The Death Knell

Chapter 3534 Afterbirth

"Actually, I'm really not good at organizing weddings. It would be better if I changed it to a funeral."

Gin held the oak barrel containing mead and poured the golden liquid into her and the man's horn cups. She looked a little helpless:

"As for whether it went smoothly, Deadpool and Xia Kaila failed to take wedding photos at first because the cameraman vomited and went to the emergency room. Later, he could only wear uniforms and hoods, and then put on suits outside to take photos. .”

After saying that, the corners of Gin's mouth also bent downwards, as if he was imagining how disgusting the scene would be at that time.

"People say that marriage is the tomb of love, so from a certain point of view, it is not wrong to have a wedding like a funeral." Su Ming pulled the barbecue in the bowl and tried to dip it in more chili sauce to go with the meal. : "Harley originally said she wanted to help, but she has been playing elsewhere recently. She always thinks that one thing is better than the other."

There was nothing particularly noteworthy in the TV news. It seemed that Maine in Earth 40K was relatively peaceful, at least unlike those Maine towns in the Dark Tower multiverse where many strange things happened.

The Adjutant's surveillance of the earth is mainly reflected on the surface and places with cameras, and people always find corpses in sewers or rivers and lakes, or are discovered by others, so it is also good to watch TV news and supplement some information from the perspective of ordinary citizens. certain.

"Harry." When mentioning the little madman, Gin also smiled: "That girl is different from all the women I have seen. I even feel that she is smarter than Queen Frigga. Say no. Well why, it’s just a feeling.”

Su Ming was amused by Gin Jiu's choice of comparison object. He picked up the woman and put her on his lap, touching her hair:

"Even if you want to choose a smart woman from Asgard, you should choose Lorelai or Amora for comparison. To be honest, when it comes to the ability to play with people's hearts and all kinds of scheming, the queen is far behind."

"I don't even want to hear you mention these two names." Gin leaned on Deathstroke, grabbing the horn cup and filling him with wine: "These two sisters have no sense of honor at all. What they pursue is to control people's hearts and play with men. It’s fun, so in Asgard, it’s not unreasonable for people to call them ‘banshees’ and ‘evils’.”

"I know, but strictly speaking, they don't do much harm, because characters with real weight will not be controlled by petty tricks."

Su Ming also fed Gin Jiu the wine in his hand and put his cheek on the top of her head:

"Those have nothing to do with me. My next schedule is to attend Wade's wedding first, and then wait for the results of Doom to come out, and lead people to deal with the Transcendent Gods. If these high-level mental patients are not eliminated in one day, I will You can’t rest assured for a day.”

The news screen changed again, and a piece of nonsense news was played. The cause was that someone squatted on a tree branch to defecate and made a cooing sound. When the firefighters went to rescue him, they found that he thought he was a human being. A pheasant.

Local news is just so entertaining.

"We don't know the progress of the war between the Constructors and the Transcendent Protoss for the time being. Their battle takes place at a higher level, and we don't even have the appropriate means of peeking." Gin touched his neck, then picked up the barrel and gave it to him. The two of them refilled their glasses.

She also let out a small sigh, because without intelligence, the action would be too dangerous.

"So I'm waiting for Doom to come out with the results." Su Ming patted her waist and motioned her not to fill it up so much: "He discovered a substance that has not been proven to exist, element zero. , he and I agreed that it was the 'afterbirth' of the multiverse and even the larger universe."

So during the next meal time, Su Ming explained to her in detail his origins with Substance Zero and Element Zero, and then talked about the curse of the number 7. Finally, he showed her what Doom had imagined. Yes, the structural shape of element zero.

In order to prevent Gin from being unable to understand what the cosmic afterbirth is, he also used light ring projection to demonstrate some images.

There was nothing in the dark void, but suddenly chaos squirmed, and then at a certain moment, the first firmament was born from the chaos.

The First Firmament created the Celestial Gods as toys, and then the Celestial Gods created planets one after another. These planets formed the universe, and the universe developed and prospered.

But with the passage of time and the loss of various concepts, the universe entered an inevitable increase in entropy and began to collapse. Everything in material existence was compressed into a small point, forming an egg-shaped structure.

Next, the demonstration was paused. Su Ming enlarged the small dot, which looked like an ink drop on black paper. He raised his finger and poked:

"This is the afterbirth, wrapped outside this drop of ink, you can't see it, but it somehow binds the universe into a sphere. When the next cycle begins and the second firmament is born, this afterbirth It will explode, and energy and matter will burst out from the singularity to form the real universe we can see. Every sky is different, but the afterbirth remains the same."

"But when the new sky exists, it will be like an adult who will not be wrapped in the afterbirth, so it cannot coexist with the natural material world we know today." Gin touched the head of the strangled bean sprouts with one hand, and with the other hand Holding a battle ax and cutting off the bear's head for it to eat: "That's why Doom wanted to borrow the Cosmic Cube to create the moment of alternation between different firmaments?"

Seeing her serious look, Su Ming nodded: "You're right, this is the experiment Doom and Casillas are going to conduct next. It is very dangerous, but once successful, many problems that were difficult to solve in the past will be solved. .”

The news broadcast on the TV has ended, and the next program is the weather forecast. It seems that the mountainous area where the villa is located will have a lot of rain tomorrow.

Su Ming likes rainy weather very much, especially the air in the mountains is very fresh, and the creeks will swell, and occasionally there will be waterfalls to see.

"I understand that you have a big plan." Gin stood up and cleaned up the remains on the dining table: "But the question is, is Doom really reliable? There is no written contract between you and him. What if he masters powerful power? "

"Don't worry about this. Doctor Doom may not have weaknesses in the past, but it's different now. He has a child and he has hope for the future. At the same time, he also understands that I have the ability to extinguish anyone's hope."

Deathstroke took out an after-dinner cigarette and lit it, poured the last bit of liquor in the barrel into Strangler's mouth, and wiped Douyao's mouth:

"A smarter person is often more realistic, so he will make the right choice."

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