The Death Knell

Chapter 3411 Tyrant Stone Statue

Su Ming lowered his head and saw that there was a hole in his chest. The armor made of the strangle had melted a little, revealing the charred and rolled-up blurred edges.

A large piece of flesh was missing from the chest, and the ribs made of X metal could even be seen. There was a faint smoke coming from the wound, and there was also a bit of barbecue smell.

"Mmm, Deathstroke, you smell so good."

Although Bobo was worried, in order to maintain the character of despising the maze, he could not directly ask if Deathstroke was okay, but chose to test it with a joke.

If Deathstroke can respond to jokes easily, it means everything is fine; otherwise, everyone may need to change tactics.

"I smell it too, but under normal circumstances, it's not recommended for men to lick my chest."

Su Ming knocked away the opponent's armor flying fist, put down his hand and patted his chest. The wound squirmed and healed quickly. Strangler also did a trick for him, growing the patch into a bat symbol:

"This Omega Ray is a good one. It's so mysterious. It's a pity that it's not Darkseid himself. It's still rubbish for others to use this skill. It's really bad to arrange this kind of wavelet SS in the maze."

The orangutan detective breathed a sigh of relief. He was held in Lorna's arms like a pillow, but he spoke arrogantly in Chinese with a Chinese accent: "That's it! This maze is so bad!"

"You are raising a flag by talking like this. I'm afraid it will be very red and swollen tomorrow." Su Ming didn't know where the orangutan learned the accent from, but he still replied with a smile, and then he looked at the black man at the other end of the corridor. Shadow: "Just stand and watch while I play with this elite monster."

The enemy is a pitch-black mass with an outline that looks a lot like Darkseid, and the sudden appearance from the darkness is quite intimidating.

But it can't be true. The status of the mad doctor is not high enough for Uncle Da to participate in the game, so Su Ming knew it from the beginning.

It was a bit unexpected to encounter an enemy that could emit omega rays. The opponent also used his hands to fight with rocket flying fists, deceiving and sneaking attacks at the same time.

The enemies know a little bit about tactics, which adds a bit of fun, but that's about it.

The death knell, with the lightsaber drilled out of his palm, walked towards the enemy with the weapon in hand. Under the dim red light, the sound of footsteps was the ringing of the death knell.

The black shadow launched another attack, and it was also the tortuous trajectory of the omega rays that looked like thunderbolts. This high-energy ray always had a fatal but gorgeous beauty.


The sound of particle beams ionizing the air sounded. As a super soldier who mastered the Force, it was commonplace to use a lightsaber to deflect various beam attacks.

The high-speed self-healing and symbiote repair of the body provide Su Ming with a high combat error tolerance. Unless he can be killed instantly with one blow, the same sneak attack will not be effective against Deathstroke a second time.

When the opponent saw that the ray was ineffective, the two fists flew over again, as if they were controlled by remote control. They also made various evasive movements in the air, making a whooshing sound.

"It's all fancy, but I can do it too."

Deathstroke shook his head. He couldn't throw his two arms out, but he had a light ring.

As soon as the yellow light ring lit up, two big hands with steel gloves appeared in front of them. Driven by their thoughts, they flew towards each other's iron fists, grabbed them and started an arm wrestling game in mid-air.

There is no need to eliminate these two fists, you just need to stop them from causing trouble. This technique of armored flying fist is a bit interesting and reminds people of childhood. Kill the enemy in a while and take the fists back to the adjutant for study.

The enemy's tricks did not stop the approaching death knell, and at this time, the two bare black shadows with elbows gradually revealed their true colors.

It is a monster that looks like a stone man. It looks like Darkseid, but its body material should be made of black diamonds in a fire pit, exuding a faint black light under the red light.

"It's a golem. He's quite handsome when he's little. Can he talk?"

Su Ming once again blocked the other party's new round of rays. Watching the rays blasting a huge gap of more than thirty meters in the maze wall on the side, he continued to approach the stone statue unhurriedly:

"Or are you actually an upgraded version of the ice crystal monsters I saw on Martha's Earth last time? Your master has built a new Apokolips? The sorcerers Merlin tricked actually fell into the hands of Darkseid. inside?"


The other party was speechless. I don’t know whether it was because it had low intelligence and did not understand English, or because it was unwilling to cooperate in providing information.

But if someone were to make a statue of Su Ming, he would never choose black diamonds as the material, because then the whole body would be black. Uninformed people would think that the death knell is from the coal mining industry or the boiler burning industry. What a great man.

Looking at the black statue of Uncle Da, Deathstroke asked Cloak to sense if there were any traces of soul infusion. The latter rubbed his face and gave the master a definite answer.

It seems that when Su Ming went to prepare the equipment to deal with the dark tyrant, the other party was not idle either.

Su Ming can cook this kind of thing easily, but it doesn't mean that other people can also cook it. If the quantity is large,

Thinking about these things, the Supreme Mage walked up to a few steps away from the statue. Although it could be solved instantly by charging and using the New Year's Sword Technique, walking slowly while blocking the ray would destroy the mad doctor's mentality even more.

Dealing with a wavelet SS was the second priority. The main goal was the mad doctor. At least we had to catch him and solve the problem of Earth 0's power supply.

So act calm and collected, as if the statue is complete garbage.

The four-meter-tall black giant looked down at the short human, and once again fired a fatal ray from its ruby-like diamond-shaped eyes, but this was the last time it fired, because the next second, a golden light flashed in the channel.

While blocking the ray, Deathstroke chopped off its head with his backhand.

If you don’t know how to deal with an unfamiliar enemy, then try it first. There is a high probability that you will be right.

After the head fell off, the stone statue, which was thought to be mute, actually spoke:

"Darkseid is always here!"

After shouting the slogan, its body was suddenly covered with cracks, and unstable red light came out from those cracks, like a sword piercing the darkness. It didn't take much to think that it was self-destructing.

Pulling off the magic floating cloak and swinging it, Su Ming turned away from the explosion and felt the sudden expansion of air behind him. Listening to the muffled sound, the mercenary shook his head:

"That's it? That's all the enemies in the maze? Oh, I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed with the entire Apokolips and Darkseid elite."

The good-hearted orangutan patted the dust on his head. He jumped off Lorna's arms and went to inspect the remains of the enemy wrapped in his cloak, but he said:

"If this is the strongest monster in the maze, then I don't want to play. Crazy Doctor will never win against Mr. Miracle in this life."

"Yeah, what's the point of living if you can't defeat your old enemy in your whole life." Su Ming picked up the orangutan. The black diamond powder was nothing to look at. Even if this stone statue had intelligence and memory, it is all destroyed now: "This The statue can be considered a fifteenth-tier villain, so there shouldn’t be a stronger SS design in such a rubbish maze, is this it?”

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