The Death Knell

Chapter 3410 Approaching Madness

So the group continued to move forward, and no more living demonoids were seen on the road.

They were all flattened and stuck to the wall, and they were also put into poses like Egyptian dancers. There were even many such murals, and you could see them dripping blood when the death knell approached.

He learned how to do it just by giving it a try to the mad doctor. In order to make up for the decoration problem of the maze, he killed all the demonoids in the maze before the death knell and posted it as wallpaper...

But this did not win praise. Instead, he was ridiculed by professional critic Mr. Bobo, who dropped one word:

"Plagiarism, bah!"

Because the 'Demon Patty Fake Ancient Egyptian Style Wallpaper' was invented by Deathstroke, and the Mad Doctor learned to do it, it was unquestionable plagiarism and sneak attack, making the orangutan express his disdain for this kind of behavior.

The next trip to the maze is where Bobo comes into play. Because he is the smallest and weakest, he is the initiator of ridicule and contempt, which makes it even more irritating.

For example, everyone is walking.

"It is said to be a maze game, but there is no treasure chest design, which makes us have no sense of gain and satisfaction, lacks mental stimulation, and has a negative review."

The two corners of the little Foo's mouth curve downwards, imitating Batman's speech.

As soon as he finished speaking, after turning the next corner, the mad doctor arranged a treasure box with a little money in it, so that he could buy things from the vending machines that could be found everywhere.

But the orangutan's tone changed and he tilted his mouth to one side: "Times have changed a long time ago. Who still uses wooden treasure chests now? Why don't we get a safe? It's a maze that can't keep up with the times, and it's even worse!"

Keep going, keep walking.

"Alas, there aren't even benches on the corridor here where you can rest temporarily. I really don't know how Mr. Miracle could play with such a rubbish design in the past."

So, after another corridor corner, the new corridor that appeared in front of everyone could be said to be completely new compared to the previous one.

Not to mention benches, there are sofas in the corridor.

However, the bitch gorilla tilted his mouth and rolled his eyes: "In what age are you still playing with leather sofas? Was the last time Mad Doctor came to earth in the middle of the last century? Nowadays, we young people only recognize fabric sofas. So it’s still a bad review.”

Just like this, after walking for a while, Bobo made one bad comment, which made him foam at the corners of his mouth. That was really hard work.

There are fewer enemies encountered, the liquid robot wearing blue pants is too weird, and there are no new protoss troops directly from Apokolips to participate in the game, bad review!

The air in the corridor is not fresh enough, there is no ventilation fan or air conditioning, and the humidity is quite heavy. Bad review!

The poisonous gas generated by the paranoid drug has no effect at all. Even the gas mask conjured by the light ring cannot penetrate, and it does not smell like flowers. Bad review!

The density of poison arrows fired from the trap is too low. Who uses poison arrows these days? Isn't it good to use poison bullets? Bad review!

If Bobo was an online buyer and the seller was a normal person, he would probably be hacked to death.

But the paranoid mad doctor is obviously competing with the orangutan. The more Bobo thinks he can't do something, he will do it and prove it to the orangutan.

Don't ask why, it's just so paranoid.

After all, being defeated by Mr. Miracle is understandable, and Scott is also a new god after all; but if an ordinary earth gorilla finds so many flaws in the maze design that he is good at, how can he bear it?

Regarding the self-perception of the mad doctor, he believes that his maze is the best in the universe and should be the best!

If he finds even a slight flaw, he must make it up immediately, otherwise he won't be able to breathe! ! !

The communication in the air continued. At this time, Su Ming continued to lead the way according to the map given by Zhuo Sha. He was also a little out of breath.

Because he is not facially paralyzed like Batman, and because it is very difficult to hold back laughter.

Bobo's actions undoubtedly set the limits for the paranoid New God again and again, taking advantage of the opponent's paranoid symptoms and turning them into a joke.

Even though Xiao Fu looks like an ordinary talking gorilla now, as a veteran in the magic world, he is also a typical example of evil.

No matter how many times the mad doctor comes, he only goes all the way, just to find excuses to give bad reviews.

Su Ming didn't know where the mental endurance limit of the crazy doctor was, but generally speaking, the patience of arrogant maniacs was often not very good. Bobo should also know this, so...

Sure enough, just as everyone walked down the stairs and came to a new corridor, the orangutan spoke again.

He squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder and fanned himself with the palm of his hand in a bored manner: "I've been walking for more than ten minutes, and I just met some soldiers. The design concept of this maze is too backward, and there isn't even a strong person who can act as a mini-boss." ,Bad review!"

Although he kept chattering and even foaming at the mouth, Bobo still persisted. For the sake of the earth and for everyone to have electricity, he firmly gave the negative review again.

This time, the strangulation didn't feel any vibration, but the BGM around everyone changed as Bobo's voice fell, becoming sharp and exciting again, and the beat was like a wildly beating heartbeat, which accelerated the rhythm.

A black shadow fell from the top of the corridor dozens of meters away, and a huge monster landed with a crash. Even the ground under the feet of the group shook violently, and then the roar of the sonic tunnel came.

"Adjutant, can you lock the origin point of the enemy's sonic blast transmission?"

Su Ming faced the monster that looked as black as a three-dimensional shadow. He handed Bobo to Polaris, drew his weapon and stood in front of the team, silently communicating with the adjutant through strangulation.

"It's a pity, Chief, that the other party is more skilled in controlling the sonic channel than I am." The puppet's voice appeared in her ears, and she looked a little ashamed: "I can only confirm that this transmission came from outside the multi-dimensional 1."

"It doesn't matter. It seems that the mad doctor has lost control. He called in high-level reinforcements from other multiple sources that he was not prepared for."

Su Ming didn't blame the adjutant. After all, the New Protoss had been using the sonic blast channel for how many years, but he had only been using it for how many years? There are many things in terms of experience that cannot be made up for by just stacking hardware and overtaking in corners.

"I'll keep an eye on it, Sheriff, please be careful in the fight."

The adjutant expressed concern and then cut off the communication. At almost the same moment, the attack launched by the new enemy was immediately before his eyes.

This is a rare attack method, because the tall black shadow launches his arms.

"Rocket Flying Fist? A blackened version of Astro Boy? Or some kind of super-type machine?"

Su Ming raised his hands and clenched them into fists, and violently collided with the two flying fists. The terrifying shock wave spread immediately.

But at this moment, a red light that was almost impossible to capture with vision suddenly flashed. The turning light was emitted from the figure who was still standing there after shooting out his arms. It flashed away in the dim environment and hit accurately. Deathstroke's chest.

He suddenly felt a huge hot force coming towards him.

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