The Death Knell

Chapter 3614 Chaos Magic

"Okay, I know everything you said, and I'm considering it. However, I still suggest that you don't stay in New York for the time being. You can even go to New Jersey or Washington DC."

Deathstroke was gouging out other people's eyes while chatting with Daisy on the communication through the adjutant's signal.


Daisy said something on the other side of the communication line. She seemed not to want to give up her small rented apartment.

"Why? Because that is New York. All the demons, monsters, aliens, time travelers, etc. from other dimensions are all targeting New York. It was not unreasonable for me to choose Long Island as the headquarters of Wilson Corporation. You don't even know that I have How many times have I looked at New York City from the office window with a glass of wine in hand, and watched how the skyscrapers in the city exploded and burned."


The female Thor seemed to say something again, but the voice was encrypted and transmitted to Strangled by the adjutant, and the communication between Strangled and the host was often silent.

"Loki sneaked out again? She really likes to seek death, but it's okay, since you, Hela, and Loki are together, ordinary enemies are not a concern at all. Listen more to Gwen's information. She'll know what to do."

Deathstroke smiled and nodded repeatedly. He turned the camera to show Daisy the situation here, which was equivalent to showing Gwen the other side of the video call:

"Now that the observers are dead, I am collecting clues and busy. Let's talk later."

The communication was hung up, and Lorna, who had nothing to do, came over and asked curiously: "New York has been invaded again?"

"Well, you don't need to think about it. In addition to a large number of dark elves, the female Thors also encountered trolls just now." Su Ming touched his chin. Although there may be something wrong with Gwen's inference, she is just an ordinary person after all. A middle school girl who is a bit neurotic and relies too much on her memories before time travel.

But speaking of it, it is normal for Havenheim to launch a counterattack against the Nine Realms after Odin died. The people of Havenheim, who are called angels, all look like human beings on the outside, but in fact they are like It's the space goblins, they've been holding their breath since they were banished.

"New York is not important. Just destroy it. It can be rebuilt anyway." Polaris looked at the sister over there casting spells on the potatoes, and then watched the potatoes turn into eyeballs: "But now we know how these observers died. Is it done?"

Su Ming threw away the empty shell of the eyeball in his hand and watched it shatter into pieces on the ice and snow, turning into a puddle of ice:

"I know, but I don't fully know."

After speaking, he asked his adjutant to project some of the images read by Strangler.

It was a group of big-headed dolls having a meeting here. There were quite a lot of people, it was a little chaotic, but these people were orderly in the chaos.

They were debating an issue about whether to help humans deal with powerful enemies. It was normal at first, but before the results of the meeting came out, the ice and snow world in their memories suddenly disappeared.

It literally disappeared, because all that was left in front of the man's eyes was darkness.

So far, no observer has seen the appearance of the murderer, and no one has organized a decent resistance. They are slaughtered in batches like the broiler chickens on Colonel Sanders's assembly line.

At this time, I must have recovered hundreds of eyeballs. They fell in different places and had different perspectives, but the ending for all of them was like a stingy stage manager giving rice cake boxes to extras - it was exactly the same.

"Do you think this is Sithorn's attack?" Wanda also walked over, her red hair still stained with snowflakes, and the hot breath she breathed quickly condensed into mist in the air.

"To be honest, it doesn't look like it. Although Sithorn also often uses dark power, his most advantageous item is the power of chaos. Moreover, he is one of the four oldest gods. It is not rare for him to launch sneak attacks behind a group of juniors."

Su Ming shook his head. It was because he didn't have the familiar style of Sithorn or the Beholder that he felt strange:

"If he really did it, there will be very obvious traces of energy usage here, and if he makes trouble, he will write something on it."

Wanda moved her neck, watching Strangler continue to eat other people's eyeballs, and then said:

"So what you are thinking now is the same as what I am thinking? Could it be..."

"You want to ask if it is a 'beast'? Or are you more familiar with the name Heikong?"

Su Ming really felt that this wretched sneak attack style was very similar to that of the old coin. Shadow magic could indeed achieve the same effect as turning off the lights. At the same time, it also had another feature. When Su Ming arrived, all the observers looked like " They died in a "throwing" posture, that is, face down, indicating that they were attacked from behind at the same time.

The possibility of it being done by an animal is very high, but there is only one problem:

"But I got a beast bone not long ago, and I threw it into a volcano in another world. Logically speaking, it has no body to cling to, and the demon soul cannot leave the hell dimension."

"Unless someone lends him a new powerful container, a very powerful one." Wanda stretched out her little hand, separated her fingers and pinched it out of thin air, and she used the ice and snow on the side to shape a human body: "It's like In this way, chaos magic can be done."

Although the flesh and blood body Wanda pinched was frozen into pieces by low temperature almost instantly, she did prove something.

Chaos magic cannot create souls, but when it comes to creating a soulless body to use as a container, Sithorne is simply not very good at this.

"Well said, Wanda, you have learned to answer questions, let's go, there is no need to look at the other corpses, they are meaningless." Su Ming waved, wrapped Lorna's cloak and flew over, carrying him and the witch. : "Let's find something that can resist Chaos Magic now, Adjutant, activate backup plan P-3."

"The power to counter Chaos Magic? And what is Plan P?" Polaris tilted her head, feeling that there were more and more things she didn't understand.

Wanda was thoughtful, but unfortunately, the Scarlet Witch was not particularly good at reasoning or thinking, and not every mage could be a detective.

"The effect of chaos magic is mainly reflected in the aspect of 'making something out of nothing'. It uses thoughts to create or distort certain rules to realize wishes. So to counter its effect, we need something that can turn 'something' into 'nothing' .”

Deathstroke crushed the hot cocoa paper cup in his hand, put the waste paper back into his pocket and hid it, and explained:

"As for the Project P series, it is actually the English abbreviation of 'Package'. I will take you to see one of my collections."


Wanda was a little curious. She did not choose to teleport this time, but relied on the flight of her cloak. She leaned against Deathstroke as if to keep warm.

But who knew that Su Ming spread his hands and replied with an innocent expression:

"I don't know. I just know that I kept that thing in my own universe. I didn't want to get it in the past, so I have to look for it now."

"Actually, those are other people's things. You want to 'borrow' them, right?" Scarlet Witch saw through the truth. She glanced at her sister, but Polaris still had a silly smile on her face, as if she didn't care how things turned out.

Deathstroke tilted his head and thought for a while, looking at the void beyond the ice and snow with one eye:

"Actually, I personally prefer to use the word 'retrieve', but it's not wrong if you say that."

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