The Death Knell

Chapter 3480 Trick or treat

The elevator car was clean, not to mention blood, not even a trace of moisture, as if everything that just happened was an illusion.

The lamps above the head are very bright, and there is still the smell of perfume in the air. The beautiful checkered carpet is placed snugly in the center of the car, and the control panel for selecting the floor is polished to a shine.

Theoretically, you don't need to take the elevator to go to the second floor, but Su Ming took the students all the way and couldn't see where the stairwell was.

It's like someone hid the stairs

But it doesn't matter. In Su Ming's eyes, this world is just a passage. No matter which way he takes, the result will be passed safely and will not change.

After pressing the button on the second floor and watching the yellow halo light up, Deathstroke didn't even take out his weapon. He just calmly blocked the elevator door and waited for the hotel to take action.

The first is that the elevator is out of control. The buttons on all floors light up and go out one after another, rotating like the effect of an ancient light bulb sign. The elevator switches back and forth between overweight and weightlessness, going up and down.

When it went up, it seemed to rush out of the sky, and when it went down, it seemed like it was going to fall into hell. The lights in the car turned red, and blood-like liquid leaked from the walls.

The originally beautiful cedar boards began to rot and grow mold, spider webs grew out of the corners, and the air was filled with the smell of decay.

But Deathstroke and the students still stood firmly in place, with no intention of moving. Su Ming even calmly smoked and commented:

"This is a bit off-putting. I can accept the blood on the wall, but it is rotten and polluted. Are you going to play like the other world and jump to Silent Hill?"

There was a clang, and the elevator shook violently. The lights went out and then came back on, and the inside of the elevator car returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

The elevator door opened silently, and in front of him was the corridor on the second floor. The beautiful wallpaper was covered with flowers that fit the style of this era, and the golden clock on the table in the corridor made a clicking sound.

"Teacher, it seems that this place is really haunted, and we can still communicate." The mysterious guest walked out of the elevator, looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the portraits hanging on the wall.

The oil painting portrait showed an old man with a white beard and a sinister gaze, as if he was always looking at people passing by.

"Generally speaking, the phenomenon of disturbing spirits is divided into several levels."

Deathstroke took the students around the hotel, walking on the soft carpet:

"The one who makes noises and moves objects makes people suspicious is the weakest; the one who creates projections or illusions to recreate the scene of his own death is slightly stronger; when it comes to the level of possession or resurrecting a dead body, even if it has two attacks, the strongest one should still be able to kill people with resentment. of."

"Then what should I do in this hotel?" The mysterious guest touched his hat, and the brim formed by the shadow seemed to be a bit touching.

Deathstroke shrugged and said he didn't know: "I can't say how many Ah Piao there are here, because this hotel was built on the ancestral graves of the Indians. As you know, the magic system of witch doctors and shamans , the Ancestral Soul faction is very powerful."

While they were talking, a pair of twin little girls suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor. They stood there hand in hand, looking at the master and apprentice expressionlessly.

The little girl is very cute, wearing a blue skirt, white pantyhose, and a pink bow in her blond hair, just like a doll.

But their eyes were completely black, with no whites at all, as if someone had taken off their eyes, leaving four holes.

"Ah, it's here." Mysterio hit his palm with his small fist: "These two look a little cute."

Liana dealt with tentacles and eyeballs almost every day. In her opinion, any human-looking creature could be considered an acceptable level, let alone the twins who were so beautiful.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the twin sisters began to spurt blood from their orifices, and their two small mouths opened to an incomprehensible extent, spraying out blood like the high-pressure water hose of a fire truck, making a gurgling sound.

The red blood rushed like a torrent along the carpet toward the feet of the master and apprentice. Suddenly, the lights in the corridor began to flash again, the walls were dyed blood again, and the surrounding decorations instantly became decayed and dilapidated.

"Encountering ghosts is actually a very spiritual event." Su Ming was talking to the mysterious guest while taking something out of his pocket: "When you encounter a ghost, don't just think about cutting it with a psychic sword. In fact, there are also A gentler method is to use your own firm will to let them enter your game."

After saying that, he found his things and signaled the students with his eyes to pay attention. Then he threw the things in his hands to the two little girls far away in the corridor using the standard technique of throwing hidden weapons.

With Mysterio's dynamic vision, she saw clearly that what the teacher threw were some colorful beans, which looked a bit like short cashew nuts, but the colors were very bright.

I saw these beans swirling in the air and flying into the girls' mouths. Even though they were still spurting blood, the kinetic energy given to the jelly beans by the power of the death knell was enough to make them swim upstream, and just fell into their throats. Not through the back of the head.

The twins stopped vomiting blood immediately. They patted their small chests as if they were planning to cough something up, but soon they fell into severe vomiting, vomiting out a large amount of black water like ink, and fell to the ground to start. twitch.

"What is that?" The mysterious guest is very yearning for the various props owned by the teacher, because this is the background of the veteran traveler. No one knows how many weapons from other worlds he has in his hands, and how powerful those weapons are. fear.

"Bibi's All-Flavour Beans, a candy that's safe and harmless."

Su Ming watched the ghosts of the twins gradually disappear into the darkness, and he gave the answer:

"This is a specialty of Hermione's world. Little wizards like to eat and play with it. These cute twins want to play trick-or-treating. Naturally, I have to give them candy. If I just take out all the candy, If you chop two lolita with a sword, it will make people angry."

"Can candies be so powerful? Why do they disappear after eating them?" Mysterio felt a little confused. She also likes to eat sweets. Who doesn't like sweet food?

The surrounding environment returned to normal, the corridor returned to its magnificent appearance, and the soft light once again shone on the death knell.

He nodded first, then shook his head: "Because what I feed them is the flavor left in the candy box that no one eats. It probably smells like dried snot, baby diapers, dead skunk, moldy cheese, etc. .”

"Well, what kind of pervert would make this kind of candy?" Liana originally wanted a few candies, but she immediately gave up the idea.

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