The Death Knell

Chapter 3613 The troll appears

"What a filthy creature, no matter how many times you see them, it makes you sick."

Hela shook off the black stone spikes in her hand and jumped down from the belly of a huge corpse. She seemed to be in a bad mood and covered her nose with her hands.

Daisy and Gwen around her were in a similar situation. Not everyone was willing to stay at the TVA headquarters and spend their honeymoon with Deadpool. On the contrary, most people just went back to their homes after dinner.

Except for the refugees from the six parallel universes.

Before, it wasn't because there were too many people and there wasn't enough land to settle down, so they all lived in 'pigeon cage'-like houses in those parallel worlds. Now, because there are better living conditions in the spiers at the beginning of time, most of them are more willing to Stay there and play.

"First, the dark elves suddenly appeared at our door, and then right after killing them, before I could catch my breath, there was another monster like this." Daisy held up a hammer stained with green blood, lifted up a corner of her red cloak and covered her mouth. Nose, said in a disgusted voice: "What is it this time? Something living in the sewer? His self-healing ability is too strong."

Where they were now, on the street outside the apartment where Daisy and Caroline rented, there were corpses everywhere as far as the eye could see. The corpses of dark elves were pierced on Hela's black stone spikes like barbecue.

Before Hela had time to answer, Waiter Gwen raised her hand first to speak. She looked at the troll corpse lying on the ground with a wise look that saw through everything:

"This is a troll, an aboriginal race on the World Tree. Everyone, I already understand. First there are dark elves, and then there are trolls. If flame elemental creatures and winged birdmen appear next, then what we are facing now is " "War of Realms", it should be right, I have read the comics."

Although her tone was not particularly positive, her little face still had the look of a prophet who had seen through everything.

The Trolls are indeed one of the indigenous races of the World Tree, and Asgard was the territory that Baoer defrauded from their tribe after killing the leader of the Trolls.

This race was expelled to the underground life of Asgard. Later, Odin deceived them into helping to build the Golden Palace, and promised to give them gold after repairing it. However, until now, Odin has died, and the wages have not been paid.

The weakness of trolls is their love of money. They especially like to guard bridges or intersections and collect tolls from passing pedestrians. Although they have little use for gold, these creatures just like shiny things.

On the plus side, the trolls are also good at construction. In order to make money, they will also maintain their own bridges so that the toll business can flow smoothly.

However, if she thought about it carefully, Hela suddenly realized that she had not seen trolls in Asgard for an unknown amount of time. They seemed to have disappeared.

In the previous Ragnarok, it seemed that none of the trolls who were supposed to live underground in Asgard were seen?

Suddenly, she felt as if she had touched the edge of some huge conspiracy, as if someone had secretly moved the troll clan away in advance, and it was not Deathstroke's doing.

In addition, Hela still has a doubt. It is normal to say that she knows about the trolls, but why does Gwen Poole know? Even for a human, this girl is too young and should not have those experiences.

Seeing the goddess of the underworld looking at her with her big eyes, Gwen shrugged. She knew why the other party had questions, but she couldn't explain it in detail.

Could it be that you are all characters in comics, and I have read the entire story, but now the story has been changed to pieces by Deathstroke, so what I said may not be accurate?

"Anyway, the tenth realm of Havenheim, who was exiled by Odin that year, is definitely coming back. They have formed an alliance of bad guys, including the human traitor Eo Dario Agger of the Roxon Oil Company, and Surtur's Daughter 'Queen Cinder', Charming Witch Amora, King of Frost Giants Laufey"

She didn't know how to explain it, so all she could do was throw out everything she knew and let the knowledgeable Hela judge it.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Daisy.

The female Thor shook the mobile phone in her hand and asked Gwen to look at the results given by the search engine: "I don't know what Crossen Oil Company you are talking about, but you can't find it online at all, and as far as I know, Earth The oil resources in the world are basically mined by the Wilson Group, and Gin has really acquired many companies in the past."

The web page on the phone screen is the Wilson search engine that everyone uses. Daisy's app is a special version that can directly connect to the adjutant.

The search result is 'does not exist'.

When the adjutant says something doesn't exist, there is basically nothing wrong.

Before Gwen could make a face and stick out her tongue, Hela added: "The Frost Giants are now our allies. Deathstroke went to negotiate with the ancient god behind Laufey in Ragnarok. That goddess Obviously you like variety shows on Earth, so little girl, you’re not right either.”

"More than that, hello, sister, and my friends." A voice suddenly sounded, and Loki's figure walked out of the darkness. As her footsteps turned from virtual to solid, she wore a familiar evil smile. Said: "The witch Amora was 'handed' to Mephisto by me, and Mephisto doesn't dare to offend Deathstroke now, so she should not be among the coalition forces."

Hela glanced at Loki and also showed a dark smile:

"I thought you were going to run away."

"Actually, I have thought about it, but now you want me and Thor to sit next to my mother, and then eat with Deadpool?" Loki shook his head frivolously, and said as if he was about to roll his eyes: "It's better to avoid it. , thank you, I would rather come to the main dimension to face tens of thousands of dark elf assassins."

"Okay, girls and Loki who is suspected to be a girl." Waiter Gwen walked around covering her head and said with a bit of hysteria: "The development of the timeline has been changed beyond recognition by Deathstroke, I know , I'm just giving you some ideas, please focus, okay? The key lies in the tenth realm, those angels of Havenheim, and "

"It's really gone. Surtur doesn't have a daughter, at least not as far as I know." Hela interrupted the girl again. She dragged her black robe and walked to the rental house. She came out through the window just now. And there’s the little cake: “Where are you, Loki?”

During this time, she did nothing else. She either played video games or drank heavily. In her free time, she occasionally learned how to make cakes from Daisy, living as if she were retired.

"I haven't heard of it, but I think it's a bit possible. Surtur is a demon, a dimension lord, and a fire elemental creature." Loki followed his sister with his hands behind his back. She carefully walked around the corpses on the ground, and also He looked at the pony raised behind the yard: "If he really hid his daughter in the magma, none of us would know."

"Then contact Deathstroke, Daisy, tell him what we know and see what he says."

Hela jumped into the room from the window, bent down and touched the head of the Skomo dog stationed in the room, then slipped back to the front of the TV to continue her game.

When it happened, she was busy playing Rune Workshop. Farming in the game was much better than facing the dead and silent underworld of Helm.

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