing, and all the members of Zhenglian knew it.

Su Ming walked to the display cabinet with the cricket jar, and at the same time motioned her not to get excited, and they walked closer together and took a closer look: "What you said is not accurate. This is the mother box in Cyborg's subconscious, or in other words, it is shared by several of them. Mother persona, of course, this Mother Box has no name and won’t say she is Martha.”

He expertly told a Batman joke and winked at the black girl.

"Huh?" Hawkgirl's black face asked. The mother box is a technological prop of Apokolips manufactured by Darkseid. Why did it become Cyborg's mother?

As the two got closer, they could barely hear the extremely faint sounds that the mother box occasionally made.


The frequency is very slow, and the sound requires super hearing to hear. It is like doing an electrocardiogram on a dead person, who looks absolutely dead.

"Speaking of which, Kendra, do you know what happened to Victor? The key to his origin story is right there." Deathstroke punched the glass cover open. Seeing Hawkgirl start to lower her head to think, he simply The cockroach took it out of the jar, placed it next to the mother box, and pushed its carapace with his hand: "Prophet Ezekiel, if you touch it and touch this creation of Apokolips, God will find it very interesting."

The cockroach stretched out its forelimbs and touched the mother box. After tilting its head and feeling for a while, it felt that nothing interesting had happened, so it simply climbed onto the mother box and touched around.

"I touched it, so what? What's the fun part you said?"

Climbing around the mother box up, down, left and right, it looked at the death knell, curiosity written all over the cockroach's face.

"Oh, that means this mother box poses no threat to living things, and I can take it."

Deathstroke reached out and picked up the mother box, smiled gratefully at the cockroach, and put it back into the jar:

"My own pet has not entered the consciousness dimension. It usually does things like detecting mines. Now it can only be used by you. But look, aren't you also very useful? I won't sell you to Lu. If you become a Westerner, I will release you when you get out and send you to a rich and wealthy home where there will be fresh kitchen waste to eat every day."

The cockroach was so angry that he stood up in the jar, and opened and closed his dirty mouth, as if he wanted to spit out something fragrant. But in the end, facing the death knell, the fragrant little words turned into some simpler words:

"Then I still want to thank you!"

"You're welcome, this is what we, the Justice League, should do! If you want to thank us, just thank Superman and Batman!"

Su Ming, who put the can back on his waistband, answered particularly sonorously and forcefully.

When necessary, he can always become a member of the Zhenglian in a timely manner, and he never takes any credit.

After Su Ming finished communicating with the cockroach, he was playing with the mother box. At this moment, he found Eagle Girl looking at him. The woman even asked with a half-smile:

"Are you using our Justice League as an excuse again?"

The man in black and yellow armor walked towards a chair nearby and replied calmly: "I don't like explanations when doing things. It's interesting enough to be able to give the prophet an explanation. You actually want to ask for this explanation to be true? That's because you can listen to it for free. Something?"

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